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 Post subject: Origins of Hardskale Beginings
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:14 pm 
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Wee li'le roo
Posts: 91
Species: Kangaroo
Location: the open sea
Okay before I post the story, I'm going to make things clear so that way if you miss this first little portion and do what it says not to, I can point and laugh at you for ignoring it and I get full right to bite your head off about it. This story is not up here for critiques, so don't critique it, at least not here. If you desparatly need to critique my horrible grammer and punctuation, or have thoughs on how the story could be improved or whatever, PM them.

Having said that, story improvements, I'm writing this as a compilation of my characters adventures through the furry communities, so it's pretty much a dramatic version of my little adventures. I'm putting it here because it starts out with dragons and dinos and lizards and all that, and plenty of paws don't you all worry, paws and claws and pads oh my. So if you think the storyline itself could be improved, save it, I'm writing this because it's my story and the origins of my character to inform on some of his actions and little niche's.

Now the title, dragon slayer, well that's what karo has turned out to be, HOWEVER before I get burnt to a crisp or used as a toilet here, or even a snack. He isn't vengeful on ALL dragons [in fact I rather like them, especially the female ones] but for somewhat religious grounds and for my own battles with an inner very angry dragon [so this is all very metephorical and double meaning-ed] I've chosen this path, the dragons in this story are suposed to be from a whole nother world and timeline and even dimension. Having said that much, many of you all that have known me a little while be it through here or macrophile or wherever, will be refferenced in small areas and even named. If you catch it in this first bit, Dino is noted, just because...well he just kindof popped in there when I was thinking about my beginings in the furry stuff being mostly scaly oriented. So whereas he is a dragon slayer, he's also a freind to alot of dragons that will be mentioned and alot of you dinos and lizards that I know well on here. if you expressly don't want to be mentioned you may say so. I'm posting separate topics for each entry to allow folks to comment on the general story and such and the events therein.
Most entries will be a little rushed as I'm just putting in the generalities of the story, this is all basically a draft of it all to see where it leads and to give me something to do on my upcoming 6 month deployment at sea. and without further adue, here is the first little section.

Draconithia is apparently the name of where this vessel is headed, Karo ponders as he sits against an uncomfortable metal wall with a large scaly beast sneering at him on the opposite side.
“They grabbed several other people, why does this big ugly thing have to sit in front of me?” He couldn’t help asking himself in an annoyed manner. He dare not ask aloud though, some of the other people met their ends in such ways.
“Why Karo, Why me, I was just driving along minding my own business and wanted to see what the big crowd was about. Then this big lunk grabs me, says something about perfect specimen for some princess, and tosses me into this red square barge of a thing and it lifts off the ground like something out of science fiction. “ Karo’s thought process is interrupted by the big brute, the guy somewhere between human and lizard and covered in blood red scales and body armor leans over to Karo’s ear.
“You’re going to Princess Torchie you piece of filth. You’re going to be her pet and slave respectively, she’ll promote me for finding a diamond in the rough like you.” The beast snarled and snorted, he looked like a komodo dragon from the zoo and spoke with a devil’s tounge. He, Karo assumed it was a he, wore body armor and several daggers and small swords, as well as having claws to boot, and teeth like razors.
“Nothing special about me.” Karo said flatly and not even in full sentence, he also did not meet the creature’s gaze, staring it directly in the eyes doesn’t seem like a smart move at this point.
“You’ll learn your place at her feet, filth, and soon, we are nearing the wormhole, you had best keep your stomach. I am not to harm the candidates unless they ask for it, loosing your innards on me would be asking for it.” A snarling snicker escaped his snout.
This creep was enjoying this, every second of it. He enjoyed capturing those who were weaker than him and taking them from their home worlds. That is a term Karo never thought he’d be using to refer to his own home, he liked science fiction, but not this much.
The Craft began shuddering all over, the lights flickered and for the duration of five minutes that seemed like hours, the craft seemed to lurch from side to side, up and down and all around. Karo did not lose his stomach; it wasn’t near as bad as airline turbulence. “You call that rough, Lizard man?” Karo said, maybe a little too cocky.
“Dragon, you simpleton, what filth you are, lizards are lower down the evolutionary ladder, higher than yourself though. You are somewhere around a dust mite.” The creature snarled deep and his nose smoldered.
Karo is smart enough to just leave it be and not agitate this fool further. Laying low and doing what he is told is a good plan of action for now. It is so good, in fact, that Karo actually doses off for the remainder of the trip.

A sudden violent jolt woke Karo from his dozing. They had landed and no sooner than Karo woke, the dragon guard grabbed him by the shirt collar and walks out of the craft with him. “Come along slave, time to get your new form and new owner.” The brute ordered as he drags Karo along.

