Lava Dome Five

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  • Re: Macroesque Java Applets

    I&#39;ve said so before: I dig. It occurred to me that it might be cool to use Java to orchestrate one of those &quot;choose your own adventure&quot; thingies, rather than the bland, waitforittoload HTML -style of doing it, it could be made more interactive, with buttons, and a dialog box that records what the last few steps a player takes (like ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 09-10-2007
  • Re: Pay to play online games

    Steady cashflow = better advertising, support, and userbase. To provide an integrated sense of reality that supports thousands or millions of people all at once, and in real time, requires lots of quality assurance, updates, and most of all, good servers in good locations that can be paid for to run more-or-less nonstop at high speeds, for ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 09-10-2007
  • Re: A playful dragon

    I&#39;m amused. &nbsp;Quite a nice sequence really, but could I suggest a few things? If there&#39;s a way to turn the specularity (shininess) on the dragon down a little bit, then I&#39;d say do it, I mean, the sky&#39;s cloudy anyway, so perhaps not enough light to do that. Next -- if you have an image-editing program that you could use ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Patch on 09-08-2007
  • Re: host...

    Go &quot;Home&quot; then look underneath the &quot;Elder Dome Divisions&quot;-box, to see the LD5 symbol with a stompy dino-foot infrontof it. That&#39;d be your Faibanx info.
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Patch on 08-14-2007
  • Re: Raptor's Feet & Sickle Toe

    I&#39;m gunna guess that it was really the pun that actually won you over, Dino. ^^
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 08-12-2007
  • Re: Raptor's Feet & Sickle Toe

    Although plantigrade paws (when done right) are very often just as appealing in the throes of... well, you know... Digitigrade paws tend to have more value just on-face (pun intended) because they naturally have more poise and tension, and are also less reminiscent of straight-up primate peds, which, I think most of us can agree, are ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 08-12-2007
  • Re: lavadome five drawing

    If you&#39;re running XP, ESC, it&#39;ll be in under C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32&nbsp;
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 08-10-2007
  • Re: Internet Finds (scaly, furry, macro, paws, ... )

    I&#39;m surprised that no one&#39;s thrown these yet.; (above: careful, some toony watersports going on... not offensive stuff, but you might get a couple of &quot;what the hell&quot;s if you&#39;re in your cubicle watching it, it&#39;s also quite long, so if you&#39;re ...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 08-07-2007
  • Re: Margaritaville

    *chalks Karo up a few points for the original pun* &nbsp;Now, if I can just keep myself from trying OCD-edly to find the differences between the figure in the first pic, and the one in the second, I might be able to say something worthwhile. The expression on Karo&#39;s face is probably the most engaging part of the pic (contrary to what ...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Patch on 07-31-2007
  • Re: No Ordinary Roo

    *does a little research to what Karo&#39;s actually referring to, then decides he prefers Karo&#39;s take on things.*It looks like the perspective&#39;s a little off with the thighs, but I know that&#39;s not supposed to be the point. If it were me, I&#39;d probably just crop it. And also, the radiation buckle on the hat is a nice touch.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Patch on 07-17-2007
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