BigClaws was started by Giran, TyrannoToes and ToeClaws (I think) back in the early LD5 days because they thought that LD5 should be 100% dedicated to scaly toes only and everything else is spam. There are lots of people on the Internets(tm) who are purists like that and want to restrict the site down as much as possible. It was such a disagreement of opinion that got me started with Lava Dome and break off from the HML decades ago (only in reverse).
Of course, you'll notice that I handle situations like that much differently than the owner of the HML would. I was happy and continue to be happy to provide web space for those guys to post scaly-toe-only stuff. Know why? Because I like that shit!
I think Giran asked if I could set up a forum for him way back when as well, but that crosses the line and starts to pinch my own balls, so he just went off and used a free forum site to start one that anyone can do, so more power to 'em.
I don't visit it myself, but not because I hate those guys or anything. Anyone can run whatever forum they want. The problem is that, above all, I'm lazy.
I never voluntarily visit any forum or art site. Never. Someone always has to poke me to do it, give me a link. Only thing I still surf for myself is human giantess pr0n every blue moon. So please, don't take it personally that I don't visit "your" forum.
Half the time I forget to check the LD5 forum.
Except for the Evil Empire(tm). They're the pod 6 of the interwebtubes.