Howdy everyone -
RipRoarRex returns once more with arty things.
Yep. Told you he'd be back soon.
This was the second of two pieces featuring Jake (
The Rescuers Down Under) which I started over the summer, but as with many of my projects at the time, it was put on hold while I completed my
website revamp. The original drawing was done a few days after the linework for my previous Jake picture (
click here if you haven't seen it), but I did not start shading it until earlier this week.
Much like the 'Going Down Under' picture, I stuck with my preference for Jake's feet having darkened toes instead of claws, and I kept them more plantigrade in style. However, unlike the last picture, I decided to shade this one in a style more similar to the original Disney cell-shaded approach, with a background inspired by some of the layouts featured in the movie. Indeed, just for a laugh, I also made a mock 'screenshot' version, designed to look like a slightly fuzzy, faded screengrab from one of the films (
click here).
Further in keeping with the Disney style, I decided to revive the Disney-like bug characters - seen in pictures such as 'Timon - A Lunch Between Friends' and 'Alan-A-Dale - A Lasting Impression' - which seem to have become part of my gallery in the last year or so. But I like them - I think they serve their purpose in a very cute way.
I've enjoyed being more productive as of late, but this will be the last picture you'll see from me for a little while. Some of my relatives are coming to stay for the next week or so, therefore it's unlikely I'll be getting any more artwork done until closer to Christmas. But I hope the recent flurry of uploads will be enough to keep you entertained in the meantime!
There are so many weird and dangerous creatures in the Australian Outback, you might feel it's important to watch your step. Thankfully, as your experienced guide, Jake will let you know which ones you needn't fear getting underfoot.
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File comment: Jake - Fifty To The Dozen
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