“New form? What are you yammering about now scale belly?” Karo grumbled. The nineteen year old considerably agitated now, the heat of this place alone is enough to fry an egg in mid air, plus this half witted overgrown alligator dragging him around by the collar of his black punisher t-shirt.
“Your new form, we are trading that flabby skin for some tough scales my fair captive, and you’ll soon learn some respect.” He dragged poor Karo into a very large sandstone structure. On it was a very large wooden door, much larger than either him or his draconic captor. In fact they were probably not more than a sixteenth, probably less, of the door’s actual size, they went into a smaller one down the way from it.
“I guess I’ve been rude, even for your captor, my name is Lavin [lah-ven] and the woman I am taking you too is calypso, no not your world’s sea godess, though she does seem to have a fetish for water at times. She is the scientist mage that will be giving you your new form and abilities as well as job requirements. You are a captive of the planet of Draconithia and a slave of the family Hardskale, I read that thing you humans call a license in your wallet, says your name is Karo Hardfang, well, now it’s Hardskale too. The lord and lady of the house prefer the slaves to have the family name, at least the higher positioned slaves, and being in direct service to their daughter puts you there.”

Karo gulped a little. This place was getting just a little overwhelming with every step. He saw small lizard people all over, scurrying about. He even noticed some dinosaur looking fellows, one small one with a horn sweeping back on his head clothed in a small friars robe went scurrying past him. “Dude, shows how much you know, that ID is fake, it’s for an internet character I have.”
Lavin snorted his displeasure in the babble. “Whatever, Your name is Karo to us and it will stay that way, Mister Hardskale. Now if you have studied at all on your world about gravity, you are proboly wondering how this place can be so large on such a large planet, oh that’s right you were asleep when we approached, well it is a very large planet due to it’s large inhabitants which in turn use their magic to make the smaller beings not so weighted by the gravity here. Likewise since they are so bit, they build big structures, many times on the backs of all the workers. You are not one such worker, you are mi’lady Torchie’s pet.” Lavin went on explaining things in his gruff manner, all the wile dragging Karo along.
Karo continued to notice things around the place, letting his mind and imagination wander was the only true way of absolving himself to different situations and resolving to just let things happen as they will until he can do something to change them. He noticed that all the architecture, while sand stone, was done in a medieval fashion, like the old castles in fantasy movies. They went through a great, tall and long hallway, walking along the wall. Lavin mentioned at this point that they were almost there. Moments after the red dragon said this, there was rumbling, like an earthquake. There were the sounds of thunder and loud voices coming down the hall.
Lavin grinned a big toothy grin and stopped, and held Karo in place, easy for him to do with his masses of muscle. The booming got closer and closer until a group of large scaly beings in loin cloths, breeches, tunics, and sandals came thundering through. They were all scaled in bright green, to darker shades on their bellies. The Males wore nothing on their massive chests but the belts and baldrices that held their massive swords and hammers to their backs. There were two males one old and one young, Lavin said father and son. There were two females, again one old and one young, mother and daughter. They all looked alike really, completely green, the only differences were accessories, clothing and hair color. These scaley beasts had hair, at least the females did. The one indicated as the mother had grayish locks that looked like they may have been light brown or blond at one point. The younger one had shimmering golden blond hair.
Torchie, identified as the youngest female, and really the youngest out of them all, was clothed in a long white surcoat, with a pink shirt beneath as well as tight pink leggings to match, though they were tight, even from here Karo could see the material was breathable and light for the climate.
Something struck Karo as odd at this point. The Females had breasts, reptilians with breasts. Many would say that isn’t right since reptiles don’t work like mammals, but these ones had them and as Torchie’s left boob was toward him and her shirt was tight and it wasn’t completely under the surcoat, he could see that they have tits as well.
Karo was so mezmorized by Torchie that he didn’t seem to notice her take a step in his direction. Her massive, sandaled, scaly, somewhat human shaped but still very reptilian-like foot boomed down right in front of him, centimeters from his nose.
“AAAHH!” Karo yelled and actually felt a warm trickle down his legs as he stumbled back in fear. Lavin let him stumble too, with a fierce chuckle. Torchie turned her attention downward, hearing the sound and even seeing the tinies, Lavin explained that dragons have exceptional hearing and sight.
“Oops sorry little guy, I hope you’re okay. You should watch where us big dragons step.” She then went on her way, and Lavin pulled Karo to his feet and drug him the rest of the way to Calypso’s corner lab.
The artist does not make the character, the character makes the artist.

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Slayer, Beginings
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:19 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
*schwing!* Wow, I like where this story is going a whoooole lot. :) Please keep it coming, Karo! :slipper: :claw: :ninastomp:

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