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  • Update on Giant Spino!

    I'm back, no idea if someone missed me. *g* Here are some new stop pictures by me I uploaded to FA until now. Sorry... Crushed underfoot 1 Crushed underfoot 2 Big Dragon Drag answers to your prayers Big Claws Bloody Dawn Little snack Insect-Plague Giant Gino-Monster Infernal victim Keep on smile...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 03-25-2008
  • A kinky sketch: macro scalie urination / defecation

    Well on popular demand (really! ) and because it is something I like which is totally under-represented, I doodled this one. If you dont like macros using buildings as toilets, dont look. Thank you. I drew that quite a while ago already...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 11-26-2007
  • The imagination of a heated dragon rampage (Faibanx square log extract)

    Save yourself reading something you didn't want to read, what you will find below includes: A huge dragon, growth in plenty, destruction of buildings, focus on the dragons' phallus, figures of speech, and POV descriptions from a human of what's happening (as well as a mostly external-observer...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Pentalis on 11-26-2007
  • another macro anthrocon sketch ('full hotel', really sketchy)

    Another thing I did at the recent anthrocon (and the last, so dont worry). I wanted to doodle Tyrnn, who made my stay at the con possible at all, and always (at least until then) needing some dumb joke as excuse to doodle something... Well we were staying at the Omni. I heard we would have stayed at...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 11-22-2007
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