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 Post subject: Shawn & Korve Episodes: #1 Anubian Crushporn
PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:06 am 
Posts: 168
Species: Humie
(First written 01/01/12)

As the lift doors whirr open, Korve leans out to check up and down the corridor before leading his soon to be 'victim' out. It wouldn't do to be seen together - not in this kind of setting. With one hand on the intoxicated human's back, it isn't hard for the 9' anubian to direct him up to the apartment door, unlock it and push him inside. He hadn't even caught the human's name - something mumbled and incoherent - but the young man had looked the right type for his needs, nubile, average build and open to try new things, and even if something went wrong, the nanites should be able to undo all but the most gratuitous of damage that Korve would be able to inflict. They weren't industrial grade by any means, but the tiny machines were still supposed to be able to knit tissue back together and repair broken bones.
"Wait here," the anthro says, locking the apartment door behind him and heading over to a battered wooden desk to switch on a small black sound inhibitor that sits there, facing into the room. The device lights up with a stuttering flicker, and the familiar static crackle of the inhibitor field zings across Korve's ebony skin, making the hairs on the back of his muzzle stand on end. "Okay," he says, breathing a sigh of relief. "Now you can make as much noise as you like." He nods his slim canine muzzle to the floor at the foot of the bed. "Lie down there."

The somewhat tipsy and disorientated man in a frilly party outfit stumbles into the comfortable apartment, having being escorted from the dance floor by a particularly eye catching anubian. From his point of view he thought he was in for one wild night with this 9ft tall jackal buck and though it may have been the alcohol talking he could not turn down such an opportunity. However he was feeling abit wary of having been given nanite shots just as a 'precaution'
"Ehh... better safe than sorry" After all, STDs, and injuries associated with having fun with such a large partner aren't something he would want to wake up to. On his walk up from the hotel nightclub, he was lead like a child in hand by the tall black anubian male up the elevator to a loft, with a perfect view of the glowing night cityscape "hoh, wow.. this guys loaded" he thought to himself.
He smirks with a mumble to the anubian as he sways and flops onto the bed,"... never really.. got your name handsome,..". paying no attention to the soundproofing being activated. And nor did he care in his intoxicated state, thanks to the noxious mixture of party drugs and nanites he was just keen on having one crazy night of wild sex with a hot anubian stud. "soOOo. big man, what do you... want to Do with me... hic*"

"You really don't know, huh?" The anubian smirks, calm and relaxed now his door is locked and his actions inaudible even to his closest neighbors. "Guess this could get interesting then. I don't know if you've ever been trampled before," he says, leaning against the door frame to take off his boots one after the other. "But I've done it a couple of times and trust me - humans don't last long under an anubian." He pauses to activate the computer on his desk, then heads over towards the bathroom, bare feet padding softly in the carpet as they stroll smoothly past. They are large, even for one of his generously statured race, comfortably reaching the 20" mark from the looks of them.
Korve disappears into the bathroom for a moment, then emerges to toss a plastic bottle of painkillers to the lounging human. "Better take a couple of them first," he says, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back against the wall to examine the young man. "No one's gonna hear us, but I still don't want to making too much noise at the start." He snorts amusement at his guest's wary confusion, then steps forward to pull the human off the bed and onto the carpet at its base. "On the floor, I said."
From this angle, the tall anubian seems positively godly, towering half a man-height above his dazed victim, a plain white shirt and blue canvas trousers concealing what is clearly a very strong and athletic body. It is plain there is to be no arguing with the young anthro. "Stay down," he says, and casually places a single large foot over the human's abdomen, setting it firmly upon him, warm and heavy. He pushes down a little, stretching the long, supple arch over the man's width as a smile creeps across his muzzle. "That's not too bad. You might last a while..."

