Well, back form the con and I got some stuff that was lingering in my folders scanned. To not overly spam the forum and the most recent pics, I shall just put it into two dumps...
Here is an old sketch I did at the last FurCon, 2010, I think, and which likely won't be finished anyway but I think it looks rawrsome as it is, so I should just throw it out there.
File comment: SC looking
SC-look-sketch-scan.jpg [ 114.74 KiB | Viewed 2297 times ]
Story behind that is a very cutely clumsy mega black dragon kept directing us around with his GPS cellphone to find "Original Joe's", and led us around in circles until I spotted the place and pointed out that it was actually right in plain sight from the hotel, in the other direction.
Obviously it must have been UNDER him somehow so he could not find it.
I still think it's an awesomely dragony sketch. Just won't ever turn into a decent drawing.
Oh, and then there is this old crappy doodle that I did for... I think it was Timanth, when he said he couldn't get the pose of a raptor laying there seen from behind right, and I had it so clearly in my mind, stroking that big proud dragon chest that he is laying so snugly beside... and then he said he thought of something completely different and of course not an ANTHRO raptor. Well... bah.
File comment: anthroraptor laying and stroking a dragon that is not there
Blue-lay-sketch-scan.jpg [ 27.97 KiB | Viewed 2280 times ]
On to something more fun. And more recent.
Since I roomed with him and figured he didn't get drawn enough, I drew this for our shenanigany friend Selendro. Being a royal nuisance to poor medieval villagers.
File comment: Look! It's him!
Selendro-toying.jpg [ 241.38 KiB | Viewed 2299 times ]
And while everyone else seems to fail royally at drawing me, I fortunately have a hold of a very nice person who also is a very great artist, and VERY patiently, so I can happily say that this is a good smooth pencil-style shaded reference sketch of how I look like. (Name is Quadrackss, has a Deviant Art account as well as FA, go check it out and comment on some of the non-porn pictures that were so much work and get so little appreciation.)
Yes, the claws look a bit savage on this, but it is an awesome picture so shush!
Gear and 80's racing stripe yet to be added.
File comment: Look again! It's me!
Blue-Raptor-reference1.png [ 296.31 KiB | Viewed 2976 times ]