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 Post subject: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:19 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
The "Were"house - a HOWL-o-ween story by - The usual gang of "were"dos

Chapter One : The Old Abandoned Factory

Every city has one, ours is no different. There it sits like a ghost from some distance past. Massive and empty. Graffiti adorns the first floor of the edifice of the main factory building that was busier back at the turn of the previous century. Who knows what was built at the factory, perhaps someone at the old folks home knows. However, now the factory and it's surrounding support buildings sit there as a reminder of times long ago. Nowadays people work in the high-tech area of the city, the dirty industry of the past standing like an angel of death, a ghost, a place were no one deres to go, well, except on a dare.

"Come on, I dare you to go inside, I bet the place is haunted." said the largest kid of the group to the smallest. The largest kid was of course the ring leader of the gang, not much of a gang if you ask me, just your typical neighborhood bullies picking on someone smaller then them. None of them would go inside the grounds of the factory, too chicken, so they bullied someone else to go in instead, typical I thought, I'd like to see them being bullied to go inside the factory grounds, it'd serve them right if the place really was haunted too, they'd run out of there like scared rabbits in no time at all.

I watched the group for a few more minuets see if it was going to lead to violence on the part of the bullies, I'd only step in if it escalated in any way. The group knew I was there watching them, the last thing they needed was an adult stepping in on their 'fun' and I would scold them big time about bulling someone, something I'm sure they didn't want to hear from an adult. Now, because I was there watching them from a distance, but not out of ear shot mind you, they tried hard to not escalate the situation any and ultimately gave up on trying to get the smaller kid to go into the factory grounds.

I watched the group leave, leaving the smaller kid behind as they went to torment some helpless small animal who sprinted too fast for the bullies to even get a hold of let alone harm in any way. I then watched the smaller kid head the other way back to his home. Well, all was quiet once again on the street by the factory grounds. The rusty old chain link fence not really doing it's job anymore to keep things like this from happening from time to time. Teenagers often try to spend the night on the grounds and ultimately chicken out from the strange sounds that seem to come from the old factory itself.

Often I wondered if everyone was right and the place was really haunted. It looked the part, broken windows here & there, boarded up doors & windows on the ground floor, 2 roof gable windows that looked like eyes looking down from on up high, I felt like it was looking at me, daring me to go inside not only the grounds, but into the factory itself. The massive structure seemed alive at times, but I knew it was only brick, mortar, glass, steel and so forth, yet I couldn't shake the feeling something was looking at me if not the factory itself, then something inside it instead, but who or what would live in it, I did not know.

I brushed it off as my imagination running away with me, perhaps I had spent too many years in my youth exploring places just like the factory, making games of pretend of places like this filled with spirits, friendly ones at that because, I had so few real friends growing up, as I spent my youth in tiny middle of nowhere type places where hardly anyone was my age when I was in those places at the time. I felt a pair of eyes on me again, I looked all around & saw nothing on the street, these eyes felt high up, I looked to the 2 roof gable windows of the factory & could of sworn there was an eye in each one of them.

Impossible, I told myself, as for something to do that would make whatever it would have to be around 100 feet large at least, giving the distance between the 2 windows in question and the overall size of the factory itself as well, if not bigger as the factory was quite massive. I blinked and the eyes were gone, I must of imagined the whole thing, I had to of. My curiosity was going full blast, I had to find out if what I saw was real, or not, I made my mind to return & enter the place at night. Little did I know what kind of adventure awaited me, an average man with an average life.

 Post subject: Re: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:07 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Great start! :)

 Post subject: Re: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:11 am 
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Talking Tyrannosaur
Posts: 861
Species: Tyrannosaurus
*Pokes his head out of a bush to watch, keeping an eye out for raptors...*

 Post subject: Re: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:40 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Chapter 2 - There are more things in heaven & earth then are dreamed up by your philosophy.... ( William Shakespeare )

Figures it'd be storming the night I decided to explore the old factory's grounds, thunder crashing & lightning flashing, it was like one of those old horror movies brought to life, but in color naturally. It didn't set a good mood to the place, which even in the day was creepy, at night it was even more-so. Shapes showing up here & there with each flash of lightning. My curiosity over-coming my fear however, I just had to know the truth, no matter what. I entered the part of the fence that had a little guard shack & crossing beam, little things like this lead many to believe that in the past this place was used for research of some kind.

Perhaps it was, but what kind of research ? Military, Scientific, Medical, what ? If so then why was it abandoned ? Failure ? Too many questions not enough answers to the overall mystery of this place. Another flash of lightning, what was that, looked like a very large dog of some kind. I head toward were I thought I saw the shadowy figure. I should of brought a better flashlight along. I had this rinky-dink flashlight on me, mostly as to not attract the attention of police who may be patrolling around. No need to get them involved in this investigation I was doing on my own.

The next lightning flash I saw an old box car next to the loading dock of the factory, it was open, so I climbed into it. Once inside I wished I never entered it, it smelled like something had died inside it big time. "Who goes there ?" a voice in the darkness of the boxcar rang out. I dropped my flashlight out of surprise & it went out, however I could clearly make out 2 eyes in the shadows of the inside of the boxcar. The 2 eyes were above me by a lot of feet & yellowish, who has yellow eyes I asked myself in my head. "I asked you a question, who goes there ?" the voice asked me again.

"Just me, Kris" I said after seeing what looked like a huge mouth full of fangs flashed as whatever it was spoke to me. Needless to say I just couldn't believe what I thought I was seeing as it was too dark to make anything out. The smell seemed to be coming from this thing as well, I figured it was a hobo who made this boxcar his home. "You shouldn't be out alone, on a night like this, in a place like this." the disembodied voice said to me. A flash of lightning & my heart jumped as in that brief flash of light I saw what looked like a 25ft large werewolf, as that's the only way to describe it.

"The others might not want you snooping around here." The large werewolf said. Others ? I thought, well, of course, he's part of a pack, just like wild wolves are, but I wondered just how many were in the pack & if they all were as big as he was. "Can I see them ?" I asked, again my curiosity over-coming my fear of seeing more like this one. He leaned toward me a huge muzzle in my face, I suddenly felt like a child in front of an adult, however he didn't do this to be menacing, he sniffed me. I mean like a dog sniffs you, well a dog bigger then you are, each snuff pulling & tugging at my clothes as he sniffed me.

"Your not armed, your brave or just curious." The large werewolf said. Now that he knew I wasn't a threat, his demeanor changed quite a lot towards me. I didn't want to call him hey you or whatever so I named him Scout as that seemed to be his job for the pack after talking to him for awhile, why he was in the boxcar was because he was hungry & there was some food in it from the last hunt the pack did. I was looking forward to meeting the rest of the pack, yet nervous at the same time as Scout told me what the rest of the pack was like, as if I would become part of the pack after learning about them.

I hadn't made that choice, yet.

 Post subject: Re: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:36 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska

 Post subject: Re: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:03 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Writers block once again, guh. Don't worry, there will be more to this.
Just wanted to finish it before the howl-i-day, might not be done by then, the whole story that is.

- W -
* Who hates when he gets writers block just when things were getting interesting *

 Post subject: Re: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:33 pm 
You should pull out the KAME-HAME-HAAAAAAAAAAA.That will teach the ghost a leason.

 Post subject: Re: The Werehouse
PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:29 am 
User avatar
One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
flexyRaptor wrote:
You should pull out the KAME-HAME-HAAAAAAAAAAA.That will teach the ghost a leason.

There are no ghosts

Just a factory with Werewolves inside it

Need to do more with this story someday

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