The pleasant smile and a confident disposition quickly wavered as the human found himself being told that he was to be trampled by this anubian, to the human he had little knowledge of the whole world of trample fetishes and even less of the Korve's true intentions of having him play a role in an illicit 'snuff' film.
Before he could say "whaat?" the human was brushed from the bed to the floor still with the bottle of pills in hand. Gazing up at the anubian he sprawls out submissively and with was with that mistake, did he make it all too easy for the jackal to simply plant his wide, thick sole right onto his belly.
A cringing thump and the man tensions his abs in response. That huge foot, being almost twice the length of a human one, most certainly weighed much more than he was prepared for. It presses into him, making his flesh well up around it's firm sides. He could feel the warmth radiating from that sole and despite this compromising position looking up at that gracefully trim anubian still gave the soon to be crush toy a hard-on.
"S... softly please. "the human muttered as he tried to grasp the jackal's ankle feeling nothing but solid muscle and taught sinew. The creature easily weighed 800 or so pounds and even in the face of this man's confidence in his own durability, he knew, that much weight would do some Real damage.

"You like that?" Korve taunts, holding his victim down effortlessly and beginning to experimentally squeeze and ply. "You know, humans always used to worship anubians. We were your gods back in the old days. I guess it's pretty natural, huh?" He smirks, pressing the ball and toes of his foot down into the human's stomach and working it in deep with smooth, controlled waves of pressure that curl the young man reflexively inwards around the great expanse of sole flesh pushing down into him. Eventually Korve deceases though, taking his foot off the supple abdominal flesh beneath it and stepping back to look down at his puzzled guest. "Yeah, you'll do nicely."
He circumnavigates the bed, crouching to remove something from a drawer beneath it: two long cords of looped elastic and a stained canvas sheet with a plastic backing to it. He throws the sheet over the bed, then tosses the two cords underneath the bed frame, leaving either end of each exposed on one side or the other. "On you get," he says, knowing that the eager human will obey, no matter how reluctantly, and he turns away to manipulate the computer, keys clicking and hard drives whirring. After a moment, he turns back, a pair of long-corded webcams in his hands. With practiced precision, the lithe anubian places them around the room, facing the bed, then returns to briefly check the computer once more before returning to his lounging victim.
"It wasn't just worship we used to take from you," he continues, crouching alongside the bed to slip the human's left arm and leg into the loops at the end of the elastic cords. "They used to do this thing where a slave were sacrificed to each member of the anubian imperial family." A deep, throaty chuckle, the anthro now securing his victim's other wrist and ankle. "
They were stretched out across these padded platforms..." he stands up and takes the bottle of painkillers from the human's hand, tossing it away. "...doped up until they were basically numb to pain..." A broad, luxurious stretch, the plain white shirt coming off over Korve's head as he removes it to expose a slim, muscular torso. "...then their gods would trample them slowly to death." He grins, fangs protruding from between black lips as he hauls a leg up and puts his foot on the bed alongside the human. "Pretty sexy, huh?"

His heart skips a beat to the sheer exhilaration of being so completely dominated by the jackal, the man could scarcely come up with a sensible answer "yes.... yes, I like it... Ahhhhg.. " making note of just how heavy his 'partner' is pressing down. With each swashing motion this person's abdomen was forces to deform just slightly and his back made to curl in response and it was thanks to the soft carpeted floor, this experience wasn't... tooo painful.
Feeling the anubian press those smooth shapely toes and ball into the side of his belly, returned a tingling sensation, one which his muscles were completely unable to resist, soft squelches were heard as his own lithe looking stomach was being kneaded like putty under those hot jackal feet and were this to continue the man could have very much found out why there is a fetish associated with trampling with his own arousal flaring up.
But alas, it suddenly ended with the coy looking jackal pulling his mighty sole off the floored human, Picking himself up off the ground and slightly woozy from all the blood rushing to his head, He notices Korve preparing some kind of bedspread, a distinctly plastic looking sheet which he was soon told to lie upon. "All the better to squash me on eh?" he jokes to the jackal in a wobbly drunken tone only to notice the recording equipment being set up "oh?... Kinky, heh"
Listening to the anubian go on however was beginning to worry him though, "sacrifice? naww, he must be joking" ran through his mind." who after all would kill someone on camera plus, I'm sure he's probably just trying to set up a kinky mood or something" he thought to himself. The rest sort of came to him as just comical fluff, being said in that slightly sarcastic and coy tone with the jackal's shirt coming off.
"heh.. yeah. sound's super hot" he joked as Korve placed a foot right next to him. completely oblivious to what was about to happen. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe the nanites were spiked, either way, at this stage, the man might as well have been hopped up on morphine.

