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  • Re: Big black buff dragon on a small globe

    Well, I didnt get it to be in a nice and working format that has it play at its supposed speed and is any smaller, though... I guess you will have to download it. But I finally finished it and here it is. Thanks a lot for inspiring me to this silliness SC.
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 07-19-2007
  • Big black buff dragon on a small globe

    Inspired by a funny idea I had recently on Faibanx, I started something... It was actually meant to be a very lol-y animation, and it will be it, but since I think I wont be able to finish it before heading out to Anthrocon... Hope you are having a comfortable seat there. And that its not a bad surprise...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 07-03-2007
  • Further Devotion

    Here's my sequel to Final Devotion...yeah, see, the last one was "Final",'s like "Final" Fantasy...yeah, okay, you get it. This one I tried to make a clever twist in. Watch how bad I did!
    Posted to Macro Stories (FileGallery) by Dinosorceror on 06-11-2007
  • Final Devotion

    Here's a little story I wrote to try to get my own rocks off. I found out that's a lot harder than it seems. Involves a giant god dragon destroying the world. Hey, look for the sequel! :) No, seriously...
    Posted to Macro Stories (FileGallery) by Dinosorceror on 06-11-2007
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