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 Post subject: Dragoness Adventuries: The Mini Trilogy
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:27 am 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
Chapter 1

My name is Neil Schweinhart and I am a video game builder. I have now developed an actual reality gaming console that puts you into the game. Right now I have developed it for the ssrb 1000. It has a direct connection to the main frame on the moon. Why the moon you may ask? Well where else could you keep the power source constant! How well the moons front is always facing the sun so you of course will never run out of solar power.

Anyways it cost us approximately ten trillion dollars. But it was totally worth it. Right now everyone on earth plays it so by average we earn around eight trillion dollars. I of course the builder doesn't have to pay a single thing. There currently over ninety-thousand games to play in existence. Also you get your very own club just by joining or it can be upgraded for a mere thirty dollars. The newest part for the system is the partner feature. I was the one who developed them so I get to choose the first ten, I mean nine (I am number 1) others who will get to test it in the United States. I also get my very own partner that I get to make. This is the story of my gaming experience.

I walked into my room on the first day of fall. Today I get to create my very own partner. I couldn't believe that I was going to be the first person to have a partner. I had thought long and hard, well for the last three hours but I want it to be able to move around and to fit on my shoulder. I had looked at many pictures of creatures but none seemed right for me, I did though have one idea. I had seen in one of my previous drawings as a fifteen year old. It was of a small pocket dragon. It also gave me the idea from an old book that I had read. The pocket dragon will be around one to two feet tall, it will have a black scaly coat with golden eyes, a long raptor like snout, two legs ending in razor sharp clawing, two hands ending in razor sharp talons. He also has a long tail and a set of wings that reflect some light and somewhat transparent. His length is about 6 feet. And yet I still don't know his evolution it is only triggered by your emotions. I still haven't figured out that part but I hope to one day. Also its voice is also somehow made out on it own the program was set to growth and develops so that the software basically learns on its own. Yes it may be risky but what other game system learns on its own? So back to my partner she has teeth that are extremely sharp. Her personality is also made up. Anyways that's pretty much her. I printed out the order form and plopped it into the mail box to the creature facility. It will take two days till I will get the egg in my house on my ssrb 1000.

Two days later.
I turned the system on and I stepped into the beam. I felt myself digitalize into my avatar. Who also looked like me? I quickly ran to my home. Once I got inside the egg was sitting on my bed. I walked over to it. It had a note on it saying take good care of him and please follows these instructions on caring for him. Technically I wrote the instructions because I created this creature. Its incase I gave it a friend so it's just a safety measure.

The note read: dear Neil you need to know these things about your creature. In order for this test to success you will need to record some kind of journal on this creature for the benefit of the team. I knew that. There are a few precautions you should know these dragons are made from organic DNA so they are able to port out of the system with your instructions but you will need to be cautious they can be dangerous depending on your feelings. That is it besides it will take approximately four minutes upon arrival to hatch. I wonder how long it had been here? I looked up to find the egg shell was cracking. I took a step back griping over a wire and landed on my head. I black out. I awoke with the smell of fish in my fish. I opened my eyes to see the dragon starring at me. It said "hey you wanna play?" I said "uhhhh okay!" so we played fetch. After words I said "what's your name?" she said in sad voice "I don't have one." I said "hmm what about Drago?" she shook his head no. I thought for a minute, "I know how about wyvern? She nodded yes. I said well it’s settled your name is wyvern! For now anyways.

I decided to go and get my paperwork signed at the town square so that I can take wyvern into my world. Besides, who else has a real life dragon? I picked up wyvern and placed her on my shoulder. I walked out of my apartment and into town square. Everyone starred at me with interest. I am the only one with a pet in the gaming community! I made my way down to the community center. I walked into the building to be bombarded by reporters. They asked things about me being the first person to have a pet and being the winner of this rare prize. I ignored the entire question and made my way into the room. Inside they were still getting things set up. I wrote down my name on the document and finished filling out the paperwork then by that time it was around eight o'clock. I need to get home or mom will get angry again. So I went back to my apartment and I prepared to port out.

I said to wyvern, "Wyvern now you will see the real world where I live so is prepared to be amazed. Oh and be careful not to burn anyone, okay?" she said "what's a real world?" I said "it's hard to explain..." I know I will show you okay!

With that I ported me and wyvern back to the real world. I ported back to my room for some odd reason. I noticed that it was still around afternoon. I saw that my mom was at her classes. I was hoping to show her it. Soon I had decided to get a snack. I spoke to wyvern, "are you hungry at all?" she said "oh yeah I am." I said let's head down to the kitchen. I still thought it was kind of weird to see a real life raptor in my house. I walked down my stairs to the kitchen with wyvern trailing me. I opened my large fridge and I pull out a water bottle, I moved over to the cabinet and I pulled out a container of roman noodles. I quickly found a pot in my island. I filled it with the water bottle water, hmm just a side note we currently are on a water treatment warning so the water is unsafe to drink just for the day.

As soon as I managed to get a meal cooked there was a loud knocking on the door, I answered the door, it was matt held, he yelled damn it Neil I've been knocking for hours your door for the last ten minutes were going to be late for school!! I cursed I ran in and grabbed my school bag and just then wyvern walked over she grinned showing his teeth Mason Ferrell, screamed "holy shit where the hell did you get that... What the hell is it?!" I said "it's my pet wyvern, she friendly, she's friendly trust me!" mason said "okay good but think what are you going to do with her while we are at school?" I hadn't expected that it was beginning school soon. I said, "Hmm maybe we can get her to stay at home." matt "really and leave a living dragon at your house so your mom can freak out, not such a good idea. Okay let's see..." wyvern spoke up "Neil I wanna go to school with you!!" matt freaked out again, how the... You can talk??" wyvern, "well duh do you think I am just a fake? No of course I can talk. Oh and by the way you guys are going to be late. Mason "holy fuck he's right damn it Neil just bring her." we rushed out of the house.

About an hour later we made it to south Oldham high school, we collapsed onto our desks in Mr. Coffer’s class. We were about I donno twelve minutes late. I walked over and sat down in a chair. I was the sent to detention. I dragged wyvern with me. She was even tired, I laughed but at the same time I was coughing. I was out of breath, I had somewhat of asthma. I felt weak, she locked her arms around my shoulder, she said, "careful Neil, don't overdo it, I thanked her, she said, well what are friends are for!" I thought back, I have never actually had asthma before, I usually only did this when I was getting sick. I lay back in my seat, I looked at the clock, and only ten minutes till detention is over. I pulled out a notebook, I wrote a few notes down on paper.

Ten minutes later, I was I. My first block, I came up with a excuse to have her here, I told everyone that I thought it was costume day and I had told the new kid my friend that it was costume day. They all bought it. Though it was fall it was snowing, I hoped we will get the day off. At the end of school it was turning into a blizzard, it was crazy, I stepped outside to be hit with a bitterly cold wind, I had forgotten my jacket, we waited for my friend but he never came, so we had to go without him, we started off towards the road, we soon found it impossible to see where we were going, the weather was turning traitorous, we spent a hour walking, we soon came to a stop, we were lost, I looked at my hands, they were freezing, I coughed a long but freezing cough, I sneezed, I was catching a cold. Just then we saw that we were in the middle of nowhere. We looked around there was a large cave like structure in the distance, we trudged to it, all while I was slowly getting hyperthermia, I suddenly felt my legs buckle. I soon collapsed into ca coma, I could hear wyvern yelling, Neil, wake up, Neil.... Then silence I was out.

Wyvern had been walking with Neil for only two hours when he had blacked out. Wyvern suspected that Neil was getting sick a lot earlier, she was able to actually sense when something was wrong because he was interfused with Neil, basically it means that Neil and wyvern are spiritually connected meaning they can feel each other’s pain. Wyvern could feel what Neil couldn't. He didn't think that it was that bad until he collapsed into a coma. Wyvern was now on her own.

