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 Post subject: Back Home
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:45 pm 
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smexy assassin
Posts: 191
Species: anthroraptor
Location: The Middle of Nowair Oakluhoma
You have no idea how long it took me to write this story. I wanted it to be really good, though, as it introduces a new character that I plan to put in most of my future stories and who I hinted at in the prologue. I hope you enjoy this. It's a bit different from everything I've written so far. Many thanks to RavenClaw for his help. :up:

Warning: Yiffy content!

It had been a long time since I had returned home. I looked forward to being among my own people once more. As my occupation keeps me busy, I only return to my tribe about once every three or four months. We are a civilized people, but prefer tents even now simply for their convenience. My tribe is peaceful, for the most part. We trade with many other tribes and have good relations with nearly every town and tribe within ten kilometers. If provoked, however, we are the most deadly warriors in the land. Only the most skilled human could ever so much as hope to compete with our weakest swordsmen and our archers are able to hit a running cheetah from a hundred meters away. Only one tribe has dared declare war on us, and their names are now long forgotten.

When I reached the destination where I knew my tribe would be waiting, I took a moment just to tilt my head back enjoy being back as I did every time I returned. The early morning sun glistened off the dew in the grass where the children entertained themselves with makeshift wooden swords. The smell of meat from a fresh kill wafted over me, and small birds darted back and forth, searching for food and singing to the newly risen sun. It was good to be home. I made towards a small circle of tents where some of the adolescents were learning to fight with steel blades for the first time. They were unsupervised, as they were trusted at that age not to kill each other.

I watched the young raptors fighting each other. Even at such a young age, they showed promise. That was good. Those that didn't usually did not survive their promotion to adulthood. I went to the sword rack and drew for myself a medium-length, slightly curved blade. It caught the light as I drew it from the sheath attatched to the rack and made a nice ring as it left its scabbard. Once again I had to marvel at the talents of our swordsmiths. The blade was perfectly balanced, and was very light for one its size. I swung it through the air experimentally, hearing a faint woosh as I did so. It had been a long time since I had held a sword, yet it felt like it absolutely belonged there.

The sound of another sword being drawn behind me cuaght my attention and I turned to see who it was. I can't say any other sight would have made me happier. It was a striking blue raptoress. She wore no clothes, as none of us did, and she held herself proudly, her snout perfectly level, her back straight, and her tail held just above the ground. Her deep blue scales caught the light and almost seemed to give off their own light. Lefira. I smiled to finally be able to see her after such a long time away. She returned my grin, remaining silent,and stepped back into a sparring stance, holding a sword in front of her.

I smiled to myself, we both always loved a good spar. I matched Lefira's stance. "I'll try to go easy on you this time," I said playfully. She grinned mischievously, her saphire-blue eyes glinting as she did so, "We'll see who needs to go easy on who," she said, pointing to my arm. I looked down and realized two things simultaneously. One was that there was a deep scar running down my left arm - my good arm. The wound was probably from my encounter with that sadistic blue dragoness and it must have been reopened when I was "held up" on the way back. The other thing I realized was that I had just fallen into a trap.

I was barely able to bring my blade up in time to parry Lefira's strike at my ribs. My arm burned like dragon's fire when our blades met and I switched hands as soon as we disengaged. I was already at a disadvantage, which, against Lefira, meant that I was going to lose. Period. I was going to make sure I didn't make it easy for her, though. She took a stab at my chest and I batted her blade to the side. I moved in to try to grab her wrist while she was exposed, but she recovered quickly and slipped away from my grasp. I moved in slowly, probing her defenses, looking for a weakness. She stepped forward and we engaged in a lightning-fast series of blows, each of us trying to wear the other down. We disengaged and I stepped back, breathing hard. Lefira seemed hardly tired at all, or at least was good at hiding it. She was in better physical condition than I at the moment, having no large bruises or scars. I vainly searched for a way to end this quickly, but my thoughts were interrupted when Lefira lunged at me once more. As tired as I was, when I tried to parry, our fists met and we both dropped our swords. We both stared at each other a moment, stunned, then leapt back into action. I was more skilled at hand-to-hand combat than she, and therein I saw my chance. She sprinted towards her blade, but I grabbed her by the shoulders. I was halted in my attempt to stop her when her tail swept my legs out from under me. I fell back and scrambled for my blade. When I turned, she was nearly on top of me. I barely managed to parry her two-handed downstroke and grab both of her wrists. I thought I had a chance for a moment, but somehow there was something sharp against my throat. Confused, I looked down to see that Lefira's foot now rested on my chest, her sickle toe jabbing painfully into my neck. "Dead," she announced with a triumphant grin on her face. I couldn't move for a moment, stunned at how she had beaten me so quickly. I couldn't help but grin back though.