Korve only smiles at the tipsy enthusiasm of the man, now straddled between his bare ebony feet. "But like I said," he continues casually, easing his weight forwards to step further up the bed and lift his other foot over the human's head. "Worship came first."
The sole of the young anubian is starkly paler than the rest of his body - the colour of smooth, creamy coffee as compared with the almost jet-black darkness that coats the rest of him. "Lick it," he says, lowering the long, supple sole over his victim's head. "Nice and slow, heel to toes. Show me you know which one of us is divine, hehe."
As the human acquiesces, Korve reaches up to steady himself against the ceiling, feeling a long, pleasant pang of arousal as he feels the tongue of his victim sweep submissively along his arch and up across the ball of his foot to end at the tip of his second two toes. "Again," he rumbles, closing his eyes as he quietly accepts another slow, sensual lick, then a third. After this, he maneuvers his foot down alongside the man's head and lifts the other for the same treatment. "Not bad," he praises afterward, setting the ball and toes of his freshly-licked foot possessively over side of the human's face and head. "You know your place under us anubians without needing to be taught. I like that."

Wanting to please this magnificent specimen of a creature, the human licks, lips and sucks the jackal's appendage, from heel to toe, and of course this had alot to do with his own pedigree. Being the party animal he was, he was used to getting into wild sex orgies and doing weird things.
"so strong, .. and powerful... my jackal god" his murmurs between each successive lipping of Korve's foot. His hands tied down, aching to grasp at the sides and over the top to pull it closer. The man lay on his back flat against the plastic sheeted bedspread. Looking past the sole, he gets a keen view of the stern anubian towering over him, and with that, he could scarcely control his lust. Down at his trousers he had clearly pitched a rock hard erection as he made out with the jackal's raised foot. All of this in plain embarrassing sight of the many cameras focusing on the two.
The jackal had taken a shower just recently and the sole was still pleasantly moist and fresh, feeling supple and warm to the touch but distinctly powerful as the black and brown flesh covered over very shapely musculature. Each toe donned with finely trimmed ebony claws, while the left ankle dangled a piece of exotic minimalist jewelery.

The huge sole parts from the human's head, creamy brown sole flesh peeling up from the strained, crimson face beneath it and leaving the pale, bloodless print of Korve's broad ball and fine, proportionate toes. "Looks like you need some relief there," the tall jackal comments, noting the conspicuous bulge in front front of his victim's trousers and grinning as he takes in the sight of the helpless man, limbs stretched out helplessly across the bed beneath him.

"Too bad," he says, placing his raised foot down across the heaving stomach of his victim and pushing down, slowing sinking the human deep into the mattress as his thigh muscles begin to firm with the modest application of his strength. Slowly, very deliberately, he eases his weight forwards and lifts the other foot, placing it down, amidst gurgles and the wet sound of guts relocating, onto the man's bulging abdomen, right alongside the first.

Korve pauses, relocating it slightly, brushing his soft toes and warm ball against it in a teasingly possessive manner, then carefully drawing up the man's shirt to expose the bare flesh beneath, before finally covering it under his arch and treading it down flat. With the human rooted down under both feet, the anubian evens out his weight and dips his muzzle to smile broadly at the sight of his pinned, straining victim, shirt bunched up around his chest. "Let's see how long you can stay conscious," he says, lifting his arms to brace against the ceiling as he begins to smoothly, gruelingly knead.

The soft, vulnerable stomach of his victim sinks helplessly under him, strong, anubian legs easing up and down as the lithe jackal pushes his soles deep into the man, one after the other. The warm, thick flesh that coats them stretches and deforms with smooth, easy grace as they move, strong, supple and perfect as they flow over the soft bare flesh of the human beneath them. It is unmistakably the act of a god upon a lowly subject, and it feels incredible.