Wyvern stopped yelling. She thought, hmm this is bad, he needs to get warm, I think I can start a fire but not in this weather, the weather had gotten very bad, there was a visibility of thirty feet. You could tell it was bad. In a split second wyvern saw a cave about one-fourth clicks to the west, remember in military terms click means a kilometer. He had no other choice, she picked up Neil on her shoulders, and she carried him towards the cave. It took a half hour of none stop walking but to wyvern Neil was more important than her own life. She got into the large cave, the inside of the cave had a almost magical glow to it, it was full of crystals, about ten feet into it there was a branch leading off into a large cavern, wyvern set Neil down on the ground and got started on creating a fire. She located a box of matches inside Neil pack. Wyvern located some nearby trees just outside of the cave. She had no way of cutting it down so he located some rather small pieces of wood; he carried it inside and got to work lighting a fire. She found it quiet difficult due to the fact he has no opposable thumbs. She did manage to successfully get a fire started.

Soon wyvern was able to keep the fire burning. But there was yet another problem; she could tell my body was still in freezing state, she looked me over, realizing the problem was that my clothing was completely drenched. She needed to remove all my clothing, wyvern shuddered, she was a girl and Neil was a boy, she knew it was life or death. She slowly removes each piece of clothing, even though I was still out cold.

About an hour later I was finally awake, that’s when I noticed that I was completely naked. I flinched, wyvern, "yes your awake! Sorry I had to remove your clothing... Um yes sorry." I grabbed my pack and I covered my privates. I argued, "so you saw my genitals?!" she nodded. I said, sorry you had to see that, I am so embarrassed. Wyvern said nervously, "so what it's nothing to worry about were partners we can handle that kind of thing can't we?!!" I nodded but I looked away. She sighed, "would it make you feel better if you saw my genitals??!" I said, "You don't have to..." she said, "yes I do it's all my fault, I should not have token your clothes off, so stand back and I will show you the true me."

And she did, she forced herself to show her vagina, I didn't realize that I your partner actually had genitals... I said," Hmm your hot you know that." she giggled, I said "well now I feel better, hah!"

Hmm, you’re probably needing a all over dragon sex lesson, a dragon has a internal sex organ, the sex organ is basically cover by a anal slit known as a anal plate or a cloacae, the male dragon has a hidden penis that only comes out when he feels a sexual sensation or when he is getting ready for sex, yet the same thing happens to a female dragon too, maybe it was because wyvern saw my penis?

Chapter 2

Right now our hero's Neil and his partner Wyvern are now stuck inside a cave, Neil had become unconscious from the bitter could, only to be save by wyvern with her quick think she nurtured him back to Heath, but she had to take his cloth off in the process which made Neil embarrasses, wouldn't you if your friend removed your cloths will you were unconscious?? Anyways we left off with explaining what a cloacae is, make sure to read book 1 to see what it is.

Wyvern said, Neil since we are both naked now what?? I said, hmm this may sound wrong but do you wanna make out?? Wyvern thought, she spoke, "you do realize that I am a dragon and you are a human I don't think it is possible to make babies...." I said, "Well duh, that is why we should have sex, you won't get pregnant, I think" I thought back, I remembered that once a partner choose you, you both now share each other’s DNA. For example I noticed that not too long ago about eight hours ago in my school bathroom I had noticed that I had a set of scales on my back, I spoke up, "hey wyvern did you notice my scales on my back? She said, "Uhh no why, let me see," I spun around and showed her the scales, she said, "oh god, you must have been exposed to some of my Uhh organic DNA it sort of is how would you say very contagious, but only to your partner, it turns you into a dragon creature to but it is controllable, it will transform you when you want or if you experience enough pain. So basically you will slowly turn into a dragon, but the thing is you can choose when you will always turn human again, but you will end up will the same as before. And another thing you need to know is, that you won't be six feet you'll be eighty feet, and the amount of time you’re stuck like that is apparently unknown just thought I would warn you.

We decided to head outside, the weather was great, the snow had stopped and we had found out that we were completely lost, we were now in the middle of a large wide open tundra, I took a few steps away from the cave and I tripped over something. I got up and I looked at my leg, I had cut it on my pocket knife, I probably should have listened to my mom. I got up and that's when I realized that we were in for trouble.

I got to my feet, there was a large group of what seemed like a oversized polar bear, it was at most nine feet long, most polar bears are eight feet so no worries, I tried to run, that's when I was hit by one of the bears, I felt blood trickling down my chest, I fell over I. Agony, I felt another blow to my back, I fell to the ground, I was bleeding like crazy, I suddenly felt a overwhelming sensation, then came the weird part, I felt my body being ripped apart, I screamed bloody murder, but it was too much, I blacked out. Wyvern was attacked next. She had taken flight, she had seen Neil be. Torn apart, she was helpless; she didn't have enough power to fight. She whelped. She was helpless. She looked down at the dead body of Neil, it was still together but he was literally ripped open.

Suddenly I was awake again, I felt my body exploding, I realized what was happening, I was transforming. I felt my body being stretched and yanked, ripped and slice. I felt myself slowly losing consciousness. I blacked out just as the bears scurried off in freight.

Wyvern’s voice appeared in my head, "Neil wake up, Neil wake up! I slowly opened my eyes, my head was spinning, and my body felt like it was hit by a semi. I turned my head over, that's when my vision was coming back. I suddenly saw wyvern. I yelped in Surprise, "wyvern how'd you get so small??" I looked down at her; she was probably like three inches to be exact. She said, Neil this may sound strange but you are a dragon... Yah I thought I should just tell you that." I looked pulled my hands up to my face, I choked, my hands were now four long clawed fingers both extremely scaly and my palms were also extremely scaly. I pulled myself onto my knees, I realize my feet were also both scaly and they were four toed with razor sharp talons about three feet long, I asked how long I was, wyvern said, hmm by the looks of it two-hundred feet long. I said, am I really, I still was unable to see my face though. I turned and faced wyvern, I realized something different about her, suddenly it hit me, she was now not a dragon but a girl, she was defiantly the most hottest girl I have ever seen. She has gorgeous blue eyes, they were the same color as her hair, she also had the skin of a angle, she has long blonde hair with the texture of velvet, she was not exactly wearing anything so you could she was hot not only hot with cloth but without, she was in fact a girl, I think I understand now what had happened the results of me becoming a dragon had the opposite effect on her she instead turned into a human, a rather hot human. Wyvern spoke up, hey do you mind, I opened my eyes to realize that she was in my mouth.
I said what are you doing, in my mouth, and a better question why do you taste funny?" she spoke up, well you do know you are a dragon, I have to make sure that the transformation is complete otherwise you could end up being destroyed easily, to do that I need you to swallow me, I need to see your innards. I said "still why do you taste so sour?" she said, "well while you daydreaming you clamped down on me, and you cut my arm and I am bleeding, so just to let you know it was blood so don't get used to it." it was about this time I had realized that she wanted me to swallow her... I argued, "So let me get this straight you want me to swallow you so you can check out my innards? How do you know if you can even get out? Have you even considered if your new body can survive I. Stomach acids?! Do you not think if I went inside you and your dragon stomach would I have survived?? Probably not... Besides do you really know what you'll find in there?! So I don't think it is such a good idea! Okay?!" she spoke very agitated, "damn it Neil just freaking swallow me or I will go down on my own." I said, "But how will we communicate?? Do you not understand how freaky it would be if your friend went inside you? I think so...." I looked at her, she screamed agitatedly, then she pried my mouth open and climbed in, she kicked my uvula and I said, okay fine but only on one condition can you get my camera out of my bag and take it with you..... I uhm... Wanna know what it looks like inside of me..... Besides uh I just wanna make sure your okay.." she sighs and climbs out of my mouth and she fiddles with my camera eventually getting it to work then she closes her eyes, that’s when I realized that my vision was becoming blurry, I suddenly felt my vision go clear again. I saw a large dragon in from of me, then I heard a voice, it spoke, "hello Neil don't freak out your seeing out of my eyes, I realized that I was seeing out of Wyverns eyes. I said holy shit how did you do that. She said, "well to start with when you choose me I was technically a corrupted partner, so I am a learning partner which is forbidden and the other partners are all been brain washed not to learn until you choose me not to be brain wash and to be able to learn, when I met you we made a instant spiritual connection so that means we now share each other’s mind. I didn't know what to say... She said, "So now you are part of me so you basically are there with me, to warn you I completely forgot to go to the bathroom before I connected us." I realized that in my mind that I felt a urge to go to the bathroom too, weird it was like I could feel her wants and needs, I also noticed that the cut was more severe than I thought, she was in severe pain, I spoke, "wyvern, do you really want to do this? I mean do you really want to go inside me, wait do you notice something weird..... Like my body is missing? She cursed, "Damn I forgot that when we connected your body becomes literally turned to a soul and your soul enters mine, basically we are together until we both agree to break the bond. I said, hmm oh crap I need to get home, I think there is a way back, and I can see the city in the distance. Oh shit I just realized something, I actually can't change back, and I am a two-hundred foot dragon. I need to stay low. Do you think that I Uhh can hang around in your body till after this week?!" she sighed and she thought something, I barked, "I heard that." she said, "okay fine."
She started toward the city, I yelled, "wait before you go your are going to need to get some clothing seriously, that isn’t such a good idea to walk around nude." she giggled, "yah your right sorry, Neil do you really think that I am hot..." I broke into a laugh; she must have read my mind.

