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 Post subject: My little short story (Non Stomp related)
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:43 am 
:) Hey guys :)

Just writing a short story. If you have any other idea's of what I could add feel free to say!

Ok so here are the characters;
Chatty - Me
Lia - Female girl Pixy (Archer)
Devyn - Male boy Pixy (Ninja)
Timberclaw - Male wolf (Teria's pet)
Finn - Female Human girl (Brawler (carries a large metal malet))
Teria - Female Human Adult (Evil Wizard)

Now you know who is who lets begin! :)

"Hey guys wait for me!" Chatty called as he ran on all fours towards his two fellow companions. Chatty was a male treeble orange in colour. He did have some distinct features that made him completely unique to other treebles. He had his own styled hair due which was his longer fur on his head. It was a multi shaded blue moheikan which followed but slowly flattened as it reached his large bushy tail. His underside was a pale peach colour which was also the same on his flaps of skin in which he would spread when he glided.

"Come on Chatty keep up!" A female called in a high pitched voice which was shortly followed by a chuckle.
"Yeah we have to get to Merry vale for the Fairy Concert!" Another voice, a slightly deeper voice which gave away that it was a boy.
"I know" Chatty panted as he tried his hardest to keep up with the two pixies in front of him "But you guys are flying too quickly!"
"Of course we are! We are going to be late!" The boy pixy implied and continued forward toward Merryvale followed closely by the girl pixy and Chatty.
"Devyn, I think we should take a little break. My wings are starting to hurt" The girl Pixy gasped
"Ok Lia, but a quick one, we are nearly there now. I can see the magic funnel of the Merryvale Cavern now!"
"Finally!" Chatty muttered to himself. "My feet are burning"

"Every year I have failed to ruin that blasted Fairy concert but not this time! This time those fairys and humans shall have nothing to look forward to! Oh, Chatty shall be so shocked because of it! Ha ha ha! He wil be so sorry he messed with me last year" A dark female voice cackled. "Timberclaw! I want you to find Chatty and make sure he doesn't get in the way of my plans! I shall not be made a fool of this year!"

"I can't wait till Lia gets here! I havn't seen her since she left home because of Teria's attempt on Merryvale last year" A female sighed softly.

It isn't finished yet... but tell me what you guys think!

 Post subject: Re: My little short story (Non Stomp related)
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:03 am 
Its great! Where are you going with it though? My only critisism at the moment and its only a little one. you should describe more on the place itself and the other characters like you have with your character in the story. Other than that its a good read so far and am hoping you continue it!

 Post subject: Re: My little short story (Non Stomp related)
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:15 am 
Thanks but at this present time I actually don't know! :lol:
I will certainly continue it though! Thanks for the instructive critisism Rexy! ;)

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