Legacy LD5

Found And Lost (And Found Again!)
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Author:  Sprotchymon [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Found And Lost (And Found Again!)

There's one particular macro story I came across several months ago on FurAffinity. It was very long, but the plot made it worth it. It was not overly sexual, but some bits were very sensual and paw-centric. The main characters were two macros who grew on accident somehow, and they were lovers before the event. The male was a badger or raccoon... something like that. They lived in a research facility converted from a military base... or perhaps it was the other way around.

The antagonist was a rabbit, that I know for sure. He had secret research projects of his own, and eventually developed a serum with which he injected himself to get huge. After a battle scene spanning several pages, the members of the research team that had sided with the original macro couple from the beginning shot the rabbit with the antidote, leading to his swift demise. The final scene described two characters in shadow, one saying the rabbit was just a mook - expendable and easily replaceable. This surprised me, as I thought the rabbit had proven to be a highly competent villain.

Now that I've written this much, I recall one more detail. At one point, the rabbit barged on the macro couple (plus the most paw-loving among the researchers) in the middle of foreplay and promptly got covered in jizz. So I guess that would place this story in the RED category on FA, but I double-checked every one and it isn't there! I assume the author simply didn't add the proper labels, but checking all the "general" stories for macro content would take hours!

Can anyone help refresh my memory? I would love to see this story again... and save it to my hard drive for posterity, of course.

MYSTERY SOLVED! Turns out it's "New Adjustments" by Neopuc. Available on either Eccentricies or FA if you log in. What a deceptively generic title for such a lengthy and incredible tale!

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Found And Lost (Research Request)

Hrm...no, haven't ever seen that story, I don't thinks...

Author:  Blue [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Found And Lost (Research Request)

No, sorry, doesnt ring a bell for me either. And FA`s search sucks.
Perhaps its on yiffstar too?
Then again that recently turned into crap too, so dont know if that would help at all right now until they hopefully fix it.

I feel for you, know the feeling of being totally sure what I saw once and where and knowing what is in it but no being able to find it again.

Author:  Sprotchymon [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Found And Lost (Research Request)

I'm bumping this for great justice in case any fresh young faces or other half-lurkers may be able to provide insight, having simply not seen this thread the first time around.

Author:  StitchPaw [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Found And Lost (Research Request)

I could have sworn I sent you a message while waiting for my account to be activated. Anyway, this is the story you're looking for:
(It happens to be one of my favs ^_^)
You'll need to sign in to Eccentricities forums to view it. Enjoy.

Author:  Sprotchymon [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Found And Lost (Mystery Solved)


So it was one of Neopuc's after all. He's one of my favorite authors and one I check on frequently, so I really don't know how that one escaped me. I guess the introductory description was SO generic that I skipped over it, after downloading so many others into my temp folder that were just red herrings. But that's beside the point.

THANK YOU! :lol:

Author:  Dinosorceror [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Found And Lost (And Found Again!)

A winner is you!

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