
Lava Dome Five

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  • Rocky & Cassie - Just Too Good [yiffy]

    Hello again everyone, RipRoarRex with more art, and this time it's yiffy. You have been warned. Lol! I'd seen some more yiffy pictures around FA recently and they got me in the mood to get Rocky and Cassie together - something I actually haven't done in a year or so. Might seem a little bit...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 02-19-2008
  • Cassie Tease (Back)

    Howdy, LD5ers! Long time no see (or at least it certainly feels that way... Lol!) RipRoarRex is back for the new year with a couple of things to share with you. This is the first of two. The first might seem somewhat out of keeping with the stuff I've usually posted but I don't see the harm in...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 01-10-2008
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