
Lava Dome Five

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  • Rexar 3-in-1 Stomp Animation: car-crushin' fun!

    --EDIT 01/07/07 -- THERE IS NOW AN .AVI VERSION AVAILABLE (4.89MB as compressed zipfile) WHICH CAN BE DOWNLOADED HERE Hello there, LD5 community! RipRoarRex here, finally able to bring you my first animated feature after what feels like an eternity of waiting! This animation was made to satisfy three...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 06-28-2007
  • LD5 Artist Gallery updated!

    Yeah, I know, it's been almost two months since the last update and it's way overdue,'s done now. :) Almost 90 new pictures and two new artists, including the recent stuff from Spinozilla. Enjoy!
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Dinosorceror on 06-22-2007
  • Rexar welcomes everyone to new LD5

    Hello there, people of the new and improved LD5 community! RipRoarRex here. I should imagine a lot of you have already seen what I'm about to post, judging by the first place you might have spotted it(!), but I was asked to do something rather interesting by Blue a couple of days ago: [quote user...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 06-18-2007
  • Back to basics -- how many have seen Dinosaucers?

    Well, since we're starting the LD5 website and forums anew, how about for giggles we have a poll as to if/how you've seen the old cartoon show Dinosaucers that inspired this site 13 years ago? [poll] I suppose that I should also mention that today, June 16th, is Fern Day. All violence is forbidden...
    Posted to Dinosaucers (Forum) by Dinosorceror on 06-16-2007
  • Further Devotion

    Here's my sequel to Final Devotion...yeah, see, the last one was "Final",'s like "Final" Fantasy...yeah, okay, you get it. This one I tried to make a clever twist in. Watch how bad I did!
    Posted to Macro Stories (FileGallery) by Dinosorceror on 06-11-2007
  • Final Devotion

    Here's a little story I wrote to try to get my own rocks off. I found out that's a lot harder than it seems. Involves a giant god dragon destroying the world. Hey, look for the sequel! :) No, seriously...
    Posted to Macro Stories (FileGallery) by Dinosorceror on 06-11-2007
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