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 Post subject: Lava Dome Kruft Klips, Vol. I
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:58 pm 
Site Admin
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Well, as promised here's some Dome History Lessons(tm), brought to you by Dinosorceror! In today's lesson, we'll be looking at logs from October and November of 1997 to find out what crazy shenhanigans happened in the early history of Lava Dome. At this time, we were Lava Dome III still in Faibanx, Alyeska...however, this predates the creation of Faibanx MUCK by a couple years. The following events took place at Dino's place on FurryMUCK. I'm not even halfway through one log, but there's so many goodies I'm posting the first batch now.

First, let's see what the place looked like then...

Dinosorceror's Bedroom
This is a rather large suite for a bedroom, but the Dinosorceror often has large guests to entertain. It is approximately twenty-five hundred square feet, but is oval in design. The sliding portal you traveled through to enter the room is on one narrow end of the oval, and a large claw-shaped bed is at the opposing end. Dispersed throughout the room are several pieces of rather simple furniture...table and chairs, a video entertainment system, a very large sofa, and a large bean bag. There is a )bathroom( door near the claw-bed, and a small )kitchen( area separated from the rest of the room by an island. The floor is covered with a glossy sapphire blue tile bullnosed up the walls slightly...matching the various shades of blue the remainder of the room contains. The ceiling is comprised of a gently arched glass dome, which can be retracted...to accomodate even larger visitors. The only exit to the rest of Lava Dome III leads back to the )residence( )hall(.
Pioneer SX-650 stereo system
Athelind Ate Me! (and everything else) Summer 1997
ParasaurPaper(TM) squares
Dino's 25-cent Claw Cleaning Stand

Geez, look at that! The whole core DinoCrew(tm) present...Jenn, Astor and Helvetica, plus lots of other friends who aren't around anymore. Ah, those were the daze.

Helvetica belches tamale pie soup breath in Dino's face. "Lub'boo!"

Helvetica gets up and turns around, standing with a foot on Dino's index and middle toes, and hunkers down looking for more croutons. He dives into the toecrotch, so just a blue scaly butt, tail, and legs are sticking out.

Helvetica beams, gulping down the salty 'caviar.' "Hey Dino! I can eat your toejam...then you can get wee and eat mine!"

Helvetica growfs, "Masturbating is important when you're sick."

Helvetica has massive mammaries. Oh, wait, he's a reptile.

Helvetica growfs, "Build a house and raise...preserves."

Helvetica ows and twinkles his toes. It makes sounds like scronching a balloon.

Wow, that I don't think anyone needed to see. Looks like I signed off that evening to play Hexen II...

Astor is an anthropomorphic Apatosaur (Brontosaur). His body is a harmonious mixture of dinosaur and human, he stands erect bipedally and plantigrade, his long neck craning out above, thick tail laying out behind. His body is covered in fine grey scales, glinting almost like brushed steel in the light. He is very well built, his neck, torso, arms, legs, and tail rippling and bulging with heavy slabs of muscle and thick tendons. His large hands each have four fingers, each tipped with a thick ivory claw, his big four toed feet also equipped with a shiny white talon. He has a pleasant look on his face, his muzzle always seeming to be slightly curved up in a smile, his clear brown pupiled eyes sparkling in a cheerful way. His tail serpentines behind him idly, as long as he is tall.
Astor is wearing a spotless black single-breasted suit with matching black slacks, a starched and pressed white button down shirt under the jacket, and a black tie. He does appear to prefer to go shoeless. A Hamilton Ventura-styled watch graces his left wrist, and a pair of Ray*Ban Predator II sunglasses are in his jacket's left breast pocket when not worn.
Astor stands 15 feet tall from his feet to the top of his head, roughly one third of that height made up by his long craning neck.
FT-2500 pistol
Bronto-Thunder action figure
Button: Professional Weesaur reshaper
Button: Dinosaucers fan

Astor rumbles, "How's everything going, Mr. List-Moderator? :)"

Oh, yeah...apparently I had been running the "LD4" mailing list for a short while at this time...

Khith pages, "I've got a HUGE problem." to you.
Khith pages, "Modem disconnected when I was DLing e-mail..Eudora got a damaged table of contents in the inbox..rebuild? Yes..and now I've lost ALL my mail since July!! :(" to you.
Khith pages, "My last message is you with the subject 'Holy Shit' (I couldn't say it better(" to you.

And look, even robotoes are around, with various robotic issues. :) I wonder what my Holy Shit was about...

Astor rolls his eyes. "Eh, I'm actually feeling pretty good since I just quit the HML. My mailbox is pretty empty, but I'm in a better mood."

Astor left because he could *not* stand the newbies posting. No punctuation, no spelling, no sentence construction...barely readable, at best. And then there was the SUPERSPAMMY Utahraptor pounce thing going on...oh, it was too much. "I'll check back every couple months or so, to see if it's improved. But right now, good riddance."

Stormfront nods.

Stormfront rumbles, "All the artists have quit or are just lurking now."

Ah, I sure know how to destroy things, don't I? :) Oh, but wait:

Dinosorceror takes a breath, stretching. "Well, as much as I'd like to say I'd love the HML's death, I guess I can't."

Stormfront wonders when Dino became such a jerk.

Astor rumbles, "The HML seems to be decaying. It's critical. Well, that's the way it is. No sympathy here. The list is what it's *members* make of it."