She located my back pack and found a extra pair of my gym cloth that I never actually wore, they were apparently girl clothing as my friends referred to it as. They actually were, they were borrowed by me because my girl friend needed me to hold on to them because she would be grounded with them. They were against her mom’s religion. Her mom was a Muslim, but she is a Christian. The cloths actually fitted wyvern, I asked, "So just to be clear, do I feel each of your feelings in this form??" she said, "well let’s just find out." she started walking around. I said, what are you doing...." I read her thought and I realized what she was doing. She came to a stop at the cave that we have originally stopped at, she walked in and found a brightly light area, she suddenly transformed back into a dragon again. I could feel her hunger. I should probably side track a little bit shouldn't I, wyvern had apparently grown a extra thirty feet In length and had also grown in apatite, she as I could feel eat ten cows and literally, so that being said she was a eating machine, she had dragged my old dead body into the cave to be buried. She had left it out. She said in my head, sorry about this Neil but it is a dire emergency, I said, "how is this a dire emergency?" she said well your old body is dead and gone so you can't go back now..." I said so what you’re going to just eat it. Don't you think that is kind of disgusting, and really your eating a human aren't you better than that, seriously beside, I thought you didn't eat humans. She said, hello I'm a dragon I eat meat besides it’s not that bad just don't read my thoughts okay, they get kind of gory when I eat. I said, well you are extremely hungry and I really can't control you, literally I can't so do what you want just remember I’m inside you so don't forget I read your mind.." she thought in my mind, "I read your mind, I flushed which apparently she could feel. I said, go ahead.

I watched as I saw her large muzzle gorge down my own flesh, blood splattered everywhere, I could see my heart being thrown in the air and being swallowed with a loud gulp, I could feel her thoughts I grimaced at the thought of how tasteful my blood is, I felt how she felt, I probably should had covered my eyes but I was stuck seeing her devour me whole, I floated in the emptiness of space with only one emotion fear. I was completely afraid, I wondered what monster I had created, she must had read my thoughts, she stopped and said, "sorry, I should not have done this, I really didn't mean to scare you like that, I just don't know what came over me, I didn't.... Sorry.... I don't... Okay looks Neil, I won't hurt you in anyway, stop being scare... She swallowed a large gulp of meat. I felt it slide down her long neck, I shuddered. She said, "Oh sorry, I’ll stop." she turned around and left the cave, I just couldn't get the gory images out of my head, they were beyond gory they were horrific."

Wyvern sat down in a patch of grass. I felt like yelling at her what the fuck, but what good would that do. She said, "Look I promise not to eat anymore human, but you need to know that you’re stuck inside my head until I figure out the actual way to change back, I had realized something, she had kept to herself, and she really didn't have any clue how to separate us. It had slipped her mind long ago. I said, we still need to get to school, if I am late I am going to be in serious trouble..." she interrupted me, "you do realize your dead, never coming back, you are now out of existence, but I am not, I can always help you out by how would you say it, uh fill in for you, did you know that you did have a sister? But she moved out of the country forever? I can always fill in as her... You do realize that I am able to be human we can come up with a excuse for your Uhh absence.." I said, hmm okay fine but you cannot go dragon though, you must stay human, I will help you out as I am the smartest student I. Class but make sure you can control your actions, okay!? She nodded.

Chapter 3

Wyvern spoke to me, well we've. Made it to school and I am extremely exhausted, I don't know how long I can keep my human form up. I said, "you still have my pack right?" she said, "yes" I said, "good look for my wallet, there you will find my cell phone, the school has enough space for you to live on campus. I dragged a number out of my brain, she dialed it. I said, okay just say what I say, this is my schools mythology teacher, yes he is extremely picky and I kind of lied about there being tons of space, but he has to let me, I mean you get in, he is my dad, he says that he always thought that I was his favorite student, but I need you to get him to meet you and me at a certain location, at the uh, national park in Goshen.

She finished up. I went ahead and I cleared my mind. I heard the whole conversation, she wasn't the only one nervous, He had agreed to it, he said he would get down there in ten minutes, Wyvern had said, "Mr. Anderson, we found a real life dragon down in the park, and Neil is in danger, hurry up and head to the national park down in Goshen," he slammed the phone down and you could hear him running. Wyvern dropped my phone on the ground and left. I yelled, "hey, hey, hey what the hell!! That's my phone, damn it be careful!!" she said, sorry, I thought you just use it once, she picked it up. I said just stick it in my bag. I spoke, "hey wyvern is weird that I am floating around in your memory somewhere? And question do you even know where I am located exactly inside your memory??!" she said, "hmm you know that never occurred to me, we have more important stuff to attend to, do you realize that we are here, I had closed my mind to this. We waited, soon we heard his car pull up. We both prepared to separate, we yelled, "soul separate." I was dragged out of her body. She said wow it actually worked!

I was a dragon still, I thought about how I was going to explain this to my teacher, wyvern walked up to me, she said, "so Neil, what are you going to do not being a human anymore" I said, "I really don't know, even if I was which I can't my body had died, plus now what am I going to tell my teacher, hey I am Neil and I was turned I into a giant furious, dragon, no way he would believe me.

"Son is that you?" I recoiled, he said, "son what happened to you?" I said, "Uhh I don't know how to explain, yes I'm a dragon." dad, "well can you turn back?!" I shook my oversize head no. She sighed; but who called me?? That's about when wyvern walked in, dad said, "so Neil is that your girl friend??!" that's the dad I knew, I said, "dad this is Kim, she is the one who called, but well, I need you to get her into school to fill me in, in my current form I will need to stay hidden, we have a secret plan but well I need you to get her a room. Also could you keep this a secrete, please. Oh and by the way she is also a dragon too." I told her to transform. She did, dad must have figured it out because he said, "DNA morph charge I bet." wyvern said, "how the...Did you know that?"

He said, it's a type of modern day type of spiritual level that I have been working with these day, it is only achievable by experts and also having at most spiritual connection. It can only be done when you truly are connected with someone. Sometimes it can have serious side effects like in your case son. But at this point the connection is permute, who knows?!" I said again, "so can you get her into school please?!" he sighed, okay but isn't going to be easy. The school is packed, but I think I can find a way to get her to take your place Neil, I that okay?" I nodded yes. He said, well I need to get back to school now, is that okay?? I said okay, he got back in his car and drove away.