Pulling up from the human's face, prone victim to be takes a deep relaxed breath and stares up at the jackal. Gazing at that godly looking physique draws a sensual sigh from him as his bound arms were not able relieve his own pent up pleasure. Alas this was not to be the greatest concern by far as he was about to find out.
With a huffing "oof!" Korve's foot slams down onto the man's abs again. but this time with decidedly more firmness. Fully expecting the jackal to continue with that sensual pressing which he displayed earlier, the man was utterly unprepared for the next course of action. With steadily increasing pressure that ebony textured foot sank down. more and more.
Watching that powerful leg press into him, it's muscles tensing, and that great weight bearing down on his abdomen, the man exhales and bucks forwards, trying to let his body accommodate the weight. The mattress has some give but to his dismay he soon found his back pressed against what felt like solid packed foam with no more softness to offer.
The one foot standing atop his belly felt iron hard as he painfully watched the jackal step forwards. each moment, more weight. more pressure until the godly figure stood atop his solar plexus with all 800 pounds on one masculine anubite sole.
Having barely any air in his lungs the man gags as his arched body strains against the restraints only to feel a sudden shifting of weight and an awful gurgling sensation inside his belly as the other foot was place on his lower abdomen. Right atop his squishy coils of intestines. wet sensations of innards shifting as those ample jackal soles bore down on him.
"Hrrrrrn.. Arrgh.. f... uck. Heavy. arrr.." he gasps as the human's body is pushed to it's limit just supporting Korve's treading weight. But this was just to be the beginning. The numbing sensation saved him from feeling the otherwise excruciating pain of his guts being utterly flattened. but he could still very much feel that intense sensation of fullness and suffocating pressure and as the jackal began a slow , steady march upon his upturned belly, He felt his insides gurgle and squelch softly.
It was quite apparently, that the sensation was anything but pleasant, but oddly within moments of the initial shock of the crushing weight, the man's body began to deform and accommodate the jackal's trampling feet. And too the touch, Korve could feel the victim's stomach getting soft, muscles relaxing and feet pressing right onto breakable organs. It all felt like wet chunks of boiled dough inside.

The big, pale soles continue to knead, working their way right down into the human's abdomen and slowly robbing it of all tensile strength as muscles fail under the endless barrage of deep, aching pressure. The arches of Korve's feet are long enough to fit snugly over the man's width, heels pushing into his right side and toes splaying against the canvas sheet on his right. They make a soft rustling sound as they push his body down into the sheet, and the squirming of distressed, pressurized guts becomes a constant wet slurp-and-gurgle, slurp-and-gurgle as one sole rises and the other descends, vacuum and pressure sucking and squeezing the loose organs out from under the descending foot and in under the raising one, only to be squeezed back again as the weight shifts.

"Hear that?" Korve says, closing his eyes as he kneads. "That's good, human. That sounds like healthy guts." He opens his eyes and grins at the groaning of the man beneath him. "Seriously. You can hear all the bits and pieces, whole and plump. That'll change to a smooth, creamy slush after a while - like squeezing toothpaste up and down a tube. That's the kind of sound you don't want to hear." An amused snort and the anubian closes his eyes again, muzzle lifting in pleasure. "If you hear that, it means you don't have any guts left."

The red lights on the two cameras blink steadily as they hungrily absorb the scene, capturing every detail of the tall anthro jackal's grueling abdominal tread and the human's strained, limp, groaning resistance. Korve is tall enough that his jackal ears brush the ceiling, even in the high anubian designed apartment, but even so, he seems to be made larger by the comparative smallness of his victim. The young man on the bed beneath him is all but swallowed up under his kneading, ebony feet.

Pressed and deformed by the slow, graceful treading of soles better suited for strolling over desert sand and hard rock than the soft, vulnerable flesh of a small, organic victim. Korve sighs deeply, reaching down to knead at his own growing trouser bulge while the quiet squelches and slick gurgles ring out from under his smoothly pumping legs.

