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  • Having right of way

    Sometimes even a single pedestrian may pose a danger for cars. KLICK ME!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 04-08-2008
  • Update on Giant Spino!

    I'm back, no idea if someone missed me. *g* Here are some new stop pictures by me I uploaded to FA until now. Sorry... Crushed underfoot 1 Crushed underfoot 2 Big Dragon Drag answers to your prayers Big Claws Bloody Dawn Little snack Insect-Plague Giant Gino-Monster Infernal victim Keep on smile...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 03-25-2008
  • Foot visiting the town

    Racing a giant Spinosaur also could be nice... especially if you needn`t show consideration for anything. KLICK ME!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 09-15-2007
  • A playful dragon

    Well, here`s a little comic done by me and Talon (Pics by Spino & Story by Talon) WARNING! pic size 1600*3000 KLICK ME!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 08-21-2007
  • Foot problems

    Don`t know exactly. I think it`s because I`m stepping up too hard when stomping a human. I`m doing it too often. Foot problems
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 08-15-2007
  • Fresh human

    Just to let you all know: I`m not really into vore, this is just a fun pic. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, and today's special: fresh human *g* Fresh human
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 08-12-2007
  • De-feeted

    Nothing special this time, just a little bit for enjoyment. Are all dragoncubs that polite? Well, I`d like to know the father and mother of this cub. The human is green, I know. Seems that dragon has some smelly feet. Little Dragon 1 Little Dragon 2
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 08-09-2007
  • Giant Demon

    I didn`t publish this one before. It`s somewhat older already, if anyone likes to give a comment, feel free doing so. Giant Demon
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 08-05-2007
  • For my pal Talon

    Here, my little friend. I caught you doing what you enjoy most during your private time. Not that it`s bugging me. Go on, it should be like that. Help me squishing all humans. *g* PARTY TIME
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 08-04-2007
  • Feeding Time

    Do I look like your daddy, or what? Do raptors have to be fed? Well, not everyone can feed them... I can! *g* made with (DAZ Studio) KLICK!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-17-2007
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