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 Post subject: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:22 am 
User avatar
Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
Well, I thought I'd start a topic I told Blue and Dino I'd post. I'm not using it as blackmail (though I doubt it'd do much good anyways) in any way. *chuckles* But those of you who are on the Muck (or even not sometimes) know how Blue and Dino can act when they're trying to get something done. Much like a wife and husband having a fight. Anyways, since I actually was brave enough to catch them in the wild, I thought I'd post a bit of all the hell that they went through together to bring this site to you guys, just so some of you may have more (or less) respect for them. *snickers* The following is direct film-captured footage of the Blue and Dino in the wild, interacting. Note that I edited a bit of conversation that went on at points during this so I wasn't JUST idling around listening to them:

Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, I've copied the folder, and edited each of the .cfg files to be new and fresh."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So let's see if it shows up."
Kearin says, "Heya Odari and Yaki."
Yakitate rubs Odar and waves to Kearin. "Hey thar."
Zilla waves hello to people
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, so now bluedome shows up."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So lemme 'install' it and see what explodes."
Yakitate also shows what it would be like if Futurama were real: http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/8825 ... rgeho7.jpg
Odarious murrhs, and wavies to everyone but zilla. ]>:8)
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, that seems to have worked."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "But now, I wonder."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "When I 'install' it...hrm."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Lemme try 'deleting' it now."
Yakitate ohs and lets Kearin know that due to the curve on the exam (which seems to be at least 8 points) that he made an 88 on his exam and is satisfied with that.
Zilla obeys hypnotoad.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, I'm wagering that the files are only stored in one place."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Deleting it just takes it offline, basically."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So there, now you have a copy of the current style to twiddle with, Blue."
Dinosorceror notes he changed the copyright of the style to Blue and Speck, 2008
Yakitate is lost... but then again what's new.
Blue says, "Where?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Did you have Talon step on my candy, Blue? :)"
Odarious hugs Yaki. "Good Job!"
Blue shakes head.
Blue says, "I never met Talon irl."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So just a sec, Blue, I'll give you FTP access to the exact folder that style stuff is in."
Yakitate nuzzles Odar. "Thanks."
Blue says, "And... the smilies. Its a matter of preference, but I'll need to know. It ALWAYS lets you either type or insert it, but the questuion is if the things you usually type as smilies shall be converted into something the forum thinks appropriate or if you have to explicitely insert one or type like [:)] to get a graphical one."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Blue, are you on crack? :) Didn't I just answer that?"
Blue says, "No."
Odarious smiles, and scritches Yaki's chest. "No problemo."
Blue says, "You said, "O when I did this it did that.""
Blue says, "That's not an answer."
Yakitate ho-hums.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Blue. Listen. Smilies are converted to graphics automatically. There is your answer. Next question?"
Blue says, "That's still no answer."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Now, I have FTP access to the style files, but I'm serious, get a real FTP client or I'll start smacking you more than I usually do."
Odarious blinks.
Odarious is lost in the conversation at hand...
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I guess I don't understand your question, then."
Blue says, "Smilies are converted because the text field of what the smilie is equivalent too is no " :) OR :-) " for :) and so on."
Zilla is trying to think of some more old married couple jokes to use on dino and blue that he hasnt already used on them.
Blue says, "Which means, if you type :) (or click the smilie for that), it becomes that smilie."
Talon says, "Stan and Laurel?"
Blue says, "In the current forum, the same smilie is equivalent to [:)]."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Yeah, and?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "You're actually saying you want the shortcuts from the old forum to also work in this one?"
Blue says, "So :) will not be converted to the image, but [:)]-"
Odarious laughs.
Yakitate has an idea as to what's going on. "Blue's sending a message to Dino but the message sent is not the message being received. Therefore that is the definition of bad communication."
Blue says, "So :) will not be converted to the image, but [:)] will."
Odarious says, "It's the forums."
Odarious says, "about the smielys."
Blue says, "Which allows people to type text smilies."
Blue says, " Like :)>"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Oh, I don't know. Do I look like I wrote the software?"
You say, "He wants to use brackets to distinguish pure text-typed smileys from ones that will be animated/graphically enhanced. Like turning off the coding to turn text into smileys."
Blue says, "Which the current one will likely make int (image)>"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Why don't you go figure it out? ;)"
