Legacy LD5

Hi, and a swf
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Author:  s.r.g.i [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Hi, and a swf

Hi! I'm Some Random Guy on the Internet (SRGI), and I like big scaly things and stomping and especially both of those at the same time. I'm a long time fan of LD5, though I've stayed a lurker because I'm not much of the social type and I've never produced anything worthwhile to contribute. But part of that might be about to change!

Y'see, one day I was looking at all the stompy games and animations and stuff I could find around on the internet, and it was all very good, but I wanted more of it. At that moment, I realized that the best way to get more of the kind of stompy stuff I like is to go ahead and make it! Charged with ambition, I set out to use my time and energy to make my own contribution to the realm of online macrophilia! This was back in 2004, if I remember correctly.

More recently, I suddenly realized how much nothing I'd been doing, which prompted me to reassess my completely irrational ambitions and spend some time thinking about what I could realistically produce. Within a week or so, I'd gotten myself some Flash authoring tools and made some plans for achievable steps toward a plausible goal. Progress was once again at hand! That happened sometime around January, I think.

Then a few weeks ago I actually sat down and worked on something. It was pretty cool.

So now I've put together something that I think is almost starting to become somewhat presentable (it was even uglier before!), and I'm putting it up here because I figure if somebody else is interested in what I'm doing then maybe I'll feel guilty for ignoring it and possibly I'll be less likely to put it off and forget about the whole thing for months at a time again. Maybe. If this works, it'll be a sharp departure from precedent.

Anyway, I talk too much. Here's a swf.
-Arrow keys move the feet.
-Hold Space or Ctrl to not step forward when the foot hits the ground.
-Numpad + and - to become bigger or less bigger
-Numpad / and * to remove or add pedestrians (0 <-> 100)
-Numpad 0 to toggle Auto Walk.



File comment: "The extension .swf is not allowed." So I guess it's in a zip now.
StompTest_v1.zip [19.57 KiB]
Downloaded 381 times

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Wow, that game rocks! :) Welcome to the Dome! :)

Author:  RedSuperGeon [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

:claw: Awesome! :claw:

I'd love to see this evolve over time with those feets slowly getting more detailed and chunkier. Also do you need some sound files or anything? Happy to help! :D

Author:  Anstallion [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

this game is great!! :up: :up: smexy :P would play more but off to work now :x

I think your gonna fit in very well here!

As dino said, Welcome to the Dome :D

Author:  Diablo [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Welcome indeed!

That's one thoroughly awesome game - thanks for de-lurking to show us! I don't know much about Flash, but it looks like you have some damn good actionscript skills. Long may they continue to be put to macro-scaly-stompy use.

Author:  Ahastar [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Welcome to the show! 8-)
Damn, we are getting a great influx of highly productive folks here lately. And this: .......... is the sound of nobody complaining!

Author:  Blackfangs [ Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Welcome :) and many thanks for sharing your game, I do enjoy playing it ! It is seriously good :up:

Author:  s.r.g.i [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Thanks for the welcomes! :-D I don't have anything new to add about the benefits of the personal nature of small forums, so I'll just agree that everything that's been said in all the other welcome threads is true. It's kind of impersonal of me, but much more efficient! :up:

Damn, we are getting a great influx of highly productive folks here lately
Excellent! I must watch them closely, and learn their secrets...

Awesome! I'd love to see this evolve over time with those feets slowly getting more detailed and chunkier. Also do you need some sound files or anything? Happy to help!

I hadn't gotten to the point where I was thinking about sounds yet, but I certainly wouldn't be opposed to adding sounds if some were to become available! In fact, I'd take just about anything that became available. Sounds, art, or... well, I guess those are the only two things. Except I can't really use good art just yet because it'd only draw attention to how shoddy the other parts are, like the way the knee joint drifts apart as size increases.

Bug fixes for that sort of thing are on the To-Do list, but the thing I'm working on at the moment is adding multiple levels of stompedness to the splat marks, which was a feature I enjoyed in an old stompy thing I've got named "wgmn.exe". To prevent slacking, I'll give myself a public deadline: I'll work on it over the weekend and have it up by next Thursday. Now I can't procrastinate!

And just for the sake of sharing, here are the other notable features on the To-Do list:
  • Cars/buildings/other stompables
  • Zooming in/out
  • Some sort of progression or goal or something so there's still a point after the novelty wears off
  • Increase the size limit (though there's not really much to do at that size yet aside from simply liking it. Maybe with buildings, or something else to do, it'd be more worthwhile)

Oh, maybe feature ideas are a third thing! I can take in sounds, art, and feature ideas! Coming up with stuff is always the most fun part of making something, anyway. Though due to my limited ability I probably won't be able to implement most suggestions, so the fun would be followed immediately by equal measures of disappointment. That seems kind of like a metaphor for something, I think. Ah well. The statement stands.


Author:  Blue [ Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

That is really a very nice and already neatly functionable little flash thing!
And already about as far as I ever got with my macro game attempts. :whistle:

Author:  s.r.g.i [ Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Here's a new version! The pedestrians can now be stomped more, and harder. It's using ActionScript's event handler system, which doesn't mean anything at all to the player but it's something I learned so yay for that. When the stomping happens, I should probably put in a check to make sure the target is under the foot and not just barely touching an edge... it looks kinda weird on the wider splats.

So, now that I'm doing this perpetual-updating thing, the idea of constantly bumping my own thread for the remainder of all time is making me feel a bit self-conscious. Maybe I should just keep up a changelist somewhere on an external site? But then, my entire plan here was to get people to pay attention to me so that I'd have to keep working. Is there even a way to do that without feeling awkward and rude? I didn't think this plan of mine through very well! So, sorry for violating forum etiquette like forum etiquette was a tiny raptor. :(


StompTest_v2.zip [22.23 KiB]
Downloaded 289 times

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Naw, I like forum bumps for project updates. :)

Author:  Diablo [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

This is a community full of people who are just salivating for this kind of macro scaly stompage!

Don't worry about bumping your topics with updates - anything that draws attention to something as heartily on-topic as this flash game is well worth it :)

The humans' doublestompability is very nice, by the way!

Author:  Blue [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Yes, and it's better than making a new topic each time. :)

Author:  s.r.g.i [ Thu May 13, 2010 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

Next one!

Two new things this time. I've put in an options menu tab thing in the upper corner, though it currently only contains a slider to set the pedestrian count so you don't have to mash the * key until you get slowdown. More stuff will go on that menu later. The second and more interesting addition is a new framerate-reducing particle system! Various foot activities will now result in dust puffs and/or flying splatty bits. It's kind of a small effect, but I'm surprised at how much of an improvement it is. If I had to put a number on it, I'd say it makes the stomping 270% squashier.

I should have had buildings in this version, but I had a bunch of excuses last weekend (I ate cake). They should be ready after this weekend.


File comment: +menu +particles
StompTest_v3.zip [41.43 KiB]
Downloaded 318 times

Author:  Diablo [ Fri May 14, 2010 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi, and a swf

That effect where the people go flying upwards is a very nice touch.

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