Getting quite literally drunk off the feeling of his own body disintegrating the man blurts out a weak "yees" and his lips bubble and froth over with regurgitated gunk, the sounds and sensations very sensual indeed, and all of which recorded in high definition surround sound by the fancy setup. "arh.. gah. my. god ... Urhh" and other pathetic sounds squeezed out of the delirious human as Korve trod in place slowly, relentlessly and without mercy. Reducing intestines, organs and muscles into a soft pulverized mush.
And as those jackal feet kind of shuffled in place, pressing into the soft and helpless gut of the human, blood began to trickle from his lips, and nose, while his trousers to began to blossom with red indicating that damage was starting to be done
His eyes wondering in confused spasm, the man''s body was flush with adrenaline , morphine and endorphins making him uncertain whether he should be panicking or having an orgasm. the pressure and constant squashing of his internal organs was incredible. Having no sense of pain, and only that constant sound of wet organic chunks being reduced ever flatter to judge
And just like Korve said, it took maybe. 4 minutes of this unceasing pressure for the man's internals to turn from gurgles pops and squelching into a soupy mess. Having lost much of it's integrity and offering nothing more than a moist gooey sloshing sound with each shifting of weight from foot to foot.

Aaaaah, that's good," the anubian intones, his voice deepened and softened by pleasure as he slowly squeezes the liquefied guts from one foot to the other, feeling them flow smoothly inside the crimson flesh of his heavily trodden victim like thick, hot cream. The delirious intensity of the sensation is clearly having a confusing effect on the young man beneath him, whose blood-stained lips flicker between strained pain and gasping pleasure. Amused by this, Korve dips his head and gently rubs his warm, supple toes over the bulge of hard flesh between the human's wide-splayed legs, plying a few smooth strokes until a shuddering groan sounds from the other end of him and a hot, wet stain spreads between his legs.
Smirking, the young anubian pulls his feet one-after-the-other from the sunken, footprinted stomach and treads carefully on his victim's chest instead, one long, warm sole spreading over the man's collarbone and shoulders while the other covers his lower ribcage. Somehow the large, black feet seem all the more real here, so perilously close to his vital organs. They hold him down tightly under a single broad expanse of heavy, remorseless sole flesh while the god-like anubian himself stretches up in the human's vision, towering nine feet above the bloodshot eyes of the heavily trampled man.
Slowly, inevitably, the long, supple feet begin to tread on him, lifting a little, one after the other, only to plow back into his body. His ribs give way almost immediately, cracking and caving inwards under the pale soles as Korve slowly, sensually breaks him underfoot, the tall anthro jackal groping at his own bulging erection with shameless passion while he tramples the torso of the doomed human to a cracked, bloody mess.

Beneath this godly being who has so thoroughly reduce his body to a quivering mush, the human humbles himself by moaning and howling softly in rapture to the sheer sensation of his stomach being crushed. The mulching of his organs and bending and buckling of his spine making his flesh bruise while thick bulges swell around the where those handsome soles make contact with his pliable flesh.
like an automated response, Korve's soft touch to his throbbing erection and a few sensual strokes was all that was needed to trigger an orgasm, a rather pathetic display as his entire lower body had effectively been drained of life under those crushing soles.
After his abdomen has nothing more to offer, the jackal promptly shuffles his pace to the side and stands atop the man''s chest, Brittle human bones no match for those firm godly sole as they bent and crumpled them inwards like tin plate.
"harrrk. " was all that could be heard as the last of the air was forced from the man's lungs. The weight applied there instantaneously pushed his body to the brink his ribs buckling at his sides beneath the incredible weight of this hot jackal stud. A stomp. a press a crackle and pop. then another, and another as the ribs snapped beneath in deep sensual pops. Those ebony soles sinking down gracefully with each passing moment.
In his shell-shocked and lust dazed wake, the man watches his jackal god pleasure himself to the sensation of his vital organs being impaled by broken ribs and crushed underfoot. Feeling all the giblets sliding and shifting into his wasted abdomen. forcing it to bulge and re-inflate ever so.... temptingly.

