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 Post subject: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:25 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
A Tale Of Two Titans
By Christopher Thomas Cimafranca
And Warren Walter William Woulfe

Chapter 1 - Big Ben

Benjaman Biggs lived up to his nickname "Big Ben" for he was so large that he could hold the average maco in his handpaw easily. Ben is a polar bear, so not only is he tall, but wide as well, his body covered in muscles, yet despite all that he's a gentle as can be.

This didn't matter to the people in Centeropolus for they were still afraid of him, just like other macros they were afraid of. The citizens of the city worked with scientists to bulid a device that could teleport any macro out of there to another planet, any planet, as long as it was far away from them.

All they had to do was point the device at the macro flip a switch and poof they were teleported out of there instantly.

Today it was Ben's turn to get teleported from there.

Ben approached the city, smileing friendly like, and he saw a flash of light and the city vanished from his view, then he was plummeting down from the sky at an incredible rate. He waved his arms against the wind, it didn't slow him down any at all. Ben wondered what happened to him.

Down, down, down, he went air rushing past him, he could only see clouds around him, but that didn't last long, soon he could see water below, he hoped it was deep. Ben soon splashed down in the water he was rushing towards, he curled in a ball to protect himself.


Had anyone viewed it from a distance they would of seen a big white ball of fur slam into the water, followed by a huge title wave of water leading out from the splash down point. The wave would of petered out after a few miles as Ben had landed in a very large body of water.

Ben had to swim to the surface of the water as it was deeper then he thought it was. Must find the shore he told himself, he swam in one direction, it didn't matter to him what direction it was, as long as it met getting to dry land for he was soaked through and through.

It took awhile before he hit the shoreline, once there he laid down on the beach and went to sleep as swimming had tired him out, but at least he was on dry land now. As he slept he had a strange dream that he couldn't figure out what it was about for the life of him.

Chapter 2 - Face To Face ?

Ben awoke, it was still daylight wherever he was, he looked around, he thought he was being watched. Just your imagination he thought to himself. Well, let's get a lay of the land. Ben walked to the forest just next to the beach, in fact as far as he could see the forest and the beach went on and on from where he was standing.

Oh well, he entered the woods, the tress as tall as himself if not taller. Redwoods he thought, just like back home, yet the trees bark wasn't reddish here, must just be a really old forest he thought, grew a long time to get this large he figured.

He walked for miles and miles the woods unending it seemed, he wanted to find a clearing as the woods sloped uphill. He wanted to see more of the area to get his bearings mostly. He soon was rewarded with a clearing, it was raining pretty hard once he there however so he couldn't see very far anyway, all he could see was a black shape in the rain.

Ben made his way to the black shape in the clearing which he thought was a mountain or some kind of outcropping for him to get up on and see around better, however it kept getting bigger as he got closer to it, well, whatever it was it had to be better then being out in the rain, he hoped there was a cave in this cliff side before him.

He reached his handpaws out before him, and soon was feeling the cliff side. It didn't feel like any cliff side he knew of, perhaps it was just covered in grass he thought. It certainly wasn''t colored like any grass he knew as well. He brushed his headfur out from in front of his eyes.

He blinked, several times at what he was seeing, it looked like a toe pad, however this toe pad was massive, bigger then him, a lot bigger then him. He could see the dermal ridges clearly on the pad, a normal sized fur could walk in them with room to spare.

Chapter 3 - Meet Woulfe

Ben felt very small looking at the toe pad before him, there were two others by ether side of the one he was standing in front of, the rain was clearing up, that's why he could see more. He took a step back above the toe pads was a sole pad, he realized he was looking at a gigantic foot paw, bigger then any he'd ever seen in his life, even counting his own.

He calculated that whoever this foot paw belong to was some 25 miles large. He nervously climbed up the foot paw before him, not sure if it was safe or not. It took him awhile to reach the heal pad, once he did he looked upwards.

Ben's eyes went wide, there above the heel pad was the biggest wolf one had never seen before, black as the night fur wise. Muscles everywhere on this wolf above, Ben felt even tinier looking at this mass of wolf. He gulped. "Holy....." he nearly said too loud.

The towering mass of wolf was sleeping thank goodness. Ben tried to be as quiet as can be as he scrambled up the backside of this gigantic wolf, stopping a few times to catch his breath as it was tiring going up and down the wolf's huge muscles.

Ben before too long was standing by an ear of the wolf, said ear might as well be a mountain by itself as Ben stood next to it. He then made his way down the wolf's face winding up on his muzzle. The wolf's eyes were shut. Yup he was asleep alright.

He saw the wolf had a collar on, so he made his way down to the ground to see if there was a tag on it. Indeed there was a tag on the collar it was as big as Ben himself. It said simply on the tag "Woulfe" So that your name Ben thought to himself.

Ben looked at one of the fangs poking out of the muzzle no part of the wolf was small by any means. Ben hoped the wolf wasn't dangerous or liked to eat tiny polar bears like him. That was a first for Ben, thinking of himself as tiny.

Well next to this monster of a wolf he was.
A very big blue eye opened.
Ben fainted.


 Post subject: Re: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:40 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Yay, close toepad interaction! :)

 Post subject: Re: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 11:28 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Thought you'd like that ;)

Now just need to figure out where to go with the story next.

- W -
* tailwags *

 Post subject: Re: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:23 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
More toepad interaction, of course! ;)

 Post subject: Re: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:00 pm 
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Magnificent Bastard
Posts: 544
Location: Wherever there be feetzorz
A giant among giants now confronting a living mountain... nice reversal.

