
Lava Dome Five

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  • Kalena Doodle 4

    And Number four, a good slipper squish [a better one will probly be drawn at sometime].
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-31-2007
  • Kalena Doodle 3

    Look! Slippers, she's sleepy wanna cum to bed with her? hee hee
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-31-2007
  • Kalena Doodle 2

    I'm very much a country fan and one of my fav's is Trace Adkins Honkeytonk Badonka donk. thus why I draw Kalena like this. now seriously because I know some out there just have to be an asshat, if you can't accept that someone has different music and clothing tastes, and can't comment...
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-31-2007
  • Kalena Doodle 1

    Okay I'm working on a series of doodles of my wolfess, Kalena. I've given her an entirely new color sceme while keeping her primary color of Blue. This is set to be her permenant color sceme. These are just doodles done on notebook paper at work
    Posted to Giga-Graphics (Forum) by Karo on 07-31-2007
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