Legacy LD5

Blue's naughty EF '12 artdump - part 1
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Author:  Blue [ Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Blue's naughty EF '12 artdump - part 1

Ah, there we finally go. Finally everything scanned and polished that I drew or got drawn at the recent Eurofurence. Since I don't want to spam the forum with topics I just put it into two steaming piles of assorted messiness again, and since I do not want to spam the bandwidth and clog everyone's screen I even made small versions of everything. So, here is the mainstream-acceptable stuff that should not squick anybody out that has seen a macro picture before.
Bigger versions of the pictures are in my gallery!

So, first thing to become finished is this generic dragon thing in an industrial area of town pleasing his cloacal passage which a gas tank while holding on to the building he is leaning against. Why? Um, why not? I did it during my third cocktail in the bar, when I had the strong feeling that I should have been more productive with drawing and it definitely seemed like a good thing to draw at the time. :D
File comment: Industrial Insertion
Industrial-Insertion-small.jpg [ 151.12 KiB | Viewed 2154 times ]

Second tame one from this con is a little gift for that hopefully very well known animating dragon Rangarig. We met a few times before, and I felt like embarrassing the old fellow with a little doodling where he is macro muhahah - I mean, draw him a little nice sketch while we were all chilling in the lobby. After all, that's what I sat there for - chilling, chatting, sipping and doodling.
File comment: Rangarig catches the train
Rangarig-tram-small.jpg [ 86.88 KiB | Viewed 2136 times ]

Next. Oh, this, yes. Well, this guy was sitting there next to us, and he did some really awesome stuff for Rangarig that did not escape my keen raptor eyes, so the next day when he added some more to that I encouraged him to draw something with raptor (the story goes into the other part of this dump).
So I got (next to the other pic) this interesting picture of macro Blue on a nice tropical dinosaur age style beach, with a poor not all that big in comparison anymore triceratops.
File comment: Feeling Playful? You bet I am! - by Blue Rex
Blue-feeling-playful-small.jpg [ 197.34 KiB | Viewed 2150 times ]

Here is a very nice picture Daygo did for me, at it once again on a beach. Only upon uploading it I realized that it looks like someone built a city on the beach from the last picture! I wonder if that triceratops is still around somewhere too, having his semi macro way with townstuff. :)
File comment: Blue laying at the beach and... feeling playful again I guess. :) - by Daygo
Blue-beach-by-Daygo-small.jpg [ 218.46 KiB | Viewed 2167 times ]

And here is in return a picture I drew for Daygo, and I really think this is the best thing I crapped out at that con. It was the first time I actually sketched everyting first to see if it works and then erase it again bit by bit to put proper lines in. The progress still felt very smooth and rewarding, and I am very very happy with the result.
File comment: Daygo giving a buidling a tour to his nethers
Daygo-buildo-small.jpg [ 297.86 KiB | Viewed 2155 times ]

Oh, and then, a good way into the con, I checked out the dealers' room for the first time to be sure there was nothing awesome in there that I would regret having missed, and Gideon said hi and that he was open for sketch commissions again and since he is a really nice guy and also a good macro artist (who understands that people want their character's details right), I quickly tried to think of something and commissioned a "macro RAWR something".
Well, um, RAWR! :)
File comment: When you gotta spoo, you gotta spoo! - Messy Macro Blue by Gideon
Blue-Macromessy-small.jpg [ 239.6 KiB | Viewed 2147 times ]

Well so much for the mainstream stuff, the kinky rest goes into part 2. :)

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue's naughty EF '12 artdump - part 1

Yes, this stuff is just SO plebian and mainstream. ;) Nice to see it, especially that we still have power. :)

Author:  Tombfyre [ Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Blue's naughty EF '12 artdump - part 1

Heh heh, big naughty raptor antics. ^^ Thanks for sharing.

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