This is why computers aren't getting any faster, and why stuff like COARZ and THREADZ are definitely a bad thing. This
just happened on Faibanx MUCK.
Brynn also multi-threadeds Dino.
Dinosorceror splits into 8 different dinos, each with different personality traits of his.
Brynn yays! "Go get 'em, you crazy CUDA cores, you!"
Dinosorceror Sarcastico says, "Nice job, pixeltoes. Way to ruin the universe, Sears."
Dinosorceror Flamewarion burns the tiny barracuda cores with his flame breath.
Brynn D:
Dinosorceror Carington scoops up the ashes with care, and places them in a little tin with a picture poem about 'The Rainbow Bridge.'
Dinosorceror Laziness sighs. "Y'know, I don't think there are any more personalities to me. That's about it. Weesaurs are not complicated."
Somewhere on the muck, Selendro has connected.
Brynn D:
Dinosorceror Nervosia shivers, "And here comes Selendro...YOU're gonna have to explain it to him!"
Brynn D: D:
Brynn says, "But the efficiency!"
Brynn says, "Intel LIED to me."
Dinosorceror Thieverston shrugs. "So? It's not our problem."
Brynn devises class action lawsuits.
Dinosorceror O'Slipper salivates. "Besides, there's better things we could be doing, like jerking off in a slipper."
Dinosorceror Diligencia, the smallest of the eight, challenges in a meek tone. "But...what about Faibanx 3D?"
Somewhere on the muck, Odarious has connected.
Dinosorceror Sarcastico pffs. "Yeah, THERE's a worthwhile endeavor."
Brynn calls the helpline.
To Selendro: Dinosorceror O'Slipper greets you. "Hey, how's the porn flowing today?"
To Selendro: Dinosorceror Carington says kindly, "You must come quickly, Brynn just did something to Dino!"
Selendro has arrived.
>> Selendro's size is 300'.
Dinosorceror Flamewarion eyes Brynn. "So, you just hang out here all day and do fuck-all, is that it? Do I have your agenda down right?"
Dinosorceror Carington gasps! "You can just attack people like that!"
Selendro says, "what the fuck"
Dinosorceror O'Slipper goes and starts humping a Selendro toe.
Dinosorceror Nervosia hides in a hole in the ground, there's too much going on.
Selendro says, "brynn what hast thou wrought?"
Dinosorceror Sarcastico rolls his eyes at Selendro. "Oh, and here's someone sure to help."
Dinosorceror Carington explains to Selendro, "Brynn tried to multi-thread Dino, and this is what happened! We split into eight different weesaurs!"
Dinosorceror Carington scoops up and protects Dinosorceror Diligencia because he's so small.
Dinosorceror Diligencia, "He created Dino Sarcastico, Flamewarion, Carington, Laziness, Nervosia, Thieverston, O'Slipper, and me, Diligencia."
Dinosorceror Flamewarion roasts a Brynn toe. "Yeah, and the useless little FUCK better reverse it before I start toading people!"
Selendro says, "Well this is too s af"
Selendro flees
Selendro has disconnected.
Zordrak waves.
Dinosorceror Carington waves energetically. "Hi, Zordrak, my old friend!"
Zordrak says, "Howdy."
Dinosorceror Dilgencia suggests to Flamewarion, "Why don't you just steal the multithreading device and do it yourself?"
Dinosorceror Laziness adds, "Yeah, it's a lot easier to do it yourself."
Dinosorceror Sarcastico says 'yoink' as he grabs it and tosses it to Thieverston, who promptly pockets it.
Brynn waits on hold.
Dinosorceror Flamewarion stomps angrily over to Thieverston, his eyes burning. "If I didn't NEED you, you'd be toaded, too...!" He yanks the device and activates it.
You say, "You suck bronto balls, Brynn.
Dinosorceror pauses. "Wait...why am I mad at you?"
You say, "Did you dis sketti again?"
Zordrak scritches Brynn
And do you know which planet this took place on?