Hey look, a post, an update! No, still haven't done much with actual development other than continue to gather and convert various 3D model resources, but I'm hoping to get laid off soon!
However, here's some news lastlackey at work passed on: Epic Megagames is releasing the (supposedly) full Unreal Engine 3 development kit for free:
http://www.udk.comI've only just downloaded it and breezed through the web site, but what's most interesting about the whole Unreal development environment is that unlike other "engines" you can get, this is probably the most complete suite I've seen. With most "engines," it's up to you to use apps that are compatible with generating content for it...e.g., you need a 3D program, texture development program, sound editor, whatever. Some of those elements appear to be somewhat included with the UDK, particularly modeling, texturing and animation. I'm sure it doesn't do everything, but it does appear to be more unified than other solutions.
Anyway, I'll try to make some time over the next few days to take a look at it, and see if it'd be worth working with instead of the DarkBASIC Professional route I'm currently pursuing.