Claire took a step back, seeming to be somewhat frightened of this little kangaroo that seemed to suddenly be full of strength. And in fact he was, something inside had already taken account of new additions and surroundings. His cybernetic right hand clenched into a fist along with his left flesh one. His cybernetic right ear pinned back in sequence with his flesh left. “I madam served the Lady Torchie for several of their short dragon years after being drug from a peaceful human life. I had been only driving down the road after a fight with a girl that I thank the heavens is way beyond simply, not in my life anymore. I was taken through a wormhole their Draconithia to be in the service of Princess Torchie who much of the time wanted me to rub, lick, kiss, and play with her feet, often times fresh out of her footwear and bearing enough musk to kill several herds of cattle. That very same princess shed tears at my leave but she had to get me out of there lest I be killed for sure. This feels like yesterday to me only because I know not how long I’ve been in the lab rat of three female kangaroos that put a pouch on a boomer roo for some odd reason. I thank you all for giving me my arm and ear back and for the explanation of my new mammalian structure. However you lot have failed to enlighten me on how long I have been here? Why you chose Kangaroo as a species for me? Why you changed my species at all? And where are my clothes!?” Karo was now out of breath, having not used a lot of punctuation and rambled out such a list of upset in so short a time, left him hot and sweaty even. He could see his fur glistening in the far mirror and could easily see some of it himself. It was Kandi that spoke up now, a very plump golden tan female and or flyer kangaroo. Her hair, her ear tips, her fingers and toes were all pink, bright pink. Even her tailtip was pink. She wore a purple sport top stopping just above her pouch, and matching shorts. Her sneakers which were obviously custom fitted and built for her feet were white with some light blue trim that matched her sport socks and hair scrunch. Her eyes had an odd emerald green to them, it was mesmerizing and captured ones attention even if they had none. For being plump, Karo found her somewhat attractive but could not figure why, he in fact found all the females in the room attractive and at the same limit of pinpointing the reason. “You must be him then, nobody else would know all that or have such a story.” She looked to Claire and stuck her tounge out, then to Kalena. “You were right Kalena. All that studying paid off.. Kalena has been studying the history of this world and actually found the parallel to it which must be where you were originally from. Torchie’s old diaries said her favorite servant, toy, and dearest friend was from a place called earth. This planet here used to be called draconithia as you have just confirmed but they adopted the name earth because it sounded friendlier. Your clothes you came here in were all burned up and torn, so we put them in a chest in your room, well the room we made up for you. We have some more modern looking clothes for you over there on the lab table. You’ve been here for about two weeks so to you I suppose it’s a week and two days since you were on Draconithia. To us it has been decades. What Claire said is true though, Torchie still lives; she is at the Hardskale castle in the swamp it’s all black and grey and burned out looking. But it is still as massive as it once was. It borders a mountain range and a deep forest that came up around it. For years it has been an unexplained phenomenon how Nature seems to grow around it but not in and on it.” She explained so sweetly and calmly even with Karo’s frustration, that it calmed him back down. The draconic rage that burned inside him was quenched by her soothing voice. Kalena spoke next as Karo went over to the pile of clothes to sift through. “We changed your species because you just didn’t seem like a dragon to me. I have a unique sense of people and something about you seemed unhappy, but when we looked in at you in your crashed vessel and you saw these roos and myself, you had the faintest smile on your snout. And I really am sorry about the pouch, Claire here has a thing for cybernetics as do I so when we put the arm and ear on we thought you could use a built in tool belt. But of course as a male roo you’d look silly with a real flesh pouch, so we did it cybernetic. Afterward we put you into the recovery tube to get your strength back up and accelerate the heeling and bonding of the cybernetics, cuts, burns, etc. With the herbs and medicated fluids in the water, you healed up fine within the short time you were in there, I suspect as much as it’s due in part to your draconic side still being slightly present.” Kalena noticed Karo looking at her funny, as he buttoned a pair of torn up jeans, with a hole in the back for his thick tail, on. “You aren’t completely roo, though I’ll be you haven’t noticed them yet. Feel around in your mouth, along your teeth” She paused to watch his reaction. “Yeah there they are, those are your nice sharp meat ripping teeth, and they didn’t go away.” “The rage didn’t either. You were right in assuming that I didn’t like being a dragon. The way I was raised, with a very knowledgeable book about just about everything and the telling of the worlds events; it is a religion, in the very end of the book it talks about dragons being the ultimate symbol of evil. Every day I hated what they made me, but Torchie seemed an acception to the rule, as well as some others, for they seemed to be devoid of evil. Torchie could be mischievous, but in ways she knew I secretly liked. I’d beg and plead with her to stop stepping on me cause she might squish me with her smelly feet, but she and I knew that with some of the magic’s they put in me, and the potions and such prevented me from being killed in such a manner, and she knew I liked the submissive type behavior and just giggled and blushed and stepped on me anyway. She had an interesting sort of balance in good and bad, but not evil.” Karo sighed and pulled on a T-shirt with a big paw print on the front that was about the same shade as his bright green fur. Kalena grabbed Karo and pulled him into her for a hug. At this point Karo realized that he was only as tall as her fluffy wolf breasts. This ment she had to be at least eight foot tall. He wondered how they could get so big, all of them were tall it seemed. Claire was even big enough that Karo could fit in her pouch if she so desired to put him there. To her he was joey sized and technically her son since it seemed it was mostly her DNA giving him his form. He thought this a bit disturbing that he thought she was pretty and technically related to her. “Do genetic relations count as actual familial relations?” He wondered silently to himself. Kalena was very warm and nice too though, she and her assistance had obviously taken good care of him or he’d be dead. Kalena let go her hug and looked down at Karo a little, ruffling his emerald hair between his ears. “So just one question then, you seem to be looking intently at everyone’s feet-paws and the foot wear thereof; do you have a little foot fetish? You can tell the truth, the history books say you actually had an affinity to feet and that was partially the reason Lavin picked you for Torchie.” Karo blushed, shocked at how accurate the history books really were. “Erm well…” Karo looked down and blushed brighter, he could feel his cheeks warming up and was certain they were taking on a lighter color. He then simply nodded, it was all he could do. Kalena simply patted his head again, then nudged his chin up to look uo into her eyes, her golden eyes. One could lose themselves in them. "Don't be ashamed of that, its something that can keep you out of a lot of trouble with wemon and in life. If you use it right, you can go far. I'm going into the other room, you go explore around the place a little. Oh and by the way, you crashed in Australia, but we've since moved. We are a little closer to you're castle here, I went out on a limb and got everyone to move over here for your sake. Claire, Kandi, and Beyonica didn't really agree with me fully, but I swayed them enough. So once you are feeling up to it go ahead and go exploring outside. For now I suggest staying here though, just until you get some strength back. Your room is down the hall and to the right, last door. I'm sure you'll find it to your liking, especially sinc eit seems I've guessed you correctly." Kalena winked and dissapeared around the corner.