Late that afternoon, after I talked with a few old friends and got a tent set up, I flopped down on my cot. I was absolutely exhausted. Lefira soon walked in through the flap in the tent that served as a door and sat in the chair opposite me, tucking her tail to the side and putting her feet up on the cot. "It's been a long time since you've been back," she said, twirling the tip of her tail in her fingers. "What kept you?" I startled. I had been staring at her feet from the moment she walked in, oblivious to anything she was saying. I couldn't help it. When I met her eyes, she had an expression somewhere between confusion and surprise on her face, which quickly changed to a sly grin. "Meet me in my tent," she said, and stood. "I'll be waiting," she said over her shoulder in a seductive voice as she walked out, running her tail under my chin as she passed. I was confused for a moment, unsure of what her expression meant. I knew I would find out soon, though.

Five minutes later, I stood in front of Lefira's tent. Hers was a bit more permanent than mine, though it could still all come down in little more than fifteen minutes. It was mostly tarp on the outside, but it did have a sturdy wooden door, and had enough room to comfortably fit about three people, but she had it all to herself. She was a very priveleged member of the tribe, mostly due to her physical prowess and her nearly unrivaled sorcery. Nearly. I took in a deep breath, not knowing what to expect, opened the door, and walked in, closing the door behind me.

I was astonished by what I saw. The tent seemed much larger on the inside. I supposed I could credit that to Lefira's sorcery. The room was lit only by a few candles scattered throughout the room, but they gave off a steady, warm glow that emanated a very cozy feeling. The smell of incense hung lightly in the air, noticeable but not overwhelming. There were a few decorations throughout the room, a trophy hanging on the wall here, a short dresser there, but the most distinctive were the large bed in one corner and a small couch by the opposite wall. I didn't see Lefira anywhere, though. That was odd, she had said to be here.

I started to walk forward, hoping I hadn't accidentally walked into the wrong tent, but then suddenly I turned to the door at a sudden, albeit faint, noise. There was nothing there that shouldn't have been. I could have sworn on my life that I had heard something though! Just a whisper, but still something. I shook my head and turned back, telling myself it was nothing, and startled as I saw Lefira on the bed! She was sprawled on her side lazily. Magic, I thought scornfully. Then I realized what that slight whisper had been. The light touch of - Telepathy, the voice finished for me. I knew at once that my mind had been breached, all its secrets were now plain to see. I was angry at first that Lefira had entered my mind so rudely, but all my complaints dissolved away when I saw the look she was giving me. "I knew we had much in common, but I would never have guessed just how much," Lefira said, casually lifting her leg up and examining her claws as she spoke, giving me a perfect view of her sole. Her black pawpads and claws contrasted the deep blue of her scales quite nicely. Seeing my eyes follow her foot, she grinned just slightly, patting the bed in front of her.

I sat down dutifully, mesmerized, as she slowly lowered her leg until her foot rested against my shoulder. I tried to hide my reaction, but I couldn't help but let out a slight gasp as I felt how soft and smooth her sole was. It was also surprisingly warm. My failed attempt to hide my reaction only served to broaden Lefira's grin. She traced her powerful hindlimb down to my chest. I didn't resist as she pushed slightly on my chest until I lay on my back, and she put her other foot down too. Lefira's expression had changed to one of curiousity. My yellow eyes and her sapphire-blue ones met for a moment, and in that moment, we each knew what the other wanted, and were more than happy to oblige the other.

Her sly grin returned once more, but I saw it only for a moment as her foot moved to rest on one side of my face, obscuring my vision in one eye. I smiled and nuzzled my face against her warm, smooth sole as she moved her other foot onto my face as well. I couldn't see anything except Lefira's feet, but at that moment, that was all I wanted to see. Her heels pressed on either side of my snout, but her feet were so large that the balls of her feet covered my eyes and her toeclaws dug in slightly behind where humans would have had ears. I let out a small grunt as she lifted herself up to sit on my stomach, but the sound quickly turned to a light purring as she began stroking her feet and claws up and down my face. It was strange, after so many times being forced under the heavy tread of dragons and rexes, to be able to enjoy such a position. Heck it was odd to want to enjoy that position, after what I had been through!

