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Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb
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Author:  Dinosorceror [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

Y'know, I can not think of a better reality bomb than the one I just got hit with an hour or so ago, so I thought I'd share with the class.

I've recently decided to start hanging out on FurryMUCK again. I'm about to get all social again, I think, making all the wacky accounts of the day...even just made a FurAffinity(tm) account. And I've seen and spoken to about half a dozen old friends there I haven't seen in about 10 years.

And then, of course, there's the infamous Giant's Club(tm). Even back during my old stint on FM, it was something I decried. For those youngsters who don't know or don't muck, it's probably the stodgiest place on any muck. It's Serious(tm). It's the hangout for old serious macr'philes (the Ken Sample crowd variety) who demand a 100% in-character experience.

You can imagine how a place like that just rustles my jimmies. But I stopped by there, put on my best eighty-foot-tall in character suit, and took a visit yesterday, and sure enough, nothing's changed. It's still just stiff and formal and uninviting.

I got on Faibanx, and was all, "Man, I see GC is still the same, boringstodgyville," which of course some took offense to, and I was like...shit. I mean, I didn't mean to offend, I know some people like that, and that's fine...when you run a place, you can do what you want. But still I'm thinking, it's just too snooty for me.

So today, I get on FM again, and am chatting with a guy who still hangs out at GC, and was there last night. I say to him...well, oddly enough, I was pretending more in the reality zone than I do normally. I say I had to be eighty feet tall just to function in that reality, and it was more fake than me being a speck. I'm always a speck, that's the "real" me, so I found it ironic that I had to be more fake in the "uber-real in-character" zone than I normally am. I go on to say that the GC is just one person's fixed view of macrophile reality that everyone's forced to be in.

And the discussion goes on such that my friend says, "Well, to be truthful, I'm probably one of the ones who pretends least here."

I say to him, "When in Rome."

He says, "I guess I'm a bad tourist."

I say, "Me too."

He hrms, thinking, and says, "...by forcing everyone to be giant by being a speck?"


Holy shit! He's right! I do exactly the same thing! Damn, son. I felt like 100% stone in a glass house.

So...yeah. If this was a cartoon, I'd do that fade to donkey sight gag.

Author:  Sprotchymon [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

Cool your jets, chief! This boils down to simple association fallacy. Just because you chose to be a speck does not mean you are forcing everyone else to treat you like one. You may be the only speck around these parts, but any other given character is not the only giant relative to you, or even to themselves! The snooty part comes in requiring participants to mentally prepare extensive, scientifically-sound justifications for their chosen size and modify all chat behavior to support the illusion.

When it comes to RP, consider a ratio of fakeness to fun. If staying in-character keeps getting in the way of engaging conversation or a coherent narrative, it's time to close the curtain.

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

Yeah, I know I know, but still...the irony was quite ferrous.

Author:  Tombfyre [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

Heh, I found the place rather unwelcoming when I last tried to go there as well. And that was after months if not years of trying to hang out on FM. Being ignored by everyone for the most part gets annoying *real* fast. So I stopped going. :3

No point wasting my time there, same as other mucks and IRC's I've abandoned over the years.

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

*offers pudgytoes a cane for to shake at kids on lawn*

Author:  Tombfyre [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

I don't need no stinking cane! I've got a shotgun. >:D

Author:  Diablo [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

It sounds pretty unappealingly rigid, but probably only from a non-macro point of view. For people who love playing macros and enjoy wholehearted commitment during the RPing, it would probably be awesome! Making clubs with rules like that is fine and dandy - just don't expect many to join up...

Actually, I've often thought that people at Faibanx should be forced to be permanently in-character, otherwise their computer explodes. Can you code a MUCK application that does that?

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

Well, in my lingering on FurryMUCK like a bad fart of late, I come back after dinner to find I got a page mail from I think the person who runs or created "The Giant's Club" on FurryMUCK. At least that's what I seem to recall from years back. Also seems to have a vested ownership in FM as a whole, based on the end of the comment. I'm not sure if it's actually Ken Sample, but...man, sure sounds like I remember him. Anyway, it was from Arilin, and since Arilin was thoughtful enough to apparently find out about my rant, and also respond to it in a page mail, I thought I'd pass it on.

Arilin (Today at 8:08:17PM) -- Giants' Club
I saw your post on Lava Dome 5 about the Giants' Club. I'm sorry you feel it's "stodgy"; I have learned that it's effectively impossible to be all things to everyone. It's been accused of being too violent, too gentle, too gay, too straight, too willing to play favorites, not willing enough to play favorites... well, you get the picture. I'd like to make the club a place everyone feels comfortable in, but I've reluctantly admitted that's somewhat quixotic. There are too many different ideas of what "comfortable" is for that to work well.
At any rate, there's certainly no requirement that people be eighty feet all, and if someone gave you that impression I apologize. The entire point of the GC was always to have multiple sizes; that's even in the description of the tabletop bar. It's true that in a mostly-IC environment we're going to pay more attention to size ratios than some other places might, and an 80' cat woman isn't going to be able to have a casual conversation with a 1mm dinosaur. This isn't meant to be unwelcoming, though; it's meant to be, well, roleplaying. For the most part, I've found people like having one place on the MUCK where "in character" is taken fairly seriously. Unfortunately, that can also drive some people nuts. Just please understand this isn't *intended* to drive people nuts. Or to be stodgy. :)
In any case, I hope you find interesting things to do on FurryMUCK when you visit.

People besides me still read this forum? :)

Author:  Blue [ Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

We have a forum?

Author:  maksio5 [ Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

What's a forum?

Author:  Tombfyre [ Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Giant's Club - A Reality Bomb

Hey guys! Do you think this might be a forum?

It feels kind of like Skype, or Twitter... but slower.

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