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  • Faibanx Town Square comics - Episode 11: Suck it!

    Yeah, I finally got off my lazy butt some and actually made a new episode of the Faibanx town square comics . After, a year or so? This is one of the ideas I had for a comic for quite a long while, and finally found two Faibanxers you may know that were willing to pose for it. (I wont tell who until...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 02-08-2008
  • Christmas 2007 tree / map

    Well it soon is christmas time again, and as every year we will have a tree at the town square. (Plus maybe something funky Dino comes up with like in 2005). So, pondering how this year's christmas tree will look, I thought I'll just ask you. So anyone who is bothering or interested (which I...
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Blue on 11-22-2007
  • Re: Unable to connect...

    Eek, sorry Odarious. We just only recently recalled what a nice plushie you can be when the topic came up... : / Unless the computer you use blocks the MUCK port you try to use (standard 8888) or you changed the 'worlds' infos in your MUCK client or simply remember your password wrong, I have...
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Blue on 11-12-2007
  • Re: Role playing?

    Well, if you listen to Blue, then yes, it is rocket science. :) However, all you do is find a good telnet chat program (like BeipMU), E-mail for a character, and you type: "Hi there! I'm chatting! or: : says that he likes slippers. ...and that's about all the commands...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Dinosorceror on 08-19-2007
  • What is a MUCK?

    Since a lot of folks that never used one have no idea what a MUCK is at all, I'll try to sum it up. A MUCK is basically a text-based world, in which players interact in form of some character they create. The character can then walk around in the world, look at stuff, examine things, and most of...
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Blue on 08-18-2007
  • Faibanx MUCK how-to: Commands, Introduction and Whereabouts

    Ok, Ok, I'll keep adding stuff here, so... dont worry, that isnt all. Now where to begin? Ah, the Airport. Good. Now Faibanx MUCK is a MUCK ( What is a MUCK? ), and a furry one too! It has lots of furries and scalies, especially scalies!, and other fantastic creatures, of all shapes and sizes, and...
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Blue on 08-17-2007
  • Re: Role playing?

    Well, people here usually roleplay on Faibanx MUCK. That's, along with open-minded conversation, what it's there for.
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Blue on 08-17-2007
  • Re: Aleihr's Profile

    There is no full name info field. There is no occupation info field. There is no age info field. There is no hair or eyes or weight or build info field. It is a MUCK, not a chatroom or instant messenger. You either put that in your character's description or 'pinfo' somehwere, or you dont...
    Posted to Faibanx MUCK (Forum) by Blue on 06-19-2007
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