I said to wyvern, "okay you ready to combine once again?!" before we go any further just to let you know you probably should have read the last book and the prologue, it would have helped, anyways get ready to read this entire book online, remember all books are free, check the internet's Google documents written by Neil, they are free!!!!!

Chapter 4
Wyvern transformed back into a human, she and Neil or me, had gone to the forest behind the school to chat with my teacher who is also dad, we learned more about the spiritual connection that we currently share, it was beyond normal.

We had learned a lot to about how I was turned into a dragon. But that was that, we now going to find out a way to turn me back or something like that. We made our way back towards the school.

I asked, "Do you think we could possibly use a cloaking type spell on me so I can look like a human?" she thought about it and answered, "Hmm I guess so I do know a little bit of magic..." I said could you I don't know put it into a something so I can turn in or out of it when I need to?" she nodded. She cast a spell. She explained how it works. It works by using your mind you tell it to transform you and it works. Try it!

Just then there was a rustling in the bushes. I glanced over at it. I knew it must be nothing. I turned it on with my mind. I looked down at my body. I was myself again. Then I heard the rustling once more. I walked over to the bushes and reached in. I found nothing. I gave up and walked back to wyvern. So you ready to go to school?" she nodded. We climbed through the forest onto the school lot. I got into my first class. I ran into my friend Kitty, not to get me wrong she's just a friend. I realized that there was something wrong with her. I asked what was wrong. She said she didn't want to talk about it. I said that it was fine. The schools principle walked in sand the teacher told us that he had something to tell us. The principle said "okay students you may know about the dragon spotting it isn't proven yet so no one should worry. Also our October dance is coming up this weekend, not to mention that all students can come, it is our Halloween dance. So we hope to see you there. Oh and remember to avoid these dragons if you see them. Lord knows what they will do to you.

After class I joined up with wyvern. She was surrounded by all the boys. It made me laugh a little. I didn't expect that many boys to go after her. She looked at me and ran over to me. "Hey Neil so how was your first class?" I said "good." hey who are your friends?" she sighed, "they won't go away it's like they are drawn towards me can you get them to leave." I laughed I said "okay sure but you'll have to go along with me." I walked over to one of them and said, "Hey you guys stay away from her she's with someone already." This gave wyvern time to head to her second class before they could get to her.

I pulled a turn around the corner of the hall. I was now being chased by them. I knew it was a bad idea. The first guy threw a punch. I felt it connect. It was almost like it bounced off my back. The guy grimaced in pain. I felt my arm but I didn't feel anything, I realized my body was a just a hologram so I was just really still a dragon. So I was all scaly underneath. The guys who were chasing me ran off besides the guy who had punched me he was still in pain. I took off running. I sure hoped this wouldn't happen at the dance. I looked down at my hands. I realized that I basically could only move three fingers my first two moved my second two and my thumb. Just like they were taped together. I most defiantly am not human. I walked to my next class. The day went on normally. It was time to go home.

I was about to go home when I ran into wyvern I decided to let her stay with me. I don't know where she could stay, possibly in our basement. If she wanted to. We caught the bus home. I was glad to get home. I still want wonder what my mom would say about my absence. I sat with wyvern. She was very non sociable heard someone talking about someone seeing a dragon behind the school. I realized that someone must have been in the bushes. I wondered who it was. The bus pulled up to my house. I told her that this was our stop. She grabbed her bag. I grabbed mine. I got off and I was greeted by a pretty upset parent. I had forgotten that I had been missing a whole day. I needed a excuse. Wyvern spoke up before I could say anything, sorry, Neil was walking home with me and we were kind of mugged. Then they through us out a few hundred miles." they took our phones, so we couldn't call. Mom said, so that's what happened, so you must have been kidnapped by those thugs who were caught today. Well no sense calling they are doomed as it is. I'm just glad that your all okay. I looked a wyvern wondering what kind of spell she put on her. It turns out she was controlling her will by overpowering it.

Mom said wyvern could spend the night in the basement. I said thank you. She nodded. I showed her to the basement. She said thank you. I told her to meet me at the old peer at midnight, I remembered that I was supposed to meet kitty there. I pulled out a map from my basement closet, and I handed it to Wyvern. Kitty and I are going to meet here, she wants to ask me out to our school dance coming up at the end of the month. I can't wait to see her reaction! If you want to come it is up to you, If not there is ton of fresh steaks in the freezer. You can eat those if you want. Just don't let anyone see your dragon form. Wyvern, "hmm, I will stay it would be kind of awkward if I go with you, but you will see me at the dance. With that she teleported somewhere. It was getting late, so I grabbed my backpack, I filled it up with some water and a compass. I got up and ran to the front door. Mom spoke up, "Neil where are you going at this time," I made up a lie, "oh just going to pick up my homework at my friends house, won't be long." she nodded. I told her it was at mason’s house, she nodded, hold on I just remembered I actually have to get my homework at mason, I lent him mine. So I technically wasn't lying. I walked out. I transformed back into the dragon. I would definitely get more mileage this way.

Chapter 5

So far in our journey we are at the peer. Neil is meeting up with his hopefully school dance date. Let's see what's coming up in this short story collection.

I approached the peer, I found a container ship just about big enough to land on but how I will get down is still a question. For not being born with wings flying is the second hardest thing to do that’s why I landed on the nearest thing that I saw. I put back on the cloaking spell. I saw kitty on the ground below. I suddenly realized that I was definitely not in a situation, something to do with that my wings were not covered up. I flinched, but it was too late she saw then she freaked. I jumped down, and fluttered my wings just before I hit the ground so I hovered. She fell back from the gust, she shuddered, so it is true. You’re not the Neil I know. I said, Uhh no it's just a costume, she angrily yelled, "goddamn it Neil stop lying to me in front of my face." she said, sorry that just slipped out. She said, I want to see the real you, you know the other you. I thought, this isn’t going to end very good. I sure hope she isn’t the one who saw us the other day. Besides I can't hide anything from her.

