
Lava Dome Five

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  • Feeding Time

    Do I look like your daddy, or what? Do raptors have to be fed? Well, not everyone can feed them... I can! *g* made with (DAZ Studio) KLICK!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-17-2007
  • Stomp Plateau

    So, here is something new from your Spino, I hope you like it. What should I say about it? Somehow this dude is flat. ^^ Haven fun while viewing. Crush all Humans. *g* http://spino2006...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 07-05-2007
  • Spinozilla!

    Sorry, but I didn't find a thread where I introduce myself, therefore I put it in here and simultaneously I put some nice pictures in *g* . HI @all! My name is Spino and I'm a Spinosaurus from Germany and love Dinosaurs, especially the Spinosaurus ^^. My interests are 3D modelling, but until...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Spino on 06-20-2007
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