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Of giant footpaws and unknown characters...
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Author:  BillyTheCat [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Of giant footpaws and unknown characters...

To make a short story long: One faithful day, Billy was bored out of his skull so he browsed the ED site for some lulz to be had.
That's when I saw a user (named: Schnookums) who used this character as his avatar image... naturally I fell in love with his evil appearance and decided it was time to draw some 'healthy' smut of him. That is where this picture comes in play. =3

FORGET ABOUT THAT!! 'Selendro the great' Has succeeded where others failed. A special THANK-YOU goes out to him. ;3

In any case, hope you like this evil cartoon character as much as I do and by all means, enjoy! ;P

(The earthly background is licensed (CC) and created by: Christoph Hormann.)

File comment: Unkown evil ermine, marten, stoat, mink, weasel, ferret or whatever the heck this character is supposed to be. =P
Giant_Schnookums_LQ.jpg [ 526.66 KiB | Viewed 4632 times ]

Author:  Selendro [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of giant footpaws and unknown characters...

Please excuse the following, I'm just feeling rather pleased with myself.

Fuck I'm good. I was afraid my nose for obscure animation might hit a wall, but no. I have the answer.

This one was really tricky because it looked so familiar and yet NOT familiar that it was driving me absolutely crazy. I roamed "obscure 80s cartoon" on Google for like 20 minutes, but of course it was all stuff that's not obscure at all. Not in the same way. Then I realized, partially from the animation and partially from the background, that it reminded me very strongly of a Croatian animated movie called The Elm-Chanted Forest, which was something I watched a number of times as a kid and actually just recently revisited. The revisit meant I knew there was no such character in it, but something still nagged at me. That's when I discovered that The Elm-Chanted Forest had a sequel that was apparently never released in English called The Magician's Hat.

Found a YouTube version of the movie, quickly scanned through it, and viola!


I believe his name is Shiza. He's from The Magician's Hat. :D

Author:  BillyTheCat [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of giant footpaws and unknown characters...

Selendro wrote:
Please excuse the following, I'm just feeling rather pleased with myself.

Fuck I'm good. I was afraid my nose for obscure animation might hit a wall, but no. I have the answer.

This one was really tricky because it looked so familiar and yet NOT familiar that it was driving me absolutely crazy. I roamed "obscure 80s cartoon" on Google for like 20 minutes, but of course it was all stuff that's not obscure at all. Not in the same way. Then I realized, partially from the animation and partially from the background, that it reminded me very strongly of a Croatian animated movie called The Elm-Chanted Forest, which was something I watched a number of times as a kid and actually just recently revisited. The revisit meant I knew there was no such character in it, but something still nagged at me. That's when I discovered that The Elm-Chanted Forest had a sequel that was apparently never released in English called The Magician's Hat.

Found a YouTube version of the movie, quickly scanned through it, and viola!


I believe his name is Shiza. He's from The Magician's Hat. :D

Oh. My. God! You're good, you're absolutely good. After seeing a lot of "cartoon junkies" on forums searching and failing, I imagined it would've been one of those 'lost cases' (film festival films and stuff that get shown 'once' and then silently make their way on to the land of 'oblivion'.)
This find just proved that you, sir, are the best researcher in the world and you deserve all the love you can get... starting here. *hugs the Selendro very tightly* so don't be afraid to 'show off' or 'be pleased with yourself', because in my humble opinion: you deserve it. :3

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of giant footpaws and unknown characters...

That's Our SelendroTM!

Author:  Selendro [ Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of giant footpaws and unknown characters...

I spent a lot of time watching bargain bin VHS tapes as a kid because we didn't have cable.

I like the picture too, by the way. Everyone needs a little evil. Right?

Author:  BillyTheCat [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of giant footpaws and unknown characters...

Selendro wrote:
I spent a lot of time watching bargain bin VHS tapes as a kid because we didn't have cable.

Ah, so that's where you've got that fine 'nostalgia sense' from. ;3

Selendro wrote:
I like the picture too, by the way. Everyone needs a little evil. Right?

Thank you very much, I did make a few mistakes now that I can see Shiza's full body in the cartoon.
I saw that his hands were a little light-blue, so I assumed the same thing of his feet, his lower body is classical 'marten-style' in that he has very short legs, all-in-all however, I personally think I did a good 'guess-job'. ;P

And most certainly! ^w^
There's something about cute 'n evil characters (like Shiza for example) that attracts me. I dunno why, but my guess is that it has something to do with the fact that they wouldn't be holding back in 'macroscopic cases' like these. X//3

The only 'sad' part about the cartoon is that Shiza and Vukohod were disposed of somewhere half-way through the film, even though they made rather petty antagonists, I felt that they at least had some input as they slowed the protagonists down. Also, their ice-powers came a little out of nowhere to be honest, I know it was foreshadowed with the gleaming eyes, but it's still somewhat shoddy. =P
Would definitely love to see a remake of this film with maybe a few healthy changes made. In any case: Thanks again for finding it. ;3

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