She said, "I want to see the scaly you." I said what err do you want me to do. I said, why, hooooowwww!!???? How did you know??? She sighed, I was going to tell you sometime but yesterday (it is midnight right now.) I was walking in the woods behind the school that's when I realized that I heard your name then I saw a large dragon. I totally freaked out, I realized that she was not kidding. Then I realized that there were two dragons, one called wyvern, that new girl. Wyvern is going to kill me. She continued on, "I tripped making the bushes rustle, I hoped that they wouldn't see me, that am when you thought you heard something, and I calmed down. Then you transformed into you. Seriously why didn't you tell me you where a dragon." I sighed, "well I didn't want you to know, I didn't know what you would think." she asked, "can I at least see the real you?? I sighed again." I don't think..??" she interrupted me, "please!! I promise not to freak out." I said, "Okay fine." but please stay back I'm kind of huge. I waited till she was clear, then I turned off the cloaking spell. My body grew my arms grew my whole body was full of scales. My eyes were slits, my back was now winged. I was now eighty feet long. My back had spikes going down it. My mouth became elongated with one foot razor like teeth, capable of slicing through iron beams. I also had a long tongue, I also have a long tail that makes up a fourth of my body. My eyes where bloodshot red, my scales where purple green colored chrome. They refracted the light. My weight was around one to two tons. Kitty flinched and backed away. I hid my face, she walked up to me and she put her arm around my head. I muzzled her. She said, you know I always wanted to meet a real life dragon. I said, well I'm glad..." She recoiled, "what happened to your voice?" I said, well my voice deepens when I'm a dragon. She said, okay cool!!" I asked, do you want to go for a ride??" she said, you know it!! I put my wing to the ground for her to climb onto. She asked, are you sure it won't hurt you?? I answered, "No. It doesn't," she nodded. Then she climbed on. I said, "Hold on to my crest was going up!! I walked over to the edge of the peer, it was a thirty foot drop, with a 100 foot run. I ran and jumped up launching myself up into the night sky. I knew some pretty awesome places that we could go and see. I started to gain some speed, kitty yelled into my ears, so where are we going?? I said, "You wanna go to Vegas? There is no delay there. She asked, "About how long would it take? I said, at full speed, 1 hour there and 1 hour back, we can make it back before morning, is that okay with you?" she nodded okay. I said hold on, I gained even more speed, now I was going around eight-hundred miles an hour. I really felt the wind at this speed. Kitty asked me, did you bring any money with you? I'm getting pretty thirsty up here." I nodded nearly throwing her off my neck. "Sorry. I forgot, so where do you want to go to get a drink?" she said, how about the McDonalds below??" I said sure, let me land over at the parking lot." I wondered how far we were, also the McDonalds was nearly empty. I sure nobody would see me. I slammed onto the concrete. I sent a small wave rattling the stores glass. I transformed back into my human illusion. Kitty fell ten feet. I caught her. She hadn't realized how far off the ground I was. I asked if she was okay. She nodded. I set her down. I’ve got to admit having dragon blood actually makes you more tall and stronger. I walked in. We walked over to the front counter. We got two shakes. I got a large hamburger. For some reason the dragon DNA literally changes my appetite, now I cannot eat plants only meat. Plus I drink a lot too. Kitty didn't eat anything. I choked it down. I asked her if she was ready to go. She asked if she could borrow some money. I asked how much. She said "about ten dollars. I nodded. She said, "I am going to get you a surprise and something for us to do. You go wait out there in the parking lot. I nodded. I walked out and sat on the roof of someone's car. I also realized that when I was in dragon form I had a separate apatite, I could eat anything and literally. I wondered what wyvern was up to right now. I waited for what seemed for a hour and finally kitty came back. She had a bag full of something. I was tempted to ask but I didn't. She asked, is something wrong? I shook my head. I turned off the spell. I turned back into the mighty dragon. Wyvern hoped on. Just then my stomach growled. She yelled, "Wait a minute, I thought you just ate something, how can you still be hungry? I answered, "Well a large hamburger isn't enough to fill up a full grown dragon. So with that being said I can't fly till I'm full. She sighed, "Well I guess you can have what's in my bag, I was saving it till I got home..." she pulled out a raw steak. I asked her, "Could you possibly... Just place it in my maw. I mean mouth. She nodded. I opened up my mouth, she threw it up I caught it in my maw. I gulped it down. I said, okay now I'm ready. I lowered my wing down to the ground. She climbed on. I told her to hold on again. I pushed off the ground. I looked into the McDonalds, the waiter was staring and capturing pictures. Crap, I thought, they may have caught me transforming or kitty. Hopefully not. We didn't want to stick around anymore then we have to. I sped up into the sky, I said to kitty to hold on I was going to make a sharp turn. I swung into a hard right. We were only about thirty minutes away. I wondered what mom was doing right now. I asked kitty, "so do you know what time you need to be home by??" She said, "No I do not. I nodded we flew in silence for a while. I realized that it must be around one in the morning. I was supposed to be backing three hours ago. I heard my phone ringing. I yelled back to kitty, "hey kitty could you answer my phone for me??" she nodded. I tried to block out as much wind as possible. She yellowed over the wind, "it's Wyvern,... He's busy flying right now. Yah uh were off to Las Vegas, what.... No way you too... How are you getting there... Oh good.... See you there... (Click)" I said who was that?! She said Wyverns already there!! She left before you left and she wants to tell you something. I knew she would be mad. I picked up speed. I must be going nine-hundred miles an hour. I asked kitty, "did you tell anyone else about me??" she said sadly, and “sorry to say it sort of slipped out. I may have told one of my friend. And she told someone else, Mason. I knew matt he usually could keep a secret. I got back to my senses, we were here. I located a good spot to land, it was at around five minutes from the city. I transformed back to my human form. All this work is a strain on my body. I asked kitty where we are going to meet wyvern. She said "the pyramid casino downtown. We couldn't be seen any cops though. We would get in trouble though. I held kitty hand as we walked through the downtown Las Vegas. It was so awesome, you could see so many recognizable sights, and there was so much to do and to see. We made our way through the crowded streets. I looked up, there were larger than life television everywhere, and I could see that the news was on. "Breaking news; we are still receiving later details, a dragon has been spotted right outside the city limits carrying a girl. Her name is right now undisclosed image is too blurred to verify, but we will most definitely know by a hour, well keep you updated... Our next story is......" I had heard enough. We still had a hour to get out of here so we still could have some fun. We made our way towards the giant glowing pyramid. I pulled out my phone from my pocket. Still I wondered how I had it in my pocket and why I found it in my mouth as a dragon. It was weird. I answered my phone, it was mom. Damn it I hadn't checked the time, it was around three in the morning. She said, what are you doing and what is that noise?? Are you downtown?!!" I said, "Yes I am, but let me answer, I was unable to call you I’m with my friends, it's nothing to worry about. She said, "Fine, but please be home for breakfast. I said, okay. I put the phone into my backpack. I caught up to kitty, she was talking to someone. I asked her who it was. She said, you should know, it's Wyvern. It was, Wyvern said, so how was the plane ride kitty and Neil. I asked Wyvern, "is there a place to talk in peace and quiet? We've got a lot to talk about." she said, of course there is a restaurant not far from here. I reached into my backpack, pulled out a map of Las Vegas. We were two blocks away. I hadn't realized that I was actually that hungry. I took the wallet out of my pack. Well I have 199 dollars left on my card for the month. I need to spend it wisely. I opened my eyes I must have been lost in thought again. I ran to catch up to kitty. We walked into the restaurant. I got us a table. We needed to make it quick. We ordered a drink I ordered a water, nothing big. We waited for the waiter to leave before we spoke.
I spoke first, "okay where to start, well..." kitty, "oh for god’s sake, I know your guys secrete," wyvern, wha..At secrete?? I don't know wha...." kitty, "cut the lying I know that your both dragons." wyvern, "let me guess Neil told you." kitty, "no actually let me tell you what happened. I blocked out the conversation, I was so tired from the flight, and I literally was beginning to feel bad. I think I was going to fall over. I sat my head down on the table. I hit my head a little bit too hard. It left a small dent. I cursed under my breath. I was thinking about the spell, how is a spell work, it works just by thinking about changing. I realized that it was weird, I never believed in magic. Then I was interrupted in thought. "Neil... Neil, is there something wrong with the your drink??" it was kitty. I hadn't realized that our drinks where here. I said, what happened??" she said, "well wyvern offered us a ride home, you fell asleep and she thinks you’re still too tired to fly back. By the way I didn't know you too were sick in the cave. I recalled the adventure, she wasn't sick as far as I could remember. "She said she would meet us in the parking lot of where we originally landed. I got up, I asked kitty, "I've been meaning to ask you something, what do you think about this, I mean me being a dragon and all." she said, "I think your truly are a magnificent creature. And that I've enjoyed the ride, it was fun. Even though we are still completely different species and that we really can't have children... I still love you. And I feel safe when I'm around you. I wish this day would never end." I said, "I love you too. You ready, I want to get home before were both killed by our parents, oh by the way what are you doing next Friday night??" she said, well besides the school dance nothing, oh yah that reminds me you still haven't answered me yet." I said you know my answer yes, yes I will." she said "you're the best man I girl could want. Now we shouldn't keep wyvern waiting. Should we." I nodded. I payed for the meal and then we left. I got outside the restaurant, I hadn't realized thus before but Las Vegas was huge. We walked to the outskirts of town where we had landed. We found wyvern texting on her phone. It was the new iPhone 4. I said, "Wyvern, how did you buy that phone?? I how would you say, persuaded them." I yelled, "damn it you stole it, you did that why??" no I just borrowed someone's money." I gave up trying to get a straight answer. She asked, "You guys ready??" we said, yes both at the same time. Wyvern transformed into a seventy nine foot long dragon, she had a long maw that made her resemble me, her back was golden bronzes, her eyes where glowing yellow, she had a large set of leather wings, and they were at most one hundred and forty feet in total wingspan. She had three long razor talon fingers with a opposable thumb also ending in a razor sharp talon. She four razor sharp talon toes. Her maw was filled with long elongated fangs, her teeth were like 9-inch knives. Her nose was just a pair of slits like mine. Her belly was bright golden colored. She was big and golden. I grabbed kitty hand, she gasped, and she exclaimed, "Wait so that's just a holographic skin, your still scaly. No wonder they could hurt you the other day. I said, I'm afraid so. But that isn't fixable. Wyvern angrily said, "Ugh you guys ready yet, we need to get back to the city before we get busted." I said, "You ready kitty?" she nodded. We climbed onto Wyverns back. I actually have never rode on a dragons back before. It was kind-of different than I originally thought. Much more uncomfortable, scales were ruff, the wind was cold, and I was also very much slippery. I wondered if this is what kitty felt like on my back?! Wyvern, "up we go, hold on." I grabbed onto her neck. It was long and thick. I felt kitty's arms holding on to me. I looked back, she looked at me, and I looked at her. We slowly moved towards each other. We locked lips, the feeling entered me, it was warm like having a small fire inside you, I felt her firm lip on mine, we let go. I have never felt that way before. I looked at her, I could see that we truly were made for each other. We grasped each other’s hand. We kissed once again. This time I gave more meaning into it, I felt like I was so alive, I could almost feel spiritually connected. I felt her arms wrapping around me, tightly, I did the same thing, and we hugged for what seemed forever. We finally stopped, I suddenly realized that we were in space. It was beautiful out here. You could see anything, I pointed towards the sky, "Look the big dipper!!" Wyvern yelled over the wind, were ten minutes away please prepared for descending. And landing, first stop kitty's house. I had forgotten she had to be home. Her parents would freak out. We came to a stop, we were able to slowly and quietly land in her backyard. I gave her a goodnight kiss. I needed to get home. Wyvern took off into the sky. I held on she said, "You realize that you're not a human anymore, she will end up not wanting you anymore." "Yah I know but no one would want a dragon as a date. Plus how would that work out, me, you know having sex... I don't know if I can have sex with a human I mean her aw forget it..." well I kind of on a schedule I need to get home before five. I have a question, what am I going to do when someone finds out about me?? I mean I was on TV but no one was able to see me because I was still in dragon form." "I just hope everything stays that way huh Neil." I nodded. It was weird, even though it was dark out I could still see clearly, it was like I was nocturnal. I decided it was best to forget it. I looked down, we were just above the Mississippi River. I wrapped my arm around wyvern’s neck, I said, "I love you wyvern, you're there for me when I need it, I hope someday I can repay that to you. I remember when I first met you. It was awesome, you were only two feet tall. You were the cutesy dragon baby I've ever seen. Do you remember me at all? She thought back, "yah I remember! You were at first scared of me then I came over and hugged you, I never meant to scare you, it's why most dragons became extinct. Now a few Years later were both dragons. Weird isn't it." "You know being a dragon isn't that bad, I mean not being able to have sex with human’s sucks but...." "You know Neil two dragons can have sex though.. I'm still single..." maybe this can still work out after all!!!

