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 Post subject: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:10 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Well, since I seem to be getting over an illness, and I'm feeling all rialed what with work imploding and the World(tm) and all, it's time for a rant on two topics.

First, a sadness. Yes, it makes me sad. Not angry, or irritated, just...sad. I remember, being's a youngin'...or youngER at least...and watching cartoons and even taping them in hopes of finding some nice stomp scenes. Of course, being young and stupid, it was almost cool because it was a challenge, and heck, before porn started to flood the Internets, it's the only way I could get stompy stuff. But what did that boil down to? Basically, being a second-class citizen, trying to scrape away goodies from Society(tm) that were for me. And sure, porn is porn, but...look at it. Nipping at the heels of society NO JOKES PLEASE, and hoping us lowly macrophiles can get something to enjoy.

Naturally, I decided to do something about it. First, by making LD5, and second, by making stuff that's fucking MACRO already! A nice macro-oriented muck, and Faibanx 3D. No longer did I want to settle for "Look at how I can almost do macro stuff in this game/program!" Enough of trying to get Second Life or UT or gmod to do something it's not really designed for. I want to create a macrophile multi-user simulation program...and trust me, it's not dead. I've already done a sweep of the resources I've collected over the years since the last demo example program, and it won't take me long to put out another proof-of-concept.

So, even while I try to get Faibanx 3D in order, it saddens me when I hear people all excited about how you can stack growth/shrink powers in Champions Online to try and simulate macro stuff. It's like I'm trying to open up a Red Cross station to feed the masses and some wretches come up to me after shuffling through a garbage can showing me all the moldy food they just found to eat. It Saddens Me(tm).

But enough said on that. Only way I'm going to fix this macrophile problem is to work on F3D, so it's just up to me to make it happen. But it's similar on topic to another rant I did on Faibanx earlier today. And that's the sad state of macrophiles at cons.

Now I won't name any names, of course, but there was a time, again when I was younger, that there were no furry khans. Furries were this looked-down-upon group of people cowering in the corner or the back rooms at sci-fi cons or anime clubs. So what did they start doing? Well, thankfully they started to grow some spines and be almost proud of what they were and started cons.

In the early days, as I recall, they embraced the true nature of it: it was a sexual thing, and it was for adults only. Somewhere along the way, though, probably due to incidents with authorities or just plain fear, they apparently decided to make it appeal to 'a broader audience' or whatever they like to say to avoid issues. Of course, being a lazy person myself, I don't entirely blame them, but it's like a gay pride march where no one would be allowed to show public affection and only show how gays were good at cooking and interior decorating or something. Let's face it, you can't argue it -- FurAffinity is around for PORN, not for meaningful development of socio-economic strata. And (sigh) YES you can be all serious and deep while twisting in your lust for hoo-has and ding dongs, and that's fine, but the point is still the ding-has.

Anyway, I just find it irritating that even apart from furries having cons up the wazoo now, how are macrophiles (and pron-loving furries) viewed? Oh, they're still huddling in the corner, in the back room, FORBIDDEN (say it like Jor-El) to be viewed by the general public. Still the second-class citizens. Still in the closet.

And yes, what saddens me most of all is that one of the guys who runs the biggest furry khan...a guy who used to take me to the 'back room' at anime meetings to show me the furry stuff when I was young, and invite me to sleep over at his place and look at a book of macro pr0n he's collected...he pretends like he's a pure soul who's a notable public figure without any deviance whatsoever. Does his wikipedia page say what a famous pervert he is? No, it makes him sound like fucking Mother Theresa!

And NO, I'm not saying everyone needs to dance around flailing cocks or anything. Of course I don't flaunt macro crap at my workplace. But if I was in charge of holding a khan that was supposed to be a place where I'd feel welcome for my desires...well, having it all just be a glam-sham-wing-dang-doodle farce where you STILL have to feel guilty is not what I'd do. Taking down a third of the Berlin wall doesn't really cut it.

Finally, no, I still have a lot of respect for the guy. Even though he's a virtual doormat NO JOKES PLEASE just so he can be in the limelight and have arr-teests lavish him with porn -- behind the scenes, of course -- when I think about it, I guess I'm still disappointed in the decisions he's made. Yeah, I know, there's plenty of argument the other way...but still, I'm not wrong, am I?

And no, I won't use a cruel, despicable, but I think very appropriate and dastardly clever stab/joke and reveal for certain who I'm talking about by nicknaming him "Uncle Tom"...but I sure would like to. Meh, but like I said, I'm just full of piss and vinegar today. I think I gots the menstrual cramps real hard.

