It seems to be DNS issues, and to hit some people harder and more often than others.
I have it too, a LOT recently, with the MUCK as well, and found out that it was because I was directed to a wrong IP adress. In addition to my recently already rather bad connection to Alaska.
When I tried to connect to the right IP adress instead of "The IP you give me for when I ask for", it worked.
Strangely and shockingly, the page even went away a few times even after I was once given the right IP, just a few minutes or even just seconds later, so some very persistent one must still be telling my naming servers that he knows better where is to find, and give a wrong adress. Which may be one of the old IPs before Dino's provider once again gave him a new one.
Definitely an issue, though not something we can do anything about. I hope whatever causes it will be well again soon. For now, asking someone who made it to here or the MUCK for the right IP (currently its and putting that instead of should be a clunky workaround.