Dinosorceror wrote:
Okay, so when have I ever, ever said that I'm always right? I think this picture is completely backwards, myself. It should be Blue holding a sign saying that "Dino is lazy and wrong" and still raspberrying me and me being just a pixel.
I am just gald you dont
really take that serious then.
No, in fact I actually found myself thinking, "Coming to think of it, Dino is always right." Well not always of course, but at least often. About things happening on the internet, for example.
But... but that still doesnt give you any excuse for being so lazy!
And no, I did not resize it, as letters being the absolut minimum number of pixels and still being readable doesnt happen automagically when resizing something. (Well, actually it most often does, but... that's not nicely crude pixel art then.
) And it does not look funny on the edges. *looks at it* No. Where?