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:56 pm 
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Blubber Dragon
Posts: 552
Species: Blubber Dragon
Location: Canada
I'm positive I know who you're talking about. ^^() We all have our sandy days, so don't worry about it. I too would like to flaunt more of the bigness around the world, but there's only so much one can go. I'm already planning to get a plus sized suit or something made up, so I can at least enjoy a little bigness at cons and stuff. :D And I make giant stuff in SL all the time! Sure its not NEARLY as big as I'd like it to be, but 75 feet or so really adds up when everyone else is a midget.

At least everyone around knows I'm all about the bigness in various ways. ^^ Its not a secret, and I practically flaunt it everywhere I go. It amuses me and others as well. So, strike one victory for the macrophiles. :D
Silence is Golden. Duct Tape is Silver.

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:46 am 
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Posts: 58
Species: Dragon
i agree whole heartedly on alot of those points, especially the whole being frowned at and "in the corner" parts. I don't fully understand it either, how the furry community has come so far as to have Cons but not to be openly embraced when it exists in such a high number.
I'm not a macrophile parsay but i can see where your coming from. and FurAffinity is for pron, but DeviantArt is a better site for cleaner images (though scarce).

I'm a happy go lucky scaly, but i love furries and the fandom. I would love to see F3D actualized, and if there's a way i can help with it i'll be all over it. (like producing the soundtrack :D)

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:15 am 
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Magnificent Bastard
Posts: 544
Location: Wherever there be feetzorz

Maybe macro is frowned upon because of its similarities to hyper? (Which I assumed meant "over-caffeinated" even in the furry world until I read "A Perfect Fit" by VDO)

In any case, there's a huge gap between acknowledgment and acceptance, even for those with questionable tastes of their own. I don't see the appeal in scat (furry or otherwise) but I'll never show more than a hint of disapproval apart from a raised eyebrow. (Another shining example of my naivete: I once browsed the Watersports(Tame) section of FA fully expecting to find a wolf riding a jetski. Fortunately I failed Perception so I didn't have to roll for Sanity.)

Finally, I completely understand what you mean about the abysmal standards of your macro-seeking peers. Lately I've started playing NetHack again (a ridiculously complicated ASCII-based RPG) and would be immensely pleased and amused if I could just alter the source code to change all instances of "kick" to "stomp."
“Frankly, I’ve never thought of folks like you in terms of your species. I see you as part of a larger community.
The community of things that go ‘SQEAK’ when I step on them.” –Bob the Dinosaur
“A Sprotchymon's musings always take a lot of processor power, but are just as always worth it.” -Blue

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:22 pm 
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smexy assassin
Posts: 191
Species: anthroraptor
Location: The Middle of Nowair Oakluhoma
While I fully agree with your viewpoint, Dino, I don't think that most of us really share your enthusiasm on the subject of being conservative. Sure, you have absolutely no excuse for it at a con, but anywhere else, most of us wouldn't like people to really know what we're about. I mean, how would friends and family react to that? Hey mom, I've got something to tell you. I like big scaly feet! Yeah, that conversation would go over real well. Even less so would be the conversation if some scrap of art was carelessly left, say, in a car or something of the sort. I personally am not very enthusiastic about having that sort of conversation. People would never be able to think about you in the same way again. I can accept the fact that I'm one of the wierdest people I will probably ever meet, but I don't necessarily want to advertise it. Just... one of those things.
Just a thought from a crazy raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:17 pm 
Posts: 552
Species: Black Ice-Demon Dragon
Well that's...


 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:24 pm 
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Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
I think Dino's just been having one of these kinds of days:


 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:24 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
No, that's a pretty disturbing animated geef. :| However, since I got the cool Orson Wells clap gif, that makes up for it. :) But to reply to Razor...uh, I thought I made it clear I wasn't advocating we wear the I LOVE GIANT COCKS T-shirts in our daily lives...just at the khans. 'Member how I said I didn't flaunt macro crap at my workplace? The main point of my rant is that if you're going to have a khan about furry shit, you shouldn't have it be repressed. At home or at work or with friends is different.

I mean, there are fucking sex cons in Vegas all the time, I watch Penn and Teller. :) If you can have chicks walk around half naked between stands of dildos, I'm pretty sure you can have a furry pr0nc0n.

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:29 am 
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Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
Well I got it from a link basically saying that dogs don't know about inertia and such. I just found it to be really funny.