Talon says, "But if :) is transformed to [:)] and we wanna have :D instead, would the [:)] icon become :(?"
Blue gahs!!!!
Blue says, "Its a fucking option damn!"
Odarious says, "Blue wants :) and :-) to equal :) <--- the forum style smiely."
Blue says, "Its chosable."
Blue says, "Customisable."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, and?"
Blue says, "Its what you LIKE it to be."
Dinosorceror laughs out loud!
Blue wills use [:)] then.
You say, "I think we're getting somewhere."
Blue Because I like it better and Dino doesnt understand anyway. :)
Dinosorceror squeaks, "All I know is I understand the question as 'Hey, Dino! There's an option set in the forum that you like. Is that okay?'"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Hey, Blue."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "If I like it..."
Odarious facedesks, and hands out divorce papers.
Yakitate chuckles.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "...guess what the goddamned answer is. :)"
You say, "49?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Oh, how I love the Americas."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Anyway, what you SHOULD be wasting time on is seeing if smilies are part of styles or not."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I'm guessing not, but might want to be sure."
Blue says, "No, they are not."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So, are you ready for me to give you the FTP access to the 'bluedome' style folder?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Hmmmmmmmm?"
Yakitate chuckles: http://gonintendo.com/?p=39438 "I don't know about you guys, but I read that as E. Coli's save the forest. I don't want to know what that game's about."
Blue says, "As, as we just are at reading and weird conclusions, you could have learned by me not having found any style options but obviously having the power to change smilies."
Odarious says, "Lol"
Dinosorceror laughs at Yaki.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Oh, and keep in mind, backups run at 2am Alaska time every day, Blue, in case I gotta restore something."
Blue says, "So, since you love it that way, can you make up the ascii equivalent for the smilies of the current forum that are not in the new one?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "But I don't bother swapping tapes, so I can only go back a day."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "How does my loving way involve any work?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Why not just pull out some new shortcuts out of your ass?"
Blue says, "Well, currently, many are [46] or such."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Yeah, and therefore are sucky."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "And pretty stupid, like that forum software in general."
Blue says, "That isnt muchly consisten with the others being :), :(, ;D, and so on..."
Blue coughs.
Blue says, "I inserted those smilies."
Odarious goes home.
Odarious has left.
Blue says, "They did NOT come with the stupid software."
Zilla goes home.
Zilla has left.
Yakitate can't help but laugh.
Blue says, "I spent several days to get them in there, in the right order, becasue the standard ones were indeed sucky."
You page, "Want me to page you too when it's all over?" to Zilla.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I mean, Blue...seriously."
Blue says, "Yeah yeah."
Blue says, "Noone but me will care."
You say, "I'll be sure and show this to everyone else when the new forum opens up just so they know how hard you two worked to get it all put together. XD"
Zilla from afar says, "I need to head off soon anyways, its ok" to you.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Are you telling me that *I* have to be the one to come up with the fact that *clawstomp* or something should be the shortcut for the stomping claw?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Do I come off to you as being a micromanager? .....wait."
Blue says, "Which, in your world, is equivalent to "I dont care." :)"
Odarious from afar says, "My poor loggs...." to you.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, so I *am* a micro...manager, but that doesn't mean I micromanage."
Talon says, "You maximize damage, right?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "You can use whatever shortcuts for smilies your little heart desires."
Blue says, "So I oracle-read that you want the standard two or three smilies to become iamges automatically. And the rest doesnt bother as noone tries to ascii rooling eyes anyway."
Blue ahs.
Blue is too slow again.
Dinosorceror pats a Blue toetip.
Blue purrs.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So is today smilies day? Should I forget about the styles?"
Blue notes they allow several shortcuts for the same smilie even, so...
Blue says, "Nuuuu!"
Blue says, "Smilies is... I got an hour and am in the mood, I'll do it and then realizs it took a half a day."
Blue says, "That's smilies."
Blue says, "Style is: We have to work hard on it and start now."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Do you have an FTP client yet?"
Blue says, "Sure."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "There's a good liar. So lemme whisper the FTP access to the style folder."
Blue is all earholes.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "That will put you in the styles folder for bluedome."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So now you can start customizing it and breaking stuff in a safe manner."
Blue says, "I'll have to dig around in that and hope the configs are plain text."
Blue says, "And where will I see the results?"
