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Well it soon is christmas time again, and as every year we will have a tree at the town square. (Plus maybe something funky Dino comes up with like in 2005). So, pondering how this year's christmas tree will look, I thought I'll just ask you. So anyone who is bothering or interested (which I...
Please, for the love of the Great Egg, yes, please give Blue something to do! :) Ever since I told him he had futzed enough with the new LD5 website and forums and whatnot, he's dying to continue tinkering with something. :)
OK, here we are with the new forum, so if anybody likes to put up any complains or suggestions or comments on the map, or even found some glitch on it or unproperly mapped thing or would like something changed or discuss anything, he can do here now. the old thread in the old forum http://download.lavadomefive...
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