Astor rumbles, "That is the second HML, am I right?"

Stormfront rumbles, "Exactly, that's why I blame everyone who left. It's also why LD4 is gonna fail too."

You hoot, "Oh, I don't think so."

Stormfront snorts.

You hoot, "And I became a jerk when Skant betrayed me."

Stormfront rumbles, "Dino, I've seen how you handle stress. The first time your list hits a snag it's gonna fold."

Astor raises his neck. "Betrayal? I didn't hear anything about...oh, forget it. None of my business."

Stormfront rumbles, "Whatever Dino, you've done the poor victim routine to death."

You hoot, "Oh, it isn't even worth going into, Astor."

Stormfront rumbles, "The reason it failed is because the admin refused to handle problems. He prefered to just ignore them and hoped they went away. And they didn't, so the list crashed."

Stormfront rumbles, "Exactly the same way dino refuses to handle problems, prefering to either ignore them entirely or to run away from them."

You hoot, "Stormfront...I am so tired of 'discussing' this."

Stormfront drops the topic then.

Astor changes the subject. "So, how about those Illuminati?"

Astor whispers, "You know what? I think sie's wrong. Sie's just mad because sie doesn't want things to change. I don't think sie can adapt. Or maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. Forget it." to you.

Astor whispers, "I think I just got myself into a whisper argument with Stormy...quick, somebody stab me! :)" to you.

Wow, now THAT is a keeper. :) Storm-who now?

Astor takes a box to the roof of his house, climbs in, and, holding the flaps of the box out horizontally with his hands, launches himself out into open air...of course, because it *is* a box, he does fly around instead of falling straight to the ground and breaking every bone in his body. "Yaaaaah!"

How can Astor still be alive? :) Oh, and here's some from that favorite old friend of mine SARCASM, Kaa!

Kaa pages, "I'm just debating what to do with some thoughts I have. Gone lurking on the HML for the time being." to you.

You page, "Well...I think that's understandable. I heard it's deteriorated greatly." to Kaa.

Kaa pages, "Not because of the HML. But me. I told everyone I considered my raptor self dead." to you.

You page, "Well...why do you feel that way? Or don't you really know?" to Kaa.

Kaa pages, "All because my pack is all gone. Forever. I was the only one left... and I lost the will to keep him alive." to you.

Kaa pages, "Havoc was the last one, and I lost him to a dragon... and I feel like hating dragons for taking many things from my life." to you.

Whine whine whine whine whine. :)

Astor holds his foot mere inches off the floor. The immense expanse of his sole spreads in all directions, filling your horizons, casting you in his shadows. The sound of blood coarsing through his veins is all you can discern. Then, suddenly, the foot drops another inch, the gale winds almost knocking you down as the foot looms closer, stopping again...

Astor simotaneously taps his claws down onto the tile with a sharp *clack!*, the raises his claws back up again, taking a moment to stand motionless...then lowering his heel onto the floor with an Earth shattering, roaring *THOOM!* His foot is angled above you, so close to wiping your insignificant existance out from under his mighty claws with less than a thought. As you run, only the sound of the colossal heartbeat accompanies you...until a booming voice assaults your earspots, almost mocking. "I'll tell you what...I'm going to lower my foot down, degree by degree...if you can get to my toes before that....you live just that much longer." With those words ringing in your earspots, the titanic foot begins to tip downward, the area of light between the foot and the floor narrowing slowly as the millions of gigatons of scaled dinosaur begins to decend on you...

Astor's foot continues to lower slowly, like a huge drawbridge. The ground quivers and your fellow dust particles dance when Astor's rumbling laugh reaches you. "Well, where is the mighty Dinosorceror now, eh?" The mocking laugh reaches you again as the foot draws closer and closer, the thumping heartbeat almost being felt more than heard... "You can be crushed like so many other ants beneath my foot..."

Ahhh, now that's pleasant, and a good ending to this first Kruft Klip. I'm telling you, I'm gonna write a book someday. :)

 Post subject: Re: Lava Dome Kruft Klips, Vol. I
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:47 pm 
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Blubber Dragon
Posts: 552
Species: Blubber Dragon
Location: Canada
Heh heh, looks like I missed a lot of good times in the early days. And a fuckload of drama that continues to this very day. :D
Silence is Golden. Duct Tape is Silver.

 Post subject: Re: Lava Dome Kruft Klips, Vol. I
PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:26 am 
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Talking Tyrannosaur
Posts: 861
Species: Tyrannosaurus
Wow, that's very interesting.

I had no idea Khith was an old timer too! Sorry I never go around to robo-roleplaying with you, Khith :-(

Hooray for LD5's continued existence!

 Post subject: Re: Lava Dome Kruft Klips, Vol. I
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:06 pm 
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Posts: 73
Species: Celtic Dragon
Location: Faibanx
I didn't start hanging around this place until about a year later from that log.
I was silently watching from the sidelines, though. :)
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 Post subject: Re: Lava Dome Kruft Klips, Vol. I
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:08 pm 
Wait how do people get kurfurty snake money.Kuz if I can I need a store that sells weed that give you special powers and after that how can I get money to by a log cabin in the woods.how do I personally get this stuff?

 Post subject: Re: Lava Dome Kruft Klips, Vol. I
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:41 am 
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Posts: 120
Species: Tuatara
Location: everywhere!
Ol' Boomer Khith

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