Blue says, "The real forum?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "They sure are, one .cfg file for every subfolder...and..."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Of course, Blue. If you were paying attention earlier..."
Blue stomps Dinosorceror! Dinosorceror caught 4 kruft!
Blue says, "As if YOU were ever paying attention to anything but claws."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Let's hold hands and pull up the Styles tab of the admin control panel."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "See how there's a bluedome entry now?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Right now, it's not 'installed'."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "This MAY mean that installing it copies it from the style folder (that you have FTP access to) to somewhere real, not sure."
Blue says, "No, where?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "In any case, in order to see change you make, you may need to delete the style (don't worry, it doesn't delete files) and re-'install' it."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Administration Control Panel. STYLES top tab."
Talon has to go again. "See ya... or hear ya, I should say."
Blue says, "Aha."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Under uninstalled styles, you'll see bluedome and subsilver2."
Talon has disconnected.
Blue says, "That's what I guessed."
Blue says, "I dont HAVE a styled tab."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "What tabs do you have?"
Blue says, "General, Forums, Posting, Users and Groups, Permissions, Maintainance, System."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Wow, sucks to be you, then. Wonder why."
Blue says, "Because, I guess, even if it seems so, we do not have the same rank inside it."
Blue says, "For I rank of like sexy dragon rump and you rank of toes."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "But that blows my mind...why limit you from futzing with Styles, if you can do Maint and System stuff?"
Blue says, "No idea."
Blue says, "Perhaps becaus the latter is locked, and needed while the forum is running."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, hold on..."
Blue says, "Er, logged."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I'm looking at Administrative permissions now."
Blue nodnods.
Blue says, "And once again, life tried to play a trick on Blueraptor and Dinoboy."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Yep, the Administrators group cannot manage styles."
Blue says, "Ah."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, I think I've added the ability to manage styles for you."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Wow, that's some sweet granular permissioning in this forum. Well, what do I expect, it IS the best forum software around."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "so, see the Styles tab now?"
Blue says, "Lemme check"
Blue says, "Yeah!"
Blue toehugs Dinosorceror!
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So now, did you pay attention to what I told you 2 times already?"
Blue says, "Er... "
Blue O:)
Blue says, "You can use ctrl-ArrowUp. :)"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Christ, I might as well just use scrollback."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Let's hold hands and pull up the Styles tab of the admin control panel."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "See how there's a bluedome entry now?"
Blue says, "Yeah!"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Right now, it's not 'installed'."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "This MAY mean that installing it copies it from the style folder (that you have FTP access to) to somewhere real, not sure."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "In any case, in order to see change you make, you may need to delete the style (don't worry, it doesn't delete files) and re-'install' it."
Blue says, "I see it not as not installed."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Yep."
Blue says, "But if you say it isnt, I assume so."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "What's it listed under, Blue?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Uninstalled styles."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "What does that mean, Blue?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "It means it's NOT INSTALLED!"
Dinosorceror smacks Blue like on Crackton.
Blue says, "oh, style."
Blue says, "Hehe."
Blue says, "I was under templates. O:)"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "But you do bring up a good point."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "It looks like you'll have to delete each of the three sub-sections, or at least refresh them, after modifications."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So be aware of that."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Be aware of the cat's needs."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "And I recommend you keep your own history/backup of that FTP folder I gave you access to."
Blue will give the cat all a Maslovian needs pyramid has to offer.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Now go. Work. Be productive."
Blue says, "Ok, so WHICH one shall I change?"
Blue says, "bluebla, right?"
Blue says, "But it says Silverbla is the default, and it is the only one selectable as default."
Dinosorceror sighs.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Blue."
Blue says, "General: Board Setting:"
Blue says, "Deafault Style: prosilver [V]"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Don't worry about that until you have the style all made."
Blue cannot make something he doesnt see?
