Sprotchymon wrote:
The big difference on my end doesn't seem to be brightness so much as the boost in contrast. Not all areas appear darkened equally, so you must have saved all the layers of each digitally colored piece instead of using a single slider for the whole piece. Again, that must have taken hours.
Heh! In actual fact, not at all! The only graphic setting I actually altered was the gamma - not brightness, contrast or saturation - which highlights just how much midtone shading detail was being lost. Plus, I simply corrected the gamma on each flat JPEG image (single layer), so combined with the use of keyboard shortcuts, I was able to correct each image within only about 3 or 4 seconds. What
did take hours however was editing every single submission in my FA gallery and reworking many of the links on my site; many of the original images on my site were actually PNGs, and having saved all the gamma-corrected versions as JPEGs, I had to go through and alter each incorrect link accordingly.
Glad to know you think it was all worth it though, mate. Thanks very much.