Lefira's claws could easily pierce through the toughest leather, and her powerful legs were strong enough to propel her a good ten feet up in the air to strike an unwary foe from above, yet she stroked those deadly feet of hers so delicately across my face, it was hard to imagine they had been made for anything else. Her long, gently curving arches passed over the tip of my snout each time she slid them down, and when she lifted both up to press down on me anew, they covered my eyes, soon followed by the balls of her feet and then her razor-sharp claws as she slid her feet down. Each time she stroked, she lingered slightly longer with my nose tucked tightly into the space between her two longest toes and the ball of her foot, forcing me to take in air through the musky scent of her feet, which was fine by me.

As Lefira's foot lifted away from my snout another time, I couldn't help but try to sneak in just a single, tiny lick. She noticed. Her foot paused, hovering just an inch away. She looked down at me and blinked curiously. I avoided her gaze, slightly ashamed, but my body continued to rebel and I licked again! Why did I do that? I was surprised when I felt a slight rumble from Lefira, and suddenly both of her beautiful soles were presented right in front of my face for me to service! I hesitated, unsure, but a slight wriggle of Lefira's toes swept away all doubt. I licked eagerly, starting at her heels, then dragging my long tongue slowly up her arches, then up to her toes. The taste was wonderful! I felt Lefira mrrh in pleasure and lean back against my propped-up legs. I began again, slower this time, and only on one foot at a time to better enjoy each foot. I payed more attention this time to the difference in the taste and texture of her now-glistening pawpads and scales. The scales on her sole were rough, and I could feel the muscles ripple under the scales. Her pads were now less wonderful. They were Oh, how great it was!

I licked Lefira's feet until my tongue began to dry up, Lefira purring all the while. All the moisture I once had now spent in service of the beautiful raptoress's even more beautiful feet. I was willing to keep licking, but my desire was denied as the glistening-wet, powerful raptor feet withdrew from my face and settled themselves on my chest. I wanted to protest, but all Lefira's weight moved to her feet as she stood up, forestalling my words. I looked up at her to see her grinning widely. "Now it's time for me to do something for you," she said.

I was about to ask what she meant by that, but she turned her back to me, still standing on my chest, and lifted one foot off my chest, giving me a wonderful view of her sole as her muscles flexed under the scales as she set it back down on my stomach. I realized then what she was doing. My excitement had been growing the entire time she had been allowing me to service her feet. I hadn't been paying attention to just how excited I had been getting, but when her foot descended on my erect member, her heel on my head and her toeclaws curving around my cock, the immense wave of sheer pleasure that washed over me let me know excactly how excited I was. I moaned without restraint as she began to rub her foot up and down my length, the wetness from my saliva lubricating the movements quite well. She kept most of her weight right on my groin, sending wave upon wave of pleasure through my body.

The longer Lefira rubbed, the louder my moans became, and the faster she rubbed. I felt a bit of pre start to form, quickly swept away by Lefira's now rapid rubbing. I couldn't help it anymore, I had to let it out! I let out one particularly loud moan and sprayed my seed all over Lefira's foot, some of it splattering here and there. I slumped down against the bed in exhaustion as Lefira took a few more steps on my stomach to wipe off her foot, then stepped off me and lay next to me. We were both breathing hard from our exertions and excitement. She licked a bit of cum off my cheek where it had splattered and smiled at me. I started to say something, but one look into her gleaming eyes and the thought melted like butter in my mind. It was plain to see that she had enjoyed the experience just as much as I had. I looped my tail around hers, and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next thing I remembered was the sound of a blaring horn. Lefira and I sat up simultaneously, looking first at each other, then towards the door. A young green raptor poked his head in. It was Jalen, an old friend of mine. "Sorry I didn't knock, Lefira, but you gotta come and - huh?" He stopped as he saw me, with my tail still intertwined with Lefira's, and he drew the obvious conclusion. "What the - I thought that - but you were - oh, nevermind! Both of you come on!" I sat up in the bed, rubbing the last bit of sleep out of my eyes. "What's the rush?" I asked tiredly. Jalen gave us both a grave expression. "Our settlement on the east side of the river was attacked in the night. As of now, we are at war."
Just a thought from a crazy raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Back Home
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:04 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Now that was a very well-written spooge-story, Razor! :)

:slipper: :slipper: :slipper: :slipper:

 Post subject: Re: Back Home
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:11 am 
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Posts: 169
Species: N/A
Location: Japan
The end part makes me feel like wanting to read the next part. I believe you can write the new part, and look forward to see it.
However it is enviable that you have such a nice girlfriend. I wish I could have one too... Well I'm kidding. :D
And it seems that you changed through the treatment of those who are dangerous, you know. :)

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