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 Post subject: Digital Mass Effect Wars
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:08 am 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
"This is gaming fans... The new Digital phenomenon known by users as DWW... A universal war game that is being planned as the first global ultra-reality game... Where players enter the game to fight real people and interact in real physical contact... Even some none human races have taken an interest in it... The Turains, Drell, Asari, Krogan, Volus, Elcor, Batarians, and even vorcha have taken an interest in it.... Overall the expected results should exceed a trillion... Maybe more... We will have more news on the winners in the upcoming news... This is your one stop news reporter Jake Gillian." I closed the Omni tool out. I had just gotten out of school for the day... At age sixteen I was not allowed to do much... After the heroics of Sheppard the galaxy is in peace. I am too young to join the military so no doubt I am too young to play a war game... I had to sneak in.... Which I did.

"Next..." I stepped into line... The guard was wearing heavy N-7 armor... No way I was getting through. I slipped out of line... Needed to get past him somehow. The guards were loading some kind of cart with snacks... "That's it!" I yelled. The crowd stared at me weird.... I darted for the cart. As I approached the guards eyed me. I started fiddling around with my OT. Then when they looked away I dove into the cart. It was just big enough to hide in. I felt the cart start rolling.

It eventually came to a stop. I waited till the coast was clear and then jumped out. My plan had worked I had gotten into the arcade room. All around the walls were lined with wiring. All I had to do was to I insert it into my Omni-tool and turn on the stimuli tech... It would do the rest from there...

I found one and inserted a small wireless receiver or a bug if you will that can be use to link me in from home. Now to get out of here... I dove back into the cart. I suddenly got my first glimpse of an alien. A giant turian stepped into the room before I could take cover inside the cart.

"Hey Muther Fucker what did I tell you back there get the fuck back... Wait your different... What the hell are you doing back here!? It's restricted to minors...." He reached out and wrapped his arm around my neck and physically lifted me up and carried me out of the room. Well... That was one way of getting out I guess... The turian threw onto the street. I flipped him off... Making it worse. "Come here you fucking kid!!!." I jumped up and ran away. The Turain pulled out his N-7 heavy predator pistol and fired at me. I dodged a bullet. "Hah you fucking missed you muther fucker!!!" He growls and fired again... A bullet brushed my shoulder. I cursed... Time to stop playing around. I fired a burst of biotic energy knocking the turian down on his ass. I kept running. He got up and continued following me. I was getting tired of this chase. I ducked through an ally way... My body began to ache.... It must be because I don't have the L5 Implants... Fuck without them I am screwed... Maybe worse... I couldn't use my biotics yet... I looked around, a ladder went up the side of the building... My only shot... I ran towards the wall and jumped, kicked off a dumpster and wrapped my fist around the bottom rung. The Turain stopped to catch his breath. He then scanned around for me. I let out a heavy sigh... The Turain as if a super hearing looked up. "There the fuck you are!!" I felt a slug hit me in the left. "Damn it!" I found the next rung and climbed up with two hands and one leg. The other leg was limp. The Turain loaded a second clip into the gun. I got to the top and found a small flower pot.... I swung my hand sending the pot hurdling towards the Turain. He rolled out of the way. By now I was at the top of the building. I dropped onto the rooftop. I could hear the Turain climbing up. I couldn't run... I got up on my knees... I maneuvered myself to the other side of the building.

"Hold it right there kid... You fucked with the wrong turian..." I was stuck... It was either give myself up... Or drop fifty feet... "Damn it don't kill me..." He approached me and aimed the gun at my head. I closed my eyes expecting a shot in the head but it didn't come... I forced my eyes open. The Turain was holding his hand out... "Damn I've never seen anyone do those stunts before and survive a shot to the chest. I can tell you're the best choice for my team." "Wait... Who the fuck are you?!" "I'm the head captain of the alliance team... Normally we only choose is adults but you seem to be... Physically strong..." I grasped his hand as be brought me to two feet. He pulled out a pack of Medi-gel. "Here use this... It should stop the bleed as well as heal your broken leg... I've got to get back to work... Meet me at the planet of Ilium... It's accessible by ship take the planetary shuttle... Sneak one of you have to... We will meet at the planetary square..." "Okay I'll see you there... I guess..." He left and disappeared...