Dinosorceror squeaks, "We'll handle that...or...*I'll* handle that...when it's done. :)"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "You can see it just fine, GEEZ! :)"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Go back to the damn Styles tab! Keep your eyes on the friggin' prize!"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Now READ. Deactivate...Export...Delete...and...AND...?"
Blue says, "Ah, preview schmeview."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Damn, you got ADD worse than my lackeys here. :)"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Now go. Work. Be productive."
Blue says, "But again, only prosilver has a preview button."
Blue says, "Mr smartspeck."
Dinosorceror flames up like Amberfyre.
Blue says, "So I can preview the one I do not edit. Great."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "If you make me do CTRL-^ one more time..."
Dinosorceror grabs Blue's hand and clicks the Install link next to bluedome
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, now I know you're just being a retard to irritate me, so the training is over. :)"
Blue chuckles and is sorry, but he is a dumb raptor, and it is cold in Raptorland.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Just keep clicking until it works, Blue."
Blue makes it deafult, just 'cause.
Dinosorceror bows for the audience. "This concludes the Blue And Dino Comedy Hour."
Blue says, "Wow."
Blue says, "It worked."
Somewhere on the muck, Zilla has disconnected.
Blue says, "Sorry, but I'm not used anymore to anything working on the forum"
( *rimshot* )
Blue thinks we'd beat 2 the ranting griff anytime.
You say, "So... it's over?"
Blue will be back with more.
You say, "And nobody died?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Why would anyone die? I'm too small to be squished."
Dinosorceror better get some damn good slipper action from Blue for all this. :)
Blue lols, as the original auther of prosilver is a subBlue.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "subBlue would be...me."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "As I am under Blue toes."
Blue says, "Original author: subBlue ( http://www.subBlue.com/ )"
Yakitate resigns himself to being on the ground when Odar's around.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Now go. Work. Be productive."
Blue says, "Yeah yeah"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Actually, this was a great use of work idle time."
Yakitate laughs.
Blue shall get the LD5 logo in, first of all.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I think you should have everything you need to do your graphic magic, Blue."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Oh, about that."
Blue digs in ftp bowels.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Do it a little better than the current one? :)"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "What I mean is..."
Blue throws out lots of kruft...
You say, "So have we figured out what the picture on the front page will be yet?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "The current one on the forum is too flat."
Blue says, "Rexar's I though?"
Blue says, "Yesyes. logo shmogo."
Blue says, "That's a pizza cake."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "It needs to have some depth. Put some dark outlines around it or something."
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-azqXygCzO8 )
Blue says, "Like shadow?"
Blue says, "3D?"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I wouldn't mind doing it again in a 3D app to REALLY give it some depth, actually."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Yeah, it's completely flat."
Blue says, "Oh, I dont mind you doing that wither."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "And there's no borders around it, or between the colors."
Blue says, "either."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I might."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Do it in Blender or something."
Blue says, "Borders around colors are for schoolkids."
Dinosorceror smacks Blue like in Crackton, only the size differential makes it funny.
Blue loves his remake of JP, by the way.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AzpByR3MvI )
Blue sees ftp
Yakitate icks at his grammar and feels like a European who can't utilize good grammar.
Dinosorceror puts on a T-shirt that reads 'I see whiny blue raptors'
Blue is afraid of being hit again.
Dinosorceror gives Blue the CTRL-up arrow yet AGAIN.
Blue O:)
## The world blinks for a moment as the world is saved. (Please wait.)
## Faibanx resumes as if nothing ever happened.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Oh, my God."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Blue..."
Blue says, "And I though, what a dumb username. :D"
Dinosorceror squeaks, "There's a special...something waiting for you."
Blue laughs heartily.
Yakitate huhs?
Blue says, "Well I thought it was 'and'."
Blue says, "But... that was just an and."
Dinosorceror dies.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "So now Blue can destroy the Internets so that I can save the Internets."
Blue gots the logo up, but stretched.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Okay, you go and have fun, Blue."
Dinosorceror laughs at it!
Dinosorceror squeaks, "I will go now and let Blue go crazy on his own."
Dinosorceror squeaks, "As long as I'm around, he'll just ask me questions."
Yakitate waves.
Blue says, "Haha!"
You say, "See you later Dino."
Odarious says, "Bye!"
Blue says, "Well way too big, but at least there."
Blue says, "Have fun Dino."
Somewhere on the muck, Denare has connected.
Dinosorceror squeaks, "Bye!"
Dinosorceror has disconnected.

