
Lava Dome Five

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  • Rocky - Puppy in the Paws

    Hiya, everyone - RipRoarRex here, finally getting off my backside and finishing some more of my request list! Lol! This was done as a request for Wolf AKA lkjhlkjh on FA who wanted to see a nervous naked furry getting a pawrub from Rocky, so Mike seemed to fit the bill perfectly! I struggled to find...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 03-30-2008
  • Blue POV carstomp

    Well this is something that I, yes, did for Dino. And send him. With love. I mean, sweets. But I thought of Uraja, I promise. It is an in-joke that at least Uraja will get, and... well the Scion B (or was it Sx for 'sux' ?) really looked like it could use some thorough use of giant dino sole...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 03-13-2008
  • Gizmo and friends

    Characters copyright their respective players.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Gizmo on 03-02-2008
  • Tydo Turtle Trouble

    Greetings, everyone! RipRoarRex returns bearing many images of wonder! Lol! Though I know opinion is divided on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, their paws have always been some of my favourites. I was in a major TMNT-foot mood back in November last year and started this 2 picture series, but only recently...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 02-19-2008
  • Stuff from That Last Con That Happened

    Hey ho, everybody! For those of you who ain't on the LD5 mailing list, here's some pictures that Blue sent me from That Last Con That HappenedTM in California. One's from Blue, one's from Karo and one is from Kyroraz. I know I'm a bitter old bastard who never goes anywhere or does...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Dinosorceror on 02-13-2008
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