I wyvern touched down in my backyard. I yelled, "Wyvern, I'm going to go inside and prepare for school tomorrow, do you want me to get you something to eat??" she nodded her large scaly head. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, I grabbed a large steak, and I also grabbed my backpack. I put my books into the bag. I grabbed a pencil, but I found out that I couldn't pick it up. "Darn it, I fumbled around with it eventually getting it in my bag. I yanked my cell phone out of the wall from the charger. I grasped it, I placed it in my pocket. I walked over to the door. I looked outside, it was a shame that I had to go to school tomorrow, and I ran out. I found wyvern asleep on the lawn, I patted wyvern on her head, I said gently, "wyvern you still hungry?? I got some steak..." she woke up slowly, "yaaaaahhh-wwwnn." I said, "I got you a steak, do you want to still??" she slowly raised her head to my eye level, and said, "Well yes can you throw it into my mouth?? " I nodded and I threw it into her large maw. She gulped it down. I said, "I'm going to head to the park and get my walk in for the day. I desperately needed to go on a walk, I had a lot to think about, and most likely a walk would help. I traveled down the street, I went to the bus stop, I waited for the bus, I got on, the bus had a TV on board, set to the news, it was a topic on dragons, I watch intensely, "we've got a special this week on dragons due to the fact that all across the USA more than a hundred dragon spotting have been reported all In a route leading to and from Los Vegas. Some officials ask, how is this possible we really don't know, but luckily one of our camera men was able to catch a glimpse of this dragon, let’s have a look shall we." a rather clear photo appeared, it was of me. But in my dragon form. I nearly choked when I saw that it was so clear, especially when it showed the photos location, it was at the peer about thirty miles from my house. I looked away. I placed a arm on the bus seat.

A block later I came to my stop. I got off, I walked into the park. I picked up speed running along a trail, I ran to get rid of my anger, I couldn't believe it, I am not going to be able to become a real human anymore, I walked around till I couldn't go anymore. I stopped at a store about one block away, I bought a fresh cold soda pop, and I drank it in three big gulps. I threw the bottle away, I needed to catch a bus home, I pulled out my wallet, I checked my money, "shoot, one dollar, it costs at most two dollars to ride the bus. I looked for a spot to go dragon, I found a empty alley, I quickly transformed, I quickly found that I barely fit into the alley way, I squeezed through the door and out into the street, I pumped my powerful wings, I lifted up into the sky, I soon soared up into the blue sky, I looked down, a group of by passers spotted me, I waved at them, they surprisingly waved back, I realized that I was too weak from the run so I ended up crash landing down in the park, a group of children ran up to me and stopped, a teacher ran up to them, she said, "careful students, you don't know if it is friendly?" I said in my deep booming voice, "I'm friendly, I won't hurt you or any human in this case, I'm just too weak to fly right now. I promise not to bite, one of the kids ran up to me, he seemed to be around ten, I said, and who might you be little boy??" he shyly said, "I'm José, can I pet you?? Please??" I said back, "sure!!" he reached out and scratched behind my neck, I shuddered. "Man that felt good." the teacher came up to me and said, right now our class’s topic is on medieval time periods and myths, and do you think I can use you... Dragon... As a lesson??" I nodded. By now a large group of people gathered around, even a camera crew had landed a helo on the field behind us. They came up and were filming me. "this is fox news and were live from Louisville’s waterfront park, we've finally found the dragon from the news, we've called in the most expert scientist to see the dragon and they should arrive in the next fifteen minutes." sure enough a group of scientist came out of their cars, each staring in disbelief, they got to work quickly blocking off the area, they immediately got a close up me.

