Hey all Diesel here, me and my furry sis are working on a project to make Furry Top Trump cards, these ones are just a funny version but if its a success we hope to make more Serious ones Species ones Fursuit ones etc,
She is currently taking commisions to put fursonas into the card so if you want to be apart of it please message me and i will refer her to you, i would link you to her FA but since its down i cant. Its £3.50 to be turned into a card or £5.00 to have your fursona drawn by her then put on a card.
I was inspired to create this after buying some furoticon cards and realised we need more furry related products and gamage ^.=.^
Anyway here is an example like i said this is just a funny version of the game we are working on by having these kind of Stats.
ToptrumpsCardDesign.png [ 326.21 KiB | Viewed 1570 times ]