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The reality of our dreams.
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Author:  Patch [ Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

Anon would be in shambles. Half of them would be anthro, and they'd probably have their own civil war off to the side somewhere, maybe on some forum where no-one could see or hear them.

Anyway, I'd do it in a second.

Then, depending on the details of the transformation, I'd start to regret it; if I ended up picking Patch, and if the deal were that I would just become him, I guess that would mean I'd inherit all of his past and psychoses (split personality and amnesia, among others) not to mention that pretty much all of the goals and drives that I have now would likely evaporate, with him having lived alot longer than I have, and also him being a nihilist to the Nth degree, and me being only partly so.

If the deal were that I'd end up more of a mental average of my real self and Patch, I think I could cope. Being a 'normal,' (6ft) size wouldn't be an issue. In the former case where I'd be the only proper anthro on Earth (while everything else remained the same), I'd imagine life could be pretty cushy, then, honestly. I mean, I'd take an anthro into my home and feed, house, and clothe him/her/hir. I'm sure I could eventually find a human furry somewhere I could get along with who would do the same, in exchange for whatever (yeah... I know what you're thinking I'm about to get to that:) At that point I'd be comfortable in my own body, so sex wouldn't be such a no-go, as it is IRL.

If I couldn't find a semi-permanent host for whatever reason things might or might not be tough; I think it's hard to say. I practically appear as much of an anachronism already as Patch would, but there are ofcourse still moments when I do take off the boots and hats and all that and tie back my hair... because it's expected or whatever, even though I don't like to. Patch however would hardly have a choice but to look despondent in a world where has was physically one of a kind, to a larger extent than I do, but sometimes people deal with disunity really well, though sometimes they don't (take gayness or God for an example; some people care waaay more than they should, even though it doesn't really affect them personally, that much). Whether or not I'd get the shaft from people would depend on luck and locale, I think.

In the latter case, where everyone's essentially given the chance to become another type of critter, especially if it were a known phenomenon that certain people on a given date just randomly changed into anthros, I don't think it would be the direst of situations for those individuals, (I'd likely be among them) and those who remained human would likely become inured after a time.

However if it were in the public knowledge that the change were voluntary, the circumstances would be different. It would be a more obvious spin on the old argument — why would anyone choose to be gay if they could — that kind of thing.
I hardly think there'd be out-and-out conflict about it, really. The occasional person spitting at you might happen, but if they were in the majority of instances prosecuted for assault or whathaveyou, folks would dually learn that it's still looked down upon to do, even if someone is part animal.

Author:  Tombfyre [ Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

Aye, it might be easier for some folks to just pick something different to become, rather than their main online creation of choice. ^^ But yeah, depending on the situations, I figure it would become a fairly "normal" thing in the eyes of many after a random period of time.

Author:  Blue [ Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

That said, I think if you would do that, and be the only one, that meant that you can no longer continue anything of your life, are seen as a freak, cant go to the street, cant travel anywhere and have no human rights as you no longer resemble your passport photo or even ARE human, and a lot of people and organisations are either trying to kill you out of fear or because you pose a threat, or to take you alive for researching you.
That aside, I think it would be highly frustrating to be a freak like that while everyone else is still human, so you cant have cool s... - fun with real life furries still, but likely get tons of mail from humans that want to have sex with you.

If a lot of people popped into such forms, it would likely be like the metahumans in Shadowrun, tolerated and seen just as worthy as humans by some but hated and descriminated against by other (the change was slow there, so the identity problem didnt arise), or like the mutants in the X-Men setting.
If you can put it off as some disease or evil twist of fate that befell you, poor you, but you still have your heart, you still are human inside, just a victim of a bad luck that made you look weird, I think it becomes more feasonable.

To me though, something that grew from a human is not a real whatever-it-then-resembles anyway. (And thus not as desirable as a "true" whatever-it-resembles. Its just a human that looks different now.) Yes, I am that specicist. :D

Author:  Patch [ Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

Shadowrun is so amazing that on secondthought I would have no regrets. (Thatis assuming I could maybe get a little magic to go along with the new body or whatever.)

In other news, Blue is apparently a kindof a geek, speciesist, and also a spoilsport.

Author:  Blue [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

Just because in the US they never heard of any other pen and paper RPG than D&D (and thus all think that in an RPG you every now and then have to level up and get tons of new hit points and powers, and always PWN armies of stuff of lower level than you, which makes argueing for less of that madness in MMOs extremely difficult and frustrating), that doesnt mean I am more geeky that those. :D

But the rest is true I guess. :)
Not that I do, but if someone despises humans I find it totally hypocrit to suddenly love them when they look different.
Besides, if it meant that those folks that tell other furs "One day I will grow into a dragon physically as well, and then I'll eat all humans, but you can be servants and have sex with me (/us)." would get their thing too, I think I can go without it I.

Author:  Tombfyre [ Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

Hooray for Shadowrun! :3 I figure you're going to have enough negatives that go with any situation, to merit at least accepting it all for the positives. We can always deal with the idiots as they come. ^^ And some solutions work better than others.

HEAT rounds for example. ;)

Author:  Patch [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

Blue wrote:
Just because in the US they never heard of any other pen and paper RPG than D&D (and thus all think that in an RPG you every now and then have to level up and get tons of new hit points and powers, and always PWN armies of stuff of lower level than you, which makes argueing for less of that madness in MMOs extremely difficult and frustrating), that doesnt mean I am more geeky that those. :D

But the rest is true I guess. :)
Not that I do, but if someone despises humans I find it totally hypocrit to suddenly love them when they look different.
Besides, if it meant that those folks that tell other furs "One day I will grow into a dragon physically as well, and then I'll eat all humans, but you can be servants and have sex with me (/us)." would get their thing too, I think I can go without it I.
I see your point, Blue, in that people (especially furries) need to keep grounded in reality, but I don't think there's reason to be down on people who would cut ties with that anchor, sotospeak, if given the chance.

Abuses of power coming from the furry camp aside, being completely human has its pros and cons; Imean, humans really are total monsters. Sure, they can do some cool stuff like penspinning, bicycling, and linear algebra, but they're also capable of utterly horrid feats such trashing everything (see: North Pacific Gyre), waging war, and sacrificing goats.
That's not to say I wouldn't give it the due consideration if the arrangement were the other way around — if I had the choice to live out the rest of my life as a dog, or an oak tree — obviously being a part of humanity has its distinct advantages, but being human comes at cost; I, like so many, was born into a sinful society and despite this have chosen to remain a part. Surely you can see how people might want some escape from this (however superficial) conundrum.

Author:  Zed [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

I don't know... I would probably be shot in just one day...

Nah, a much cooler option would be, if I could shapeshift... shifting from human to my pretty little raptor and back, when I have to go out.

Author:  Spikey [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The reality of our dreams.

Zed wrote:
I don't know... I would probably be shot in just one day...

Nah, a much cooler option would be, if I could shapeshift... shifting from human to my pretty little raptor and back, when I have to go out.

:lol: :lol: Hooray for shapeshifters :P like me :D

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