I walked over to the edge of the building... It was going to be a long club down... Or was it... I looked around I found a drainage pipe... I ran over to it and leaped over the side. I quickly wrapped my hand around it.... I slide down then it went to hell... The rungs snapped and I fell. I slammed onto the ground... My spine made a loud, crackling sound. But it wasn't broken... I hope... I placed my hand on the ground and shaky rose up off the ground. My back was rough, I could feel some of my bones jutting out. I obviously wasn't perfect... I moaned as I shifted my weight onto the nearest dumpster. A nearby bystander who had seen me drop came rushing to my aid. "Damn kid are you okay...? What the hell where you thinking?!" "Crap... can you help me... I believe I've broken my spinal cord..." "No shit dude..." he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lifted me up. "Let's get you to the hospital... I have a car parked around the corner. "Okay let's go..."

We arrived at the car... He helped me into the back seat. It was pretty fucking sweet with golden interior and a chrome exterior... It was much like all the other cars of this era... "The hospital is only a few blocks away... Hold on this is gonna be a fast trip..." He floored the ship and we rocketed it down the road.

The hospital was a large building that's probably up a total of three thousand floors... All planets are well off the ground... Maybe even further.. Even the ground we were on was at least a hundred of floors up off the ground. "Well we are here... Let's get you fixed up mate... Do you have any family that should know about this!?" "Nope I live on my own... I never had a family... Never in my life." "Okay that solved nothing..." He helped me into the chair. The doctors came rushing in. "What the fuck happened to you?!" "I jumped a building..." "No shit!" "We need to get an x-ray..." The doctor helped me into next room, it was dark but had a DSOT or Digital Scanning Omni Tool... Used to scan the body for injuries.

"Damn kid you not only broke you're femur but you shattered it... That's not good..." "That coming from the blue freak..." "I'm an Asari you basterd." "It seems your gonna need some rods placed in your bones... No hell on earth with you fully recover without them... Even of you could recover." "Okay... Fine how long will it take?" "About an hour... Maybe longer..." "Then get to it..."

One hour later...
The doctor came in and removed the wrapping. "It is done.." I lifted up my leg, it felt like new. I then moved my arm. They apparently were not lying, I had studs in both my legs, and both of my arms. "Easy dose it, the medic helped me up." "Man... This will take some getting used to..." The medics helped me to the waiting room... "Now the bill.." "I have to go..." I made a dash for the exit... Only to be stopped by a giant Turain guard. "I technically don't have any money... Or a family..." the guard lifted me up... I waited for the right moment then broke free... The rods increased not only my strength but my size I was a foot taller... So seven feet tall... The same size as a krogan or Turian!" the guard fell back... And I made a clean getaway. The shuttle dock was only a few blocks away... Only it was down a few thousand floors. I pulled out my Omni-tool and aimed it down to the ground... Below me there was an air -duct. I looked behind me, a human squad of military were gaining up on me. I had no time to dig for the pipes. I was also coming to the edge of the building... Hell no! I jumped...

Falling like that was a shitty idea. I could tell I was going to hit... And hard.
"Aww fuck I'm gonna bloody Die!!!!" I suddenly felt an arm grab me by my pack. I looked back, a Turain was using a levitating field and had grabbed me. I let out a sigh... He had came out of no where... "Whoow dude you nearly gave me a scare.." he lowered me to the ground. I thanked him and before he could say anything I darted...

