
Lava Dome Five

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  • Skyra's Peak

    Howdy, fellow domers! RipRoarRex rounding off January 2008 with one more piece of art. I've drawn a lot of my own characters in the past and up to now I've gotten round to drawing nearly all of them for the community. There is however one who predates even Rocky and Marco that I haven't yet...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by RipRoarRex on 01-30-2008
  • Re: Internet Finds (scaly, furry, macro, paws, ... )

    I'm surprised that no one's thrown these yet. (above: careful , some toony watersports going on... not offensive stuff, but you might get a couple of "what the hell"s if you're in your cubicle watching it, it's also quite...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 08-07-2007
  • Re: Internet Finds (scaly, furry, macro, paws, ... )

    I was nostalgia-tripping tonight and I came across these macro-related pieces on the known-by-all (and all know ing Youtube. This first one has vore and some snuff (cartoon, don't worry) and is to this music-video of a parody of a Cake -song. The other music...
    Posted to General Discussion (Forum) by Patch on 06-29-2007
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