Legacy LD5

Topic Spamming - cut it out!
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Author:  Diablo [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Topic spamming is getting back up to ridiculous levels again and it's dragging the forums right down to levels of messy depravity beyond anything that a macro herpy foot fetish theme can explain away!

These things are called 'topics' for a reason. If what you have to say isn't related to the topic of the topic, then it's off topic and it doesn't belong in that topic. Get it? There's always going to be some general chat and banter here because LD5 has a small and friendly active community, but at the moment we seem to have great sprawling strings of a dozen or more one-line reply arguments in every other topic, and it's messy, unpleasant, selfish, and thoughtless to the topic creator.

If you really feel the need to argue and playfight and blurt out other miscellaneous immature things - and bare in mind that this is a public forum and that anything you say can be seen by anyone in the world that happens to click on a link - then for god's sake do it through PMs (PRIVATE messages) so other forum users don't have to sift through page after page of mindless, irritating banter every time they want to find a relevant comment.

Or, if you don't mind looking like 12-year-old in an adult fetish forum, use the topic that Zagnos thoughtfully created for that purpose, so it's all in one place and the rest of us can avoid it easily.

Author:  ESC [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

I am sorry for this. I would rather sacrifice myself lest it happens again.

Author:  Tombfyre [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Couldn't agree more there Diablo. The spamming has been getting a little beyond annoying as of late.

Author:  Ahastar [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Very true words, casually roared.

Author:  Blue [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

The rex rumbles with truth.

Zagnos wrote:
Diablo wrote:
Or, if you don't mind looking like 12-year-old in an adult fetish forum, use the topic that Zagnos thoughtfully created for that purpose, so it's all in one place and the rest of us can avoid it easily.

Okay, now why is my "how random can ya get?" post being brought up in this conversation? I only got the idea from another forum that im a member of. What, it seemed like un to me and its a good laugh.

Maybe the problem is that people dont come here for what you judge a good laugh.
They'd go to a LOLroflPWNZkiddycomedy site for that I guess.
That aside he suggested that they use said topic so said content is at least contained to only there.

Or in short, if we click on a non-LOLroflPWNZkiddycomedy topic, we dont want LOLroflPWNZkiddycomedy.

Zagnos wrote:
And yes, I acknowledge the fact the me and ESC have been going back and forth all over the board. I apologise for that, but don't start harping on topics that I made. If it were truly a nuisance, then the mods would've deleted it by now.

"the mods" are a lazy weesaur whose basic philosophy is "as long as noone or only Blue complains, everything is fine" and me somehow. And I didnt look into said topic because its title already suggests that it has more of the annoying random 12-year-old stuff inside. Shall I delete it now?

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

*wakes up, deletes topic* Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here? *grumbles and goes back to sleep in slipper*

Author:  Tombfyre [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Dinosorceror wrote:
*wakes up, deletes topic* Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here? *grumbles and goes back to sleep in slipper*

That's our Dino! ^^ He deserves a treat for his hard work. :3

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Inflating me is NOT a treat, for future reference. :)


Author:  Tombfyre [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Fine. I'll just stick to super sizing and fatty feedings. :3 Would you like that Dino? Being all mega-macro sized with a gut that hangs down past your knees? I bet you would. Yeah, you'd love the HELL out of that.

I'll get started. ;)

Author:  Ice Killa [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

i completely understand what you're talking about, and it drives me nuts as well. this forum isn't as effected as hard as more "larger" forums, but i do agree that offtopic quick posts are wasteful...

like sometimes i search the topics and i have to sift through pages to find an answer to my question.

Thanks for addressing this DIABLO--- *offers clawed hand to shake

Author:  Spikey [ Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Just to point out my defense, I was talking to Blue and Dino a month back on the muck about the random picture's posts.., I was given the go ahead so yes.., I think i have the logs for that if people need proof.

Author:  Blue [ Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

Spikey wrote:
Just to point out my defense, I was talking to Blue and Dino a month back on the muck about the random picture's posts.., I was given the go ahead so yes.., I think i have the logs for that if people need proof.

I dont think you were much the subject of said valid complaints. (Unless you were part of the stupid and offending bantering that got deleted out of a once meaningful art topic)
But neither did we ever tell anybody that it is fine to hijack a topic with stupid and/or immature replies that only refer to the author of a reply and have no connection to the topic or even what said user replied, and let alone do so not only once, where a decently spelt sidepoke may be OK, or twice where it can be overlooked still, but like a dozen time in a row to where it feels like you are reading an AIM chatlog of two premature angry primary school kids. (in an adults-only forum, too)

Author:  Blue [ Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

I already told most of the ones in question to cut it out via PM even quite a while before this topic came up but it seems that wasnt enough. To make this clear in public to the ones in question:
If you keep spamming annoying pointless and ill-written or rude posts, we'll have to take away your posting rights.
There. It'd be a first time on this forum but I can assure you I know where the buttons for doing so are.
If its personal banter that nobody else is interested in take it to PMs. If its only annying, dont post it. If you find you fail to judge what users of this forum find annoying and the last ten times you posted something like what you have in mind they were annoyed, then in case of doubt dont post it.

Author:  Diablo [ Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

*Roars happily and high-fives Ice Killa with a tiny rex foreleg*

Author:  Razor [ Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Topic Spamming - cut it out!

You could also go to the muck for that sort of thing...

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