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  • The Workout

    The Workout A story By : Christopher Thomas Cimafranca & Woulfe Carl looked in the mirror at himself "Not bad, not bad at all" the years of working out had done wonders to his body. He flexed his huge mucles bulged. He was one big tiger, even moreso with the massive mucles he now sported...
    Posted to Titanic Texts (Forum) by Woulfe on 01-10-2008
  • An anthrocon sketch - finally (macro me)

    Well I finally got to scan the sketchiness from anthrocon. ( Thanks again Drangu! ) This is a sketch I did when I felt like doing something macro, sadly I cannot draw organic things still, and no, it is not gonna get any better if I continue on it so it will never become more than a sketch. Cruel life...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 10-27-2007
  • Rexar - Turbulence

    Hello again, everyone! RipRoarRex back once again with another new pic. And this time, it's a big one. (As if they weren't always 'big'. Lol!) Well I'm well and truly bogged down with requests and I'll soon be well and truly bogged down with university work, but in the meantime...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 09-20-2007
  • Re: Big black buff dragon on a small globe

    Well, I didnt get it to be in a nice and working format that has it play at its supposed speed and is any smaller, though... I guess you will have to download it. But I finally finished it and here it is. Thanks a lot for inspiring me to this silliness SC.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 07-19-2007
  • Big black buff dragon on a small globe

    Inspired by a funny idea I had recently on Faibanx, I started something... It was actually meant to be a very lol-y animation, and it will be it, but since I think I wont be able to finish it before heading out to Anthrocon... Hope you are having a comfortable seat there. And that its not a bad surprise...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 07-03-2007
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