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 Post subject: Anthrocon and Eurofurence compared
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:14 am 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
So... I thought I should give a comparison of anthrocon and Eurofurence so people that ponder going to one or the other, or going to one while knowing the other, can get an idea of what they're up for. Of course there is no "better" and I cannot know what is more to your liking, but I can give some only mildly subjective key data, having been to both this year.
And I wouldn't be OCD'ed me if I did not put it into pixally graphs. (Use your browser zoom.)

cons-compare-ac2014.PNG [ 8.02 KiB | Viewed 1964 times ]
cons-compare-ef2014.PNG [ 8.74 KiB | Viewed 1967 times ]
Yeay graphs!

I was a bit disappointed as the difference was far less striking than the last years' EFs compared to the AC some years ago. AC closed down on Sunday noon back then, now they at least try to have things open until Sunday evening, so it got a LITTLE more spread out, and EF was not that much an all-night with the hotel lobby = gathering area = bar = next to the dance = other really awesome bar with great music was still bustling until like 6 am, and also put some events pre-noon now. So the the cons got a LITTLE bit more alike, but I think the differences are still striking.

Bottom line, AC (like most US cons) is in comparison still a very compact convention and has everything going on in three tight packed days; outside of the official con times from Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon, you can hang out with the occasional early arrivers and very rare late departers if you catch them, but the actual site is dead.
EF has far less scheduled events that are also spread out a bit more, only two days of art show though, much more activity on the con site in the evening even if not having been QUITE the ultimate party convention like the years before this time, and somewhat less activity in the morning, and the convention site is highly populated with attendants for an entire week, giving you lots of time to hang out and chat or draw with people in the large lobby where they serve food and drinks, without any events getting in the way.

EF, you should totally arrive at least a day early (Tuesday) and leave a day late (Monday) for the con alone. AC, you can get it all in a weekend (Thursday to leaving late Sunday or early Monday), while I'd recommend arriving a day earlier if you arrive in the evening, especially for first timers from far away so you can get accustomed to the surroundings and get rid of the jet lag. You can do Tuesday late evening to Monday morning then, but any more will require some activity planned or likely leave you bored.

Keep also in mind that while the people and activity curves are % of the raptor-subjective max, anthrocon has over two-and-a-half times the attendance number of EF. It also spreads out more though, about a much larger convention center on site and the entire downdown outside.
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Anthrocon and Eurofurence compared
PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:58 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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