I made it to the shuttle port two minutes early... I had no ticket or money so I would have to stow away on it. I found a large role of luggage, it was definitely going to the Ilium... I cracked open the large crate and out poured a large pile of Weapons.... I wonder... I picked up a pistol and stowed it in my pack. Then I climbed in and resealed the crate.

In at most a few seconds after sealing it I could feel it being lifted onto the ship’s cargo bay. Once I felt it sit down I quickly got out and darted for the cargo bay doors... I forgot but there was no oxygen in the cargo bay once in space! I could feel the ship beginning to lift off. I frantically looked around... On the wall was a spare emergency HASM or High Altitude Space Mask... Used to check on the cargo in case of emergency... It fit enough. I breathed lightly. I then sat back down on the crate. Was this really worth it?

Chapter Two: The Ilium Warzone:
I quickly found that the Ilium was full of contestants... How I was going to find that same Turain was going to be hell... Planetary square was loaded full of civilians that had been waiting in line to battle. So many species... Most them looked like they wanted to hurt me. I ran into one of the aliens.... "You.... H...u...m...a...m... Watch where you are going..." "Sorry... Uh... What are you.... Weird creature?" It hissed at me... "We... Are vorcha... And we... Hate human..." "Damn it calm down... I didn't mean to pick a fight... God why do all aliens hate humans!?" "Hey Vorcha get lost! "Hsssssssssssss!" it took off. I turned around to see a large... Beautiful female Turain. "Names Jessy! I was sent to escort you to the team headquarters..." "Well that was convenient, is there any other humans on our team!?" "Nope one of each species... That alien you just met was one type of species on our team... Except all the other teammates are female... Are you female?!" "Hmmm... No.... I sure hope not... Why...?" "No reason... Well let's get going... Did you get injuries?!" "Yah... Why?" "Your leg are full of metals..." she apparently had gotten scans of me. She led me through the large crowd. "By the way how old are you." "Uh sixteen... Why?" "Wait your too young to play... I like it!!!"

Team SEC-99 Headquarters...
I entered into the room. "Welcome to Team 99!" The aliens stared at me some with hate others with amuse... "This is Rex Tervo, he has come to join our team to fight alongside us as the final species in our team... The vorcha spoke up in a hiss, "What's a human doing here...?" That's Diablo, the teams... Uh sniper... The Asari is Makarov... She is the team’s biotic leader... On the other side the krogan is FreCzar... She's the team’s brute and muscle, the quaren, Keegan gas neema is the team’s engineer, the Geth, Geth... He didn't want another name... well he... Or we as he says is the team second engineer. The Batarians, Rose is the team’s soldier... She can use any gun and she knows how to kill... "Yah so don't fuck with me bitch!"The beautiful Turain said, "My name is Jill... The team’s leader... Do you have any skills?" "Yah I can fire a gun... I've done a little sniping at random stuff, I've got loads of heavy bones, rods from a recent fall.. Yah... I'm fucked up..." "Hmm I guess we can fit you into being the team’s gunner... Do you have any piloting skills?!" "Yah a little bit... I've flown a ship before... My dad took me out on his SPAS-HARD V-1... Man that thing was fucking fast... Did you know that it was developed by that quaren kid who is Sheppard’s son!" "Yah he died not too long ago... It was a shame..." "Well I can be your pilot... As long as I can join you on the front line... I always love a fucking good fight!" "As do we!" I looked around... "Where am going to stay?" they looked at each other... "That's a good question... I don't know we don't happen to have any male accommodations... We thought we were only going to have a female team... Anyone want to take the human?!" they shook their heads no... "As you can sleep with me... Man... That sounds... Wrong... Really wrong." "Ug I get the point... No messing around... I feel like I've had this conversation before... With my sisters... G...O...D...!!" She started to giggle... "And that's exactly what they did..." I'll show you to your. . I'm mean our room... It's upstairs of the head quarters... She grabbed my hand, her three fingers kind of freaked me out, she was... Different than humans... A Turain was a mixture of an Avian... (Bird...) and a kind of dinosaur... They are tall have bird like internals like hollow bone, claws and talons, a gizzard and they weird flaps that cover the sides of their mouths kind of like_____. They have three toed feet that resembled that of a raptor... Their body was almost always in armor so at no time were they ever seen without them... Unless you were luckily enough to get to mate with one... They even sleep in them... It's weird... A famous Turain was Garrus Valkury of the Normandy, Commander Sheppard’s Turain, some more include the spetres, and an infamous villain known as saren. Female Turains are rarely seen let alone seen of... Nor were female Krogan..."

