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  • King Koopa's New Throne

    Hi again, everyone, RipRoarRex back with something for the scaly fans. " Are you a scaly monarch? Do your hot feet need daily worship? Got troublesome slaves who won't do what they're told? Then look no further than the Footslave 5000 - the throne with footslave supplied! No worries about...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 11-16-2007
  • Bow Down to Your King

    Hi everyone! RipRoarRex here. Even though I've just started back at university, I still found time to squeeze out this little bit of artwork for you. For some reason in the last couple of days, my mind has been drifting to my very first foot-love: King Koopa. As far as I can remember, it was watching...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 10-02-2007
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