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In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?
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Author:  Blue [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

Do you prefer it being written from your perspective with you being the macro protagonist,
addressing you like in a roleplay with you being the macro protagonist,
or being written from a third person's view, with the macro being somebody else?

Just... wondering.
Not that I was about to write one or anything. :whistle:

Author:  Aeon [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

I personally always prefer third person, but that's just me.

Author:  Tombfyre [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

I tend to mix up the narrative styles as I'm writing something. The lead character will likely have scenes listed out in the first person, plus secondary bits in the second and third. Everyone else gets second and third, unless the lead character role flops back and forth from multiple perspectives. :3

Author:  Spikey [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

I prefer 3rd person I do. It makes you feel like that you are there with them.

Author:  Sprotchymon [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

Wait... what do you mean by interactive? Sort of a choose-your-own-adventure story? Or a more open-ended... multiplayer-text-adventure?

I like it when a story is centered around one person/creature/whatever, rather than on it. That is, the story is not told from one source the entire time - it jumps around to other characters (exclusively in third person) to allow for more depth than through the eyes of one "main" character. But all that only applies to a straight narrative... giving the reader omnipresence at random would certainly disrupt the immersion. Total first person has its drawbacks, but it's for the sake of upholding the reader's willing suspension of disbelief.

Author:  Blue [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

Like the ones on writing.com, but consitently written, and without being crappy and never going the way you want it to go.

Instead you'll be given the option to set quite a lot of parameters about the potentially macro character that influence how a certain next action you choose turns out, and the story will keep tack of what you did and allow you to, e.g., grow here, or go next door, and then maybe grow there, or grow here and THEN go next door, or eat everything here, then go next door, then eat everything there, then come back back because you didnt like it next door after all and then grow here, so it'll have you much more in control of what happens, not having to worry about missing the one and only branch that leads the story to the one good part in it, and might feel a bit like a singleplayer macro/hyper-naughtiness-themed text adventure. Without the complicated riddles and restrictions.

Damn, I claimed I was not going to write one didnt I? Bugger. :angel:

Author:  Denare [ Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

Third person seems to be best, in my opinion.
This way everyone is clearly identified.

Author:  ESC [ Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

Actually it depends on how the writer takes the position.

However, my favorite, and the most rare out of any literature, is second person, the more interactive (yet logical) way of using the reader.

First person, the speaker or narrator, would probably be more intuitive with what he/she says (since it's the senses of the speaker/narrator) and the experience the reader feels depends on this one character interacting with their surroundings. I don't hate this one but it's quite limited and sometimes bland for me.

Third person (limited or omniscient) would be a little better than first since you're placed in the situations and unknown to the characters like a proxy on the internet. I like the interaction here when someone tells you what's going on, however being led is too much "follower" type. It's better to be fully unknown or unwary about what's happening (I like surprises BTW), leading to a richer experience of your own.

So yeah....

BUT the writer can have combinations or switching of PoVs to convolute it a bit for a more surprising blend too.

Author:  Patch [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

I figure I'll jump in here as I'm making a long-overdue strafe of the story-section.
even though this topic's hecka old, this is the lit-forum, and even posting a new thread here is still a necropost.

I've always preferred a 'little' protagonist (I could also say victim, but that would imply that I didn't read any cuddly macro stories, where there's not really a victim-part to be found, which would be incorrect, because cuddles are legit), with the story told from their point of view, whether that be 3rd-person or 1st. I guess for 2nd-person I've just really yet to be convinced; MUCK-logs are interesting sometimes (plus there are a lot of really good, but really shy writers/roleplayers out there), but/so I have as-of-yet read no super-killer macro or even furry stories that have been rendered in 2nd. Although those Goosebumps -choose-your-own-adventure -stories I do remember to be super amazing... but I had those back before I was the biley vinegarette of a critic that I am now...

Thinking about it, probably most of my favourite stories are written with limited perspective in 3rd-person, with one or two in limited 1st. There are none which particularly stand out in my mind which have done the perspective-switching stuff. I think the style can be used effectively, but most of the time it's just a cheap trick used to cover up the fact that someone can't just tell an interesting story.

Author:  Blue [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In an interactive macro story, which pov would you prefer?

Oh, yes, that thing (tm).
I actually dug it out again from my huge heap of things I wanted to do, reconsidered and expanded the set of variables, and felt actually in the mood for writing at least the first room. Yet sadly I dont know if I have time this week, as I'll be away a lot, mostly on a festival-type-of-thing, and knowing myself I might have lost that mood again by the start of next week. Regardless, thanks for the reply and the vote, the macro will be a third-person then.

And yes, its supposed to be a choose-your-own-adventure -story.

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