"Here we are..." "Her room was massive... It had all the latest tech, including leather couches, a large bed, a few hundred racks of weapons, a rack of armor and clothing, even you could see a large window exposing the skies of the Ilium... It was by the far the biggest room I've ever seen. "Here you stay here I'm gonna put something more... Fashionable on... Stay here and don't look..." I turned around and started to mess around with my Omni-tool. It was a little bit of a mess, everything had been cracked in the fall... I started to repair the screen. "Done! You can turn around again..." I turned around and shielded my eyes.... "Shit to hell!!!! I thought you said something more suitable... Not anything at all!" "Hah I'm just joking with you lighten up... See I never take off my armor huh..." "Sorry I didn't know you could read my mind... Man this is awkward..." "Yah it kind of its..." The good thing is that they have internal organs... Like most females do... "I put some cloths on... Hah I can't believe your face I got you good.... Hah! "Yah real funny.!! You gotta admit... Your hot..." "Awe thank you... You're the same..." She placed on a pair of golden armor with carbon fiber coating. "Let's see... Maybe I have some armor that can fit you... They might... Be a little... Uh... Ahem... Girlish..." she led me into her vaulted armory. It littered in guns as well as various armor pieces... I found one made from carbon fiber. "They all were definitely female... It also was clear that they were made for Turains... I eventually found one, "Try it on... I pulled it on over my clothing. It fit perfectly snug and tight. "Is there by any a breather helmet!?" "Sure there is... I never wear it but it's got a Turain style helmet... It probably will fit you... Here let me get it for you.." she walked to the other side of the room and found the helmet. It was an X-face mask that went back to a point probably for the weird skin that went over the top of their heads that served like. It slid over my head and made me look Turain... At least that's what she said... "Here let me find you a Respirator... It should help you breath!" she came back with a small chest plate, "It's called a life support webbing... It should reinforce you..." "Cool!" I walked over to the bed and looked out the window.... I missed being with my family..z. They died a year ago in a freak pirate attack.. Never seen again... It was about the same time commander Sheppard had died... He was killed by being blown up in the old Normandy... At that time there was a new threat in the galaxy, the reapers, evil race of aliens that had tried to eliminate the galaxy of all living life on the entire universe... The world went in chaos then commander Sheppard came back to life and joined Cerberus and then it all fell apart, the alliance turned its back on Sheppard and all the human races... We soon had a full scale war on our hands... All the races joined together to fight this menace... In the end we had the help of a race of krogan zoned had the upper hand... And thanks to a female krogan and a krogan named Wrex we managed to save to the entire world now with the development of a cure for the krogan we were able to see female krogan more and more frequently. It used to be rare to even see a female now we can see them anywhere. We won the war saving the galaxy. Now we all are living in peace. Now species are free from terror of the reapers we also managed to successfully start a total intergalactic transit to ever planet in the galaxy... Also all colonies have been successfully returned to their rightful planets... Even the vorcha and Geth helped us in the fight against the reapers... Legion... A Geth who accompanied commander Sheppard was able to convince the others to aid us.. Because in the end they would be eradicated too. And that's what's has happened... And that's over a hundred years ago...