Unable to restrain himself further, Korve unzips his trousers and pulls out his gleaming, jet-black erection. It bobs briefly in the air, then the jackal grips it with a shudder of pleasure and begins to massage it, long, smooth strokes driving pleasure deep into his powerful body while he tramples the human to a gorey mess beneath him.
The strong ebony feet take no prisoners, treading remorselessly and methodically on the man's undefended body in a devastating display of size and strength. Blood gurgles and spits whenever a foot comes down on the soft, squashed organic matter beneath it, and long trails of sticky gore stretch up from body-to-sole whenever one lifts. The plastic-coated canvas sheet is already covered with gore, blood flowing freely across its crinkled surface and bubbling enthusiastically forth whenever one of the large anubian feet tread on their victim.
The gurgling, drooling head of the human is rocked with convulsions, coughing up blood and plunging forwards as reflex draws it in around the foot sinking into his shoulders, then lolling loosely backwards when it lifts again. Still the feet tread on him, trampling mercilessly and with a smooth, easy grace that is at stark odds with the rough, desperate jerking of the soon to be eviscerated man beneath them. Long, anubian legs pump fluidly, working up and down with liquid grace while they push the supple, heated soles of his feet deep into the unresisting body beneath them.
Korve draws out the trampling of his victim's torso, eyes closed and head lolled back in lusty pleasure as he masturbates sensually before the cameras, blood squirting up his legs to drip and dribble down over his murderous feet. Despite his victim's copious bleeding and largely liquefied innards, the care with which the young anubian squashes and reduces him underfoot means his body mass remains largely inside the warm, bruised, fleshy bag that his skin has become. The man is riddled with long, proportionate footprints, marked and branded by the feet of his god, but still his flesh is intact, the squashed organic matter within it bulging and gurgling and relocating whenever one of the feet tread down into him.
It takes a few minutes of careful, kneading tread before Korve has gathered the internal pulp to a single bulge, framed between both his feet in a soft mound of stretched flesh near the side of the human's belly. With the air of someone who knows how to make a good thing last, the tall anubian slowly puts his foot on it, letting it rest there, atop the bulge of liquefied internal matter. His warm, supple sole lifts a little, repositioning with precision and care, then he pushes down and pops the young man open with a deep growl of pleasure.
Flesh ruptures, allowing the gathered organs of the human to squirrel out as Korve steps down and the jackal grunts loudly, spurting a long string of thick seed onto the trampled body beneath him and gasping against the ceiling. He kneads the organs of the human out with both feet, slow and thorough while he simultaneously squeezes the last dribbles of fluid from his throbbing cock onto the mashed body below, then stands panting upon the empty pelt, toes splaying and curling in rich, orgasmic pleasure.

As the punishment intensifies the man's anatomy begins to show clear signs of failure, broken ribs poke and stab at the sides of his ribs while his mouth and nose bubbles a bloody froth. his flesh, like a softened carpet, a meat patty being tenderized under remorselessly heavy jackal tread.
Blood seeping onto chest, and onto the soles of his trample executioner, before finally pooling by his sides in the waterproof sheeting. Having his throbbing heart crushed beneath a firm press under the ball of Korve's foot, his entire body throttles and twitches as it dies, A wonderful sensation to feel under your feet.
All the better to pleasure this divine looking being who has all but reduced the man's body to worm food with sturdy treading and crushing weight. The man's guts still writhed and squelched within him as the Korve shuffled upon his destroyed body trying to draw out the experience as long as physically possible.
Until of course the inevitable coup-degas' , The anubian with skill and balance of a true expert, packs the liquified innards of the human into a thick tight bulge before applying pressure one last time. Skin and battered muscle merely stretch and smear as the weight presses down before.... Pop!
and with that, climaxes the his jackal god to the sensation of his twisted and mangled guts squirting out in a thick gorey mess of pink and red
The victim finally receiving the pleasure he so longed for as the hot salty jackal jizm spilled over onto his flattened torso as his consciousness fades.

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