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:42 am 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
Sprotchymon wrote:
Maybe macro is frowned upon because of its similarities to hyper? (Which I assumed meant "over-caffeinated" even in the furry world until I read "A Perfect Fit" by VDO)

You'd be surprised how many people I met on MUCKs that are not as macro-heavy as Faibanx actually thought macro means having a huge dick.
Others there thought they are macro because they are 8 feet tall. Um... yeah. I shivered and went back to Faibanx. :D

Sprotchymon wrote:
I once browsed the Watersports(Tame) section of FA fully expecting to find a wolf riding a jetski. Fortunately I failed Perception so I didn't have to roll for Sanity.)
There actually ARE an annoying amount of jetski pictures or beach still lifes in there. I keep wondering why people get that idea. I mean, its IS labeled "Fetish". And its not like there was a "Basketball(Tame)" or "Landsports(Tame)" section. Why would there be a jetski fetish section?
Given that I dont see macro lens photos in the macro section, extremely bouncy furs in the Hyper(Tame) section, or marrying pictures in the Bonding(Tame) section, I am sure though that most pictures that dont belong there are from the unpleasant part of the community(tm) that posts stupid stuff in the section of a fetish they dont like to annoy the ones that do.

Zagnos wrote:
I understand that things like scat or watersports (fur or other) are extremely unsual kinks
Not unusual. Unpopular.
Zagnos wrote:
Now, that was just about the wrongest thing I've ever seen. Did that really happen and why? :o
Because dogs are stupid.

Dino is just bitter because other people go to cons and have fun but he doesnt. ;)
The Razor is right of course. Some of us DO have people in their surrounding they care about and dont want to risk having them think bad of one, for after all wanting to have sex with a dragon or get smushed under its foot IS very strange when viewed on its own and without the feelings we share behind it.
I agree that non-said person in the original post acts pretty hypocritical in its official appearance, and in that I think its pretty ridiculous to mask a furry con as a happy children-friendly anime and puppet convention with a funny motto and happy Disney and Muppets guests of honor. But to be fair, it works. Regardless of how many actually go to the con for that it gives shy ones a welcome alibi to point at and something to cling to so they dont have to 'go to a sex con', as well as has people that flame things for their first appearance fooled. And once inside you can still have all the sex and smut you like.
I mean, come on, in the dealer's room between a tshirt here and a few tame comics there most of the stuff IS porn and giant dragon dildos.
/signed though for more officially adult-only panels and activities, and as much as I appreciate people that love their kids, what I think most people go to a furry con for is not what I'd want children to be near to.

ohmydog - *hides from the grammar police*
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:49 am 
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Magnificent Bastard
Posts: 544
Location: Wherever there be feetzorz
Blue wrote:
...I am sure though that most pictures that don't belong there are from the unpleasant part of the community(tm) that posts stupid stuff in the section of a fetish they don't like to annoy the ones that do.

Is this why "Apple" is listed under the Species menu? And the jetski thing isn't that far out, really. I browse an alternative version of PostSecret in which people often credit/blame certain fictional characters (or the actors behind them) for their obsession over specific articles of clothing.
Blue wrote:
...I think it's pretty ridiculous to mask a furry con as a happy children-friendly anime and puppet convention with a funny motto and happy Disney and Muppets guests of honor. But to be fair, it works... it gives shy ones a welcome alibi to point at and something to cling to so they dont have to 'go to a sex con', as well as has people that flame things for their first appearance fooled.

If only more folks could fully understand both sides of the issue like you do! For the rest of you, here's a refresher course.
“Frankly, I’ve never thought of folks like you in terms of your species. I see you as part of a larger community.
The community of things that go ‘SQEAK’ when I step on them.” –Bob the Dinosaur
“A Sprotchymon's musings always take a lot of processor power, but are just as always worth it.” -Blue

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:17 pm 
Posts: 552
Species: Black Ice-Demon Dragon
HEY. I've seen that before. It's an interesting guide.

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:51 pm 
Posts: 552
Species: Black Ice-Demon Dragon
Well that's funny, because I saw the sign ".jpg" on the link... :whistle:

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:58 pm 
Posts: 552
Species: Black Ice-Demon Dragon
Then you must have an eensy-weensy computer then. :(

 Post subject: Re: Dino Rant: So Dark, The Con Of Fur
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:07 pm 
Posts: 552
Species: Black Ice-Demon Dragon
I barely got your foot on my giant face. :\

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