
Lava Dome Five

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  • A kinky sketch: macro scalie urination / defecation

    Well on popular demand (really! ) and because it is something I like which is totally under-represented, I doodled this one. If you dont like macros using buildings as toilets, dont look. Thank you. I drew that quite a while ago already...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 11-26-2007
  • Little anthrocon sketch

    Well, here's a little sketch I did at the recent anthrocon, while busily and happily chatting with a certain nice roo I totally surprisingly had met there, and we doodled a little. It contains watersports though, so just like with vore or trampling little ones, dont look if you dont like that. http...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Blue on 07-25-2007
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