One vet a girl came up to me, and said, "I don’t believe it a real love dragon, I wonder if it can make contact??" I said in my voice, "hello I can hear you know!! What are you guys doing here anyways??" she fell backwards. "sorry I didn't mean to scare you." she said, "no it's okay, wow that's scary, since you can talk can I do some exams on you? Not that I have to but you seem to be tired or something as the Kids said, I said, sure but to warn you I'm not good with shots, she laughed and said, don’t worry me either, I laughed which sounded more like a roar then a laugh. She began to pull out her tools, she said, "I'm going to first give you a oral exam, I need you to open wide, I did so, she reached and looked at my teeth, she said, damn there is two rows of teeth in your mouth, you’re like a shark, cool, you also have extremely large fangs, did you know that. By the way, ever heard of a breath mint?" "I can't find any for dragons. She said, "Well you look pretty good, you are truly a magnificent creature, now I need to take a look at your ears.." "That is if I even have any." "Yah where are your ears??" she searched my head, "I don't see any, hold on I guess a dragon is considered a reptile so you must have holes for ears, found theme, she pulled out a magnifying scope. She looked into my ears

She moved into the x-ray / cat-scan. She scanned me. "Holy crap!! You have four hearts!! And two stomachs!! So freaking cool, you also have a penis that makes you a boy, am I right. I looked away, she apologized, "well that's what abet does isn't it, sorry I probably shouldn't have said anything." I said, "It’s okay!" the news reporter ran up to me and the vet. "The whole world wants to know, what is this dragon here for and will it hurt us??" "Why don't you just ask me then??" the actor flinched, "it can talk??" I Sid, "well duh, I can talk what do think I am? A stupid animal?? No I can talk." the announcer gave me queer look, I shuddered, "you know dragons aren’t just a stupid animal we have emotions too you know." she apologized, she asked, "so dragon why are you here, I mean why don't you fly back to where you were born?? In the middle east or such??" "Wow way to judge me, how do you know that I was born there, I could have been born in the USA, anyways I'm too tired to fly so I am grounded for now. Plus I love all the attention." I lied down and yawned giving the announcer a scare, I apologized, and the camera man came up to me with a question, "can I feel you? I mean a real life dragon?" "Of course you can, just don't touch me... you know what I mean. The camera man reached and touched my scaly skin, it must have felt as hard as bricks to him. It on my part felt good, I wondered what time it was. I probably needed to get home... I said, "Excuse me but I need to go home.... Can you guys wrap this up, I have to head back to my uh, din..." they all finished up... About ten minutes later they were all getting back into their car. The crowd of people was still pretty large though, I was greeted by a group of teenagers that went to my school, I said, "what do you want?!" he held out a bag of sodas, "we don't know what dragons drink so we bought sodas... I'm sorry if you can't drink sodas." I said, "thank you I love sodas..." I picked up to bag and placed it in my mouth, I felt my power returning to me, I took off took off immediately, I only got at most twenty feet before I was being fired at by something. I immediately knew it was the military. I flew as fast as I could, I quickly shot into the air. I was soon followed by a allied jet. I cursed, I picked up speed and soon was going about three-hundred and eighty miles per hour. I soon out maneuvered the jet. There was no safe place anymore. I soon lost the jet, I saw my house not more than two miles away. I found a patch of land the corn field behind my home, I landed and reinitiated my cloaking device, I felt it was somehow growing weaker, I probably need to be careful how long I use it for.

I walked home slowly, I washed my hands for dinner when I got in. My mom had dinner on the table. I gorged down on a plate of ribs. I went down the stairs to the basement to where wyvern was staying, "Hey Neil I need to talk to you, I still haven't completely heard the story of when we met, I was only just born at the time so what really happened."

I sat down, "here is what really happened, it all started one day, and I was taking a hike with my family in silver falls Oregon. I heard a loud crackling sound above, I had been with my parents, but next thing I know, well the whole world seemed to stop as if magic, I suddenly noticed a small, well a foot tall rock that was glowing, I didn't know what it was, the rock was smoking, I slowly reached at it as if something would jump out of it. I felt it, that's when as if time started up again, I was in a dark vortex, in it I saw you, for the first time, all I could do was stare, but somehow I felt a spiritual connection to it, you were only a half foot long, hesitantly I picked you up, that's when I heard a deep voice a loud booming voice saying, please take this and care for it. We don't want it anymore. Female dragons are always banned from our homeland. I really didn't understand it at that time so I pretty much ignored the transmission, I did hear that the thing who sent you and the transmission was obviously not your parent because he said so, that you were just a DNA creation that was genetically created to give to out to some random dragon family, they were not your true parents just some kind dragons that wanted a boy but they got a girl instead. Anyways well just about that time the transmission ended and I snapped too. I saw the egg, I had my hand reached down almost touching it. I eventually got enough nerve to pick it up. It felt warm in my hand. I place it gently into my pack, then I ran to catch up to my parents. Eventually around a month later I was at school when I realized that the egg was hatching, I always brought the egg with me everywhere I went just to be sure that it wouldn't be stolen or lost. I raised my hand to be excused and I ran to the bathroom. I set the egg on the sink. The outer layer was cracking. I wondered whether I should help you out. But then it popes off. I suddenly felt extremely ill from the aurora of the magic. It suddenly combined your DNA with mine. I wondered what was happening. I wondered how long till I would mutate. Then I saw you. As I said before you were six inches tall. And had glowing green eyes. Your body was purple at the time, so was your tail. I covered my nose from all the floating vapors, then I picked you up, I quickly hide the shell in a nearby garbage can, I quickly decided I needed to go home, so I came up with a excuse to go home. I placed you into my pack, then I acted sick as I went to the office, they didn't see my backpack bulging though thank god, I quickly made my way home. I got to my house, my mom had a worried look. I moaned and went upstairs. I climbed onto my bed and I set you down, I looked at you, you looked at me, I thought about a name, that's when I decided on wyvern. I will never forget that day. A year later you were a full grown dragon, and I was off to high school. I then realized that something was wrong with me, I soon started to notice weird changes to me, like for example a rapid growth change, bloodshot eyes, a cold blood temperature that they couldn't get up, and my body was started to get scales. Eventually I realized that I was unable to hide these so I had my dad develop a holoprojector, to make me look human. I carried on through school, soon I realized that you were learning English while I was at school which you said was because you could see through my eyes. I never mastered it with my own body but it is cool though. And that leads to current time."

She looked at me and said, "Wow that’s how we met, I do now that you think about it, felt a large aurora when I hatched but not coming from me but you." I looked at my watch, holy crap it's two in the morning. We should probably go to bed, you want me to keep you company tonight, I think the story had a effect on you... (Damn Neil is slick...) I mean uh do you want to sleep with me... God this is awkward I'm sorry it's just...." "Neil it's okay of course you can sleep with me, you know I can read your mind. Anyways I think it's sweet that you want to comfort me. She climbed into bed leaving me space to crawl in. I slid in and snuggled up with wyvern. We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. We slowly but quietly connected a kiss, it was nothing you've ever felt before, we both felt good, I kissed her again, then again. I could taste her lipstick, I wondered if she wants to do what I wanted to... Obviously she could read my mind, she jumped on top of me. She said, "Let’s continue this outside. So we got dressed and we t outside, I turned off my cloaking device, I waited for her to do the same, we soon enough wrapped around each other head to tail. I could feel my penis growing, I realized that I had a large erection. I felt weird because I was too young to have sex, so this was a first. I said to wyvern, "I love you more than anything, you ready, I meant to you know have it??" she said, "I've waited all my life to meet another dragon so yes, yes I am, don't go easy on me, I said I wouldn't, I began thrusting my penis into Wyverns cloacae and it gave me a large sensual sensation larger than anything I've ever felt, I kept it up till I couldn't stand it any longer, I started to cum, I hadn't planned that part, I wondered if I should Have worn a condom, about a hour later I was lying on the grass panting, along with wyvern.