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:36 am 
Site Admin
User avatar
Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
I think this is the best advertisement for Faibanx ever. We should post a sign like at the aquariums: "Blue and Dino rant shows at 10am, 11:40am, 1:15pm and 3:30pm daily!"

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:22 am 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
Wow, you really put that up. Sheesh. :whistle:
Well there you can see how much work we put into your forum. Well, me at least... ;)
Yakitate wrote:
Blue says, "Smilies is... I got an hour and am in the mood, I'll do it and then realizs it took a half a day."

Good times back then when I didnt yet want to to make whole art gallery of animated macro smilies that took me over a week by now. *sigh* (still have six more planned)

You are lucky you weren't around when the last forum went up. :)
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:40 am 
User avatar
Posts: 13
Please dont tell me that i'm expected to read all of that.

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:56 pm 
User avatar
Self-made mule
Posts: 261
Species: hinny
Location: Speed City, IN
Here are a few of my favourites, Zilla:

Dinosorceror squeaks, "Do I come off to you as being a micromanager? .....wait."

Blue says, "For I rank of like sexy dragon rump and you rank of toes."

Dinosorceror squeaks, "Be aware of the cat's needs."

Dinosorceror bows for the audience. "This concludes the Blue And Dino Comedy Hour."
Write your next story in 2nd-person.

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:52 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
I should probably also mention that I was the only one brave enough to stay in there through that whole thing. Odarious left when it began and I told him when it ended so he could come back. But yeah, you guys have it good. We really should thank Dino and Blue for all the hell they put themselves through for our entertainment... er, for putting this site up. XD

Oh, and Zilla, I don't expect most people to go through the hell of reading the whole thing. That would be like... torture.

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:19 am 
Site Admin
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
And by no means should you presume the hell is over! Oh, no! Blue's still got lots more nagging to do, trust me. Refer to my post shortly about how the entire LD5 website needs a refresh. Yeah, he'll be nagging me until I die and go to :slipper: heaven. :angel:

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:54 am 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
Oh, you shuddup. I stopped nagging you already, even although you didnt do things I asked you to do a week ago.
I will be nice and leave the nagging to the others now.
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:24 pm 
Site Admin
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Oh, if only that were true. ;) I will certainly enjoy any and all breaks in nagging, though. ;)

 Post subject: Re: A taste of how this came to be
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:15 pm 
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Self-made mule
Posts: 261
Species: hinny
Location: Speed City, IN
Yakitate wrote:
...We really should thank Dino and Blue for all the hell they put themselves through for our entertainment... er, for putting this site up. XD...

QFT, and herehere. Thanks, guys.
Write your next story in 2nd-person.

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