Selendro wrote:
Reptilian (Yonggary) Wow. That is a really RAAAAWRsome movie ideed. I like it.
What I liked best? Well, Yonggary of course. Dammit. Could fill a towel by just watching any of his movements.
But there are other great fun things, that made me laugh.
- The bad acting, to start with. As its what the movie starts with.
- The dino sketches filling the wall of that chick's work space, that look remarkably like your average scaly porn sketch
- The dixie toilet labelled "Toilet"
Well what did you think what's in there?
- The kids all cheering because its so much fun that the city explodes around them and they almost got killed.
- The little plushy and mini potted plant on the monitors in the super ultra top military control room.
But most of all: The aliens.
Oh my, those aliens gave me the rest. I had to close the window to not freak out my neighbors, so loud was I laughing.
Oh my, it still hurts.
Freaking awesome movie, thanks a lot biggiedragon.