"So... Do want to get something to eat?!" "Sure..." "Great I know this great ramen Restaurant down the road..." "Let's go I'm starving!" She pulled her armor on and I first took off my armor, it was beginning to become heavy... It weighs in at over thirty pounds. It does protect you though. "Hey guys... Do you want to join us down at the ramen house?" The vorcha chick nodded so did the Asari and the krogan. The quaren didn't want to neither did the Salarian. And the Geth couldn't eat anyways. I followed the Turain to the parking lot.... They had a SPAS HARD!!! (Space And Planetary Assault Ship Heavily Armored Rotary Driving..) Meaning that it had a high hovering altitude and was able to go space wise and or planetary... Meaning on a planet. I climbed into the back seat. It had an addition of size wise.. A wide body... It could hold eighteen people now.... "You better hold onto something we're going for a little dive!!" she jettisoned off the garage and we plummeted a thousand feet towards the ground. "Yeeeeeeeeehaw!!! Mother fuckers!!!" I clenched the seat and somewhat dented the leather. We hit the ground flat and the ships engines slowed us down to levitating height off the ground. "HOLY FUCK!!!" I don't think I've ever done that before..." as if the Asari could read my mind, starts laughing. "Your dad must be a good pilot then!" We floored the Spas back towards planetary square. It was still pretty crowded...

"The Ramen Shack is just around the block..." It was huge... Thirteen floors. Now serving both Dextrose-DNA and non-Dextrose-DNA. "What am I?" "You’re either... But I'm Dextrose-DNA." I guess Alien Turains are Dextrose-DNA... They must have a different DNA structure... "It's the same for quaren too." "Damn it stop reading my mind!" they laughed. I hadn't had any ramen since I went to school when I lived with my actual family.

Inside was no different it was arranged like bar with large stage with dancers on it, it also had a load of other non- child related things. I followed Jill and the others to the bar... The rules at this time is different... Now minors can drink due to the anti-death implant that prevents death from alcohol poisoning... But you still get after effects like you still get drunk... And can have hangovers as well as other side effects.

"One beer please..." "Sure... Kid..." He poured a small shot of krogan liquid into the glass. "Uh Rex do...." I sipped it down and immediately got tipsy... Whoow that is bloody strong!" "That's bloody Krogan Liquor it's too strong for a human to handle... Or anyone for that matter except a krogan... It's two-hundred and fifty percent alcoholic!" "My body is fucking on fire!!!!" the Liquor made my internal organs flair up in pain... It stung my lungs and my liver too. My nose was burning my eyes watering and my stomach ached.

"God that was stupid of you human!" "I didn't know... It is the first time being in a bloody bar... I was too young on earth... And still am on earth! If I knew that it was so strong I wouldn't have drunken it...." I felt dizzy. I can't even see my own hand!" I sat back and fell to the ground. Some hero I was... Couldn't even handle a bit of alcohol. I had to stay strong. The three girls helped me up. I was t even able to stand. The waiter looked at me, "Man your crazy man! How are you able to stay awake no one’s ever able to last from one sip!" "I guess I've got skills..." No matter how hard I tried I felt like I was going to black out. "Here take this... It's an uh... Bit of weed... It should stop some of the effects... I snorted it up. "Not fucking helping! Now I feel worse! Goddamn now I'm hallucinating!"

Eventually I got a hold of the situation and I got to eat. "Hey Rex... Where we're you born?!" "On earth in San Francisco... Not many people liked me... They killed my family... So escaped Tina different city. That's about where you found me..." "Well at least you're with us!" I nodded slightly. Eventually we left... The time on earth was much different than the Ilium. It had much longer days. I lifted up the SPAS HARD's door and climbed into the back seat. I was still a tad bit drunk. "You gonna be okay Rex? I have no immunity to alcohol like most of the aliens are... Plus I used to drink... A hell lot... And it got me sick... And I did stupid things! Trust me!
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

 Post subject: Re: Digital Mass Effect Wars
PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:26 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Nice story, but...where's Marauder Shields? :)

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