It doesn't take an Einstein to realize that everything is relative.
“Frankly, I’ve never thought of folks like you in terms of your species. I see you as part of a larger community.
The community of things that go ‘SQEAK’ when I step on them.” –Bob the Dinosaur
“A Sprotchymon's musings always take a lot of processor power, but are just as always worth it.” -Blue

 Post subject: Re: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:15 am 
User avatar
One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Chapter 4 - Ben's Dream

Ben walked towards Centeropolus. It seemed further away then normal. As he walked towards it the city became bigger and bigger to him. What was going on ? He kept walking towards the city. It was a lot bigger then he remember it being. Or perhaps he was smaller.

Ben kept walking, the city towered over him more and more as he approched it. He gulped nervously as he discovered a normal street curb towered over his head by what seemed like miles. Just how tiny was he ? He saw a black wolf approach him.

This wolf was like a mountain to him. The wolf bent down and scooped him up in his gigantic handpaw. Been looked over the vast plain that was the pawpad he was in the middle of. "I thought I was tiny, your even tinyer then I am" said the wolf.

"How big are you ?" said Ben from the center of the pawpad. "I'm only a millimeter tall." said the wolf. Ben felt impossibly small sitting there. In fact the wolf seemed to grow larger as Ben sat there. Ben watched as he became tinier to the wolf.

Ben was soon looking up at the ridges of the pawpad itself, but it didn't stop there, a single cell of the wolf soon was his world. Ben couldn't believe what was happening. Tinier still he became, an atom of the wolf was soon his world.

Ben became smaller still, the atom soon was his whole universe. Ben then woke up.

Chapter 5 - Awake And Curious

Ben blinked, the mountain that was a wolf wasn't there anymore. Perhaps it was all a dream he told himself. He sat up, he was still on this alien world, and there was food set out for him, he wondered where it came from. It didn't seem to matter for he was hungry.

Ben ate the food that was there in a pile before him. He looked around then spotted a crater that looked more like a paw print then a crater. Granted this paw print was massive. Perhaps it wasn't a dream after all. Ben wondered if the wolf would return.

Ben shook his head, why did he want the wolf to return. Ben realized he was lonely, after so many days without seeing anyone he missed talking to his friends, he missed playing with the macros and the norms, he was homesick. Yet he couldn't return home.

Even a wolf as big as all get out would keep him from being alone at least. Ben must overcome he fear of something bigger then he was. After all this was a new experience for him, all his life he was the biggest around. Now he wasn't, at least here he wasn't.

Well, what do you have to loose he told himself. He followed the paw prints the amazingly large wolf had left behind, it was easy seeing they were as big as they were. Ben even walked in them, just to get used to the size of the wolf he was following.

Chapter 6 - The Living Mountain Of A Wolf

Once Ben reached the top of the ridge, he was looking into a valley, there was the wolf again, laying down asleep once again. Ben wondered how long he was out when he fainted from the sight of the impossibly huge blue eye looking at him.

Go on, a small voice in his head said to him. Ben stood there for the longest time staring at this impossibly huge wolf in the valley. Ben stated his way down into the valley that was filled with this wolf. He went slowly as he could, still nervous as can be.

Ben knew the wolf was incredibly big from the first encounter with him, this time the wolf seemed bigger only because he was nervous to meet him and talk to him. The sooner you get this over with the better, he told himself. He hoped the wolf was friendly.

He must be, who left the food out for you he told himself. Ben soon after what seemed liked several hours was face to toe pad once again. He just stood there marveling at the huge scale of just the toe pad. Ben might of felt impossibly tiny but he needed to know.

Ben climbed up onto the claw of the toe then up onto the toe pad itself. He petted it with his hands. He watched as the wolf's tail swayed over him several miles above as he petted. Good wolf he said to himself, just don't make any sudden movements.

Ben looked over the huge toe pad, this must be how norms see me he mused. He thought about holding a macro in his hand paw and the macro holding a norm in their hand paw. This wolf would be like a mountain to the norm indeed, heck it was a mountain to him.

Ben petted the toe pad some more. The wolf's tail wagged overhead again. Ben was amazed by the size of the wolf still, he was no longer afraid of him though so at least there was that. Onward and upward he told himself. He looked over the toe pad once more.

No blood, no building debris, no cars, none of the tell-tale signs that this wolf is one of the bad ones he knew about back home. In fact the pad was clean and looked well taken care of, not dusty and musty from years of use. The wolf must be a neat freak.

Ben climbed up to the main foot pad, it was in the same condition as the toe pad was. Ben pictured a city sprawled on the vast pad. He shook his head and whistled in amazement. Try not to think about it too much he told himself. He climbed some more.

Ben soon found himself on the heel pad looking up the wolf's back as he was laying down. Ben looked at all the muscle the wolf was sporting on him. Bet this guy could move mountains with out even breaking a sweat he thought to himself. Onward and upward.

Ben noticed it was turning twilight here as he reached the shorts of the gigantic wolf. Perhaps he should take a break for the night, but where would a good place to do so. Ben looked at the huge pockets on the back of the shorts, well, that will have to make do.

Ben climbed into one of the pockets, it was like a huge cave to him. Plenty of room for me he thought, and some to spare even. Ben curled up in a ball in the pocket and went to sleep.

To Be Continued

 Post subject: Re: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:51 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Wow, you really DID give me some more toepad interaction! Thanks, big guy, it was great! :)

 Post subject: Re: A Tale Of Two Titans
PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:34 pm 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
I aims ta' please ;)

Now all I need to do is figure where to go next.

- W -
* Ponders *

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