I said, "Wooh that was fun, now what??" "I guess we should take a break?!" I'm not done with you yet....." I turned on the holoprojector but apparently it didn't work, I hit it again, wyvern was already backing to a human with her magic... I said to wyvern well my holoprojector isn’t working, I placed a new battery in it, and it evidentially needed new batteries. I turned it on and I was back to looking like a human. I quickly got in the house, me and wyvern ate dinner with my parents, the my mom left us, I got the impression my dad hadn't told my mom about us yet. I quickly left and walked into the bathroom, I was so tired, I took a piss in the can. Just as I was washing my hands wyvern barged in, yelling "Neil , It’s me; I think I'm pregnant.... I don't know how... Unless we... I wonder how. This will affect me..." I spoke calmly, to her, "wyvern I'm so sorry, I didn’t know, but look on the good side you won't have to worry about the extra pain humans feel... Look you’re going to lay eggs..." "Wait so I won't have a full sized baby? I thought all animals did it that way, they said so in your anatomy and Sex Ed class?!" I said, "well that's only for humans and mammals, dragons fall into the reptile category, so I guess you are an ovipositor. Look we can get through this... I guess we should I don't know uhh go to the doctor???" "I don't want to go to the doctor; he doesn't know the first thing about dragon anatomy. I need you to tell me what most humans do when the you know... Reproduce?!" I nodded, "well most humans go to a doctor and or they can do it at home, on the other hand I learned in bio that the female tyrannosaurus rex the supposed largest reptile built a nest and lauded then there. But you probably can find or build a nest since you were born and raised on earth so I guess we’re back to the start again. I wonder, why don't we make you a nest in the basement, I mean you’re going to have to us your magic to get my parents to go on an extended vacation.... Don't you have a money spell on you..." she nodded. I wrote a note to the bank of America stating that they should use this money to buy a month’s vacation to Hawaii, with no children allowed, I told wyvern to mail it to our house. She magically sent it to the bank, in turn it immediately came back with an approved, and I set it on the counter in the kitchen... I waited till my mom came in she read it and freaked out. Wyvern made her think it said no children allowed... She immediately left to the car and drove off probably to my father’s work. I told her to do the same for my dad which she did.
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

 Post subject: Re: My first ld5 story that I made
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:50 am 
Site Admin
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
I wisk I had a money spell.

 Post subject: Re: My first ld5 story that I made
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:38 am 
User avatar
Talking Tyrannosaur
Posts: 861
Species: Tyrannosaurus
Wow, that's the maddest thing I've ever read!

It's certainly very long though, so congratulations!

 Post subject: Re: My first ld5 story that I made
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:42 pm 
User avatar
Self-made mule
Posts: 261
Species: hinny
Location: Speed City, IN
Summary so far:

Everyone in the world plays
You program videogames.

You get to test a new feature.

You haven't even the foggiest idea
how the feature works even though
you'd think as a programmer
you might atleast sorta get it.

You de-digitize your new gf.
First day of school. You forgot.

On the way home it's blizzarding and
polarbears appear.

You take shelter in a cave.
Implication of interpsecies incest.
((... don't see that every day.))

The polarbears attack!
You turn into a dragon!
Your girl wants you to eat her so
she can make sure you're alright.
You're uncomfortable!
She accidentally soulvores you!
She eats your now-dead body!
You have to watch!

She calls your dad/teacher ((apparently
his relationship to you as a teacher
is more important than that of his
being your father 'cuz you call him
just 'teacher' a ton, which is weird))

Your girl throws away your phone when
done like she doesn't care!

Your dad shows up and knows something
about this crap!

Your girl remembers that she can easily
respawn you, but now you're stuck as
a dragon.
You assume your girl knows magic.
She does!
There's something in the bushes!
There's nothing there!
She cloaks the fact you're a dragon!

You both go start attending class!

Chased by bullies!
Get punched!
People suddenly believe in dragons!

Fingers are like taped together!

School's out!
Lie to mother!
Go to a container ship!
Meet kitty!
She knows your secrete ((sic))!
She was in the bushes!
She's way mad you tried to keep this
from her!
Ride the dragon to Vegas!

Fricking thirsty!
Stop at McDonalds!
Not like there's plants to eat there
anyway, seeing as how you're a dragon!
Kitty's anorexic!

Kitty robs the McDonalds while you
wait in the parking lot!
Actually she put a raw steak into a
garbage bag! ((?))
Eat the steak!
McDonalds has waiters!
Waiters with cameras!
Fly away!

Need to be home by 2:00a!
Already late!
Girlfriend calls!
Girlfriend's in Vegas!

Meet by the Pyramid!
Mom calls!
She's worried!
Be home by breakfast!

Backpack has map of Las Vegas!
Find a restaraunt!

Las Vegas is huge!
iPhone 4!

Ride the dragon home!
Snog on Kitty!
Notice the view!

Get back for breakfast!
Go for a walk! AS A DRAGON.
Scare some schoolkids!
Get petted!

Frickin scientists!
Get examined!
Newsflash: no ears!
Four hearts, two stomachs!
Meet the press!
Stereotyped as an Arab! ((?))

Friends from school!
They brought sodas!

Flying home, chased by jet,
land in a cornfield.

Back for dinner!
Eat some ribs!

Comepletely alternate explanation as
to how you met Wayvern!
It's two in the morning!
Crawl in bed!
Snog on Wayvern!

Go back inside!
Eat dinner /again/!
Freeackin money spell woooooooooooo!
Write your next story in 2nd-person.

 Post subject: Re: My first ld5 story that I made
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:43 pm 
User avatar
Self-made mule
Posts: 261
Species: hinny
Location: Speed City, IN
Summary so far:

Everyone in the world plays
You program videogames.

You get to test a new feature.

You haven't even the foggiest idea
how the feature works even though
you'd think as a programmer
you might atleast sorta get it.

You de-digitize your new gf.
First day of school. You forgot.

On the way home it's blizzarding and
polarbears appear.

You take shelter in a cave.
Implication of interpsecies incest.
((... don't see that every day.))

The polarbears attack!
You turn into a dragon!
Your girl wants you to eat her so
she can make sure you're alright.
You're uncomfortable!
She accidentally soulvores you!
She eats your now-dead body!
You have to watch!

She calls your dad/teacher ((apparently
his relationship to you as a teacher
is more important than that of his
being your father 'cuz you call him
just 'teacher' a ton, which is weird))

Your girl throws away your phone when
done like she doesn't care!

Your dad shows up and knows something
about this crap!

Your girl remembers that she can easily
respawn you, but now you're stuck as
a dragon.
You assume your girl knows magic.
She does!
There's something in the bushes!
There's nothing there!
She cloaks the fact you're a dragon!

You both go start attending class!

Chased by bullies!
Get punched!
People suddenly believe in dragons!

Fingers are like taped together!

School's out!
Lie to mother!
Go to a container ship!
Meet kitty!
She knows your secrete ((sic))!
She was in the bushes!
She's way mad you tried to keep this
from her!
Ride the dragon to Vegas!

Fricking thirsty!
Stop at McDonalds!
Not like there's plants to eat there
anyway, seeing as how you're a dragon!
Kitty's anorexic!

Kitty robs the McDonalds while you
wait in the parking lot!
Actually she put a raw steak into a
garbage bag! ((?))
Eat the steak!
McDonalds has waiters!
Waiters with cameras!
Fly away!

Need to be home by 2:00a!
Already late!
Girlfriend calls!
Girlfriend's in Vegas!

Meet by the Pyramid!
Mom calls!
She's worried!
Be home by breakfast!

Backpack has map of Las Vegas!
Find a restaraunt!

Las Vegas is huge!
iPhone 4!

Ride the dragon home!
Snog on Kitty!
Notice the view!

Get back for breakfast!
Go for a walk! AS A DRAGON.
Scare some schoolkids!
Get petted!

Frickin scientists!
Get examined!
Newsflash: no ears!
Four hearts, two stomachs!
Meet the press!
Stereotyped as an Arab! ((?))

Friends from school!
They brought sodas!

Flying home, chased by jet,
land in a cornfield.

Back for dinner!
Eat some ribs!

Completely alternate explanation as
to how you met Wayvern!
It's two in the morning!
Crawl in bed!
Snog on Wayvern!

Go back inside!
Eat dinner /again/!
Freeackin money spell!
Horrible play on words!
You just lost the game!
Horatio Shades of Justice!
Write your next story in 2nd-person.

 Post subject: Re: My first ld5 story that I made
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:46 am 
User avatar
Destructive dragon
Posts: 26
Species: Dragon
Location: Brazil
DAMN.... your first on LD5 but bet this ain't the first you write, this is the best story i've ever read, for real, WAAAAY better than the ones that i got around writen by myself.

Keep up this awesome work, and if you have more on the plans do bet that i'd read them all by looking at this :up:
Think before you say, not say before you think

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