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 Post subject: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:40 pm 
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Hiya all, seems like I haven't used this forum in like 'ages' and I was thinking of doing a proper topic on here.
The fact is, I couldn't really think of a good one to make, so I just thought: "Hey! Why not list some videogames I've played that some of you might've never heard of?" =3
Usually when people list games they go for the obvious ones like: Dust: An elysian tale or Conker's bad fur day, but I thought I'd try my luck on the more obscure ones that I've played and found kinda interesting.
So if anyone's looking for some furry/scaly-inspired goodness: Hope this was helpful. >w<

-The Legend of Kay- Platform: Playstation 2
Greatly overlooked game in my opinion, sure: It's got pretty 'cruddy graphics', lame voice-acting and it's platforming might be a bit too floaty for its own good,
but I feel that this game does stand out because of the fighting system, its neat atmosphere and nice little story.
While it may not be a 'great' game it does have an alluding charm that- if you stand open to it, is sure to reel you in.
Screenshot --> http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/i ... een007.jpg

-Kingsley's Adventure- Platform: Playstation (PSX)
Remember the times when game characters used to look all cute and fluffy?
Well, that must've been the exact same thing the people of Psygnosis (Attack of the Saucerman! + Rollcage) were thinking of.
Like Legend of Kay, the result isn't too stunning, but it isn't 'bad' either. The actions sections can be a bit cheap because of the (somewhat) clunky controls
but it works good enough that it doesn't bother too much. The game even features some adventure elements which may include carrying items to certain characters to unlock a secret entrance for example. The best choice the developers made was going for a toony look which works well on the first playstation and although this 'works', some characters tend to look a bit 'out-of-place', almost as if the modellers ran out of time and decided 'not-to-bother' with the rest of them. Despite those flaws, the game is pretty fun to play though but don't expect 'legend-of-zelda' quality gameplay. =P
Screenshot 1 --> http://img.gamefaqs.net/screens/b/1/f/gfs_46298_2_8.jpg
Screenshot 2 --> http://img.gamefaqs.net/screens/8/0/a/gfs_46298_3_2.jpg

-Inerit the earth - Quest for the orb- Platform: PC (DOS + Windows), Amiga, Machintosh, Linux, Pocket PC (+emulatable using ScummVM)
A point and click adventure game featuring various anthropomorphic animals. =3
The game features big and lush worlds, there's even a lot of exploring going on since, asside from the locations you can enter, there are a lot of isometric
overhead locations where you can easily walk for hours, exploring every part in the game... which is also a negative thing since the world is so 'open' that finding what you're looking for can become a chore, even if it's an adventure game. Despite that, it's still fun to play and you gotta love the quirky voice-acting. ^^
Screenshot --> http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/inheri ... erit-3.png

-Captain Claw- Platform: PC (Windows-only)
This is one of those Windows95 platform games. While some games where making the switch from the 320x240-dos era games to the 3D windows era, the game Claw (or Captain Claw) decided to play it on the safe side. A 640x480 resolution monitor was 'common' at the time so the developers where smart to play in on this. The result was an (at the time) visually stunning 2D platform game with high resolution, rich graphics and fast-paced action gameplay.
Sure, in today's time the game might seem a bit too floaty and crudely designed, but at the time it was state-of-the-art™ and it shows. ;3
Screenshot --> http://img.gamefaqs.net/screens/a/5/f/g ... 4_2_18.jpg
There was even an 'unofficial' polish sequel called: Kapitan Pazur as seen here--> http://kapitanpazur.piasta.pl/img/zapow ... creen1.jpg

-Neopets: The Darkest Fearie- Platform: Playstation 2 (USA-Only)
I am glad that PCSX2 is a good emulator because... this game was unfortunately released only in the US.
Yes: the game has flaws, Yes: the game has (game breaking) glitches, Yes: It was designed simply as a cash-in on the Neopets brandname but I can't help but love playing it, in fact I played it all the way to the end. Tor is such a lovable character and he makes me smile every time he talks or gives a reaction to things or the stuff people say. =P
The fighting system is pretty simple, you can slash your sword in three different ways and you can block, using motes (powers/magic you can find throughout the game) you can equip them to your sword, shield, armour or both and some types offer protection or enhancements against types of the opposite element.
The Nova mote (Super Nova being the most rarest) offers an all-around option, but it's hard to find... though, I found a trick in which if you leave a place that has a super-nova mote and you grab and re-enter the room than the mote will be 'reset' allowing you to stock up on them. X3
While it may be a 'simply and buggy' cash-in, it does have a certain charm buried underneath its rough surface.
Screenshot 1 --> http://images.psxextreme.com/screenshot ... ets_01.jpg
Screenshot 2 --> http://theisozone.com/images/screens/pl ... 336836.jpg
Screenshot 3 --> http://img.gamefaqs.net/screens/8/1/b/g ... 4_2_18.jpg <-- look at them big squishy paws he has, fit for smooshing someone. *w*
Screen of the unreleased and unfinished PS1 game --> http://www.unseen64.net/wp-content/gall ... etsPS1.jpg
And another one --> http://www.unseen64.net/wp-content/gall ... tsPS12.jpg

And here are some games I either didn't play or didn't really think were 'worth it' but that I wanted add on the list anyways (lets just put them under: 'honorable mentions')

-T'ai Fu - Wrath of the Tiger- Platform: Playstation (PSX)
I've always found it such a shame that I could never get this game to run on my emulator for some strange, dark and unknown reason (possibly running into bad dumps, incompatibility or I dunno, should probably try a different emulator)
Fact is: How did this game 'NOT' become a hit? Kung-fu fighting Tigers in an Asian-setting complete with Dragons and whatnot, how can you go wrong?
Well, since I haven't played the game I can't really tell, but most of the screenshots got my water running (i.e. drooling). =P
Screenshot 1 --> http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/i ... een003.jpg
Screenshot 2 --> http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/i ... een020.jpg
Screenshot 3 --> http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/ ... 5phhz3.jpg

-Eric W. Schwarz's Superfrog- Platform: PC (DOS), Amiga + AmigaCD32
While I haven't played this game I did think it deserved a honorable mention may it not be for Eric W. Schwarz and his zany Amiga cartoons that still look 'good' by today's standards, I can't really say much about the game itself though, but the in-game graphics do look neat and toony.
Screenshot --> http://www.oldgames.sk/images/oldgames/ ... sf_005.png

-Brian the Lion- Platform: Amiga + AmigaCD32
How can you go wrong with a cutesey lion wearing nothing but a pair of surf-pants in an action platformer?... well, Brian does actually.
The game, despite the lush colours and music (at least on the Amiga CD32) gets repetitive real soon, you're simply jumping around the levels
trying to get to the other end of the screen a.s.a.p. Such a shame actually, 'cause the character looks cute enough. <:3

-Quick the thunder rabbit- Platform: PC (Dos) + Amiga CD32
This can be a fun game as long as you're not expecting a lot of it.
I think the cover does count as false advertising though. =P
Compare this --> http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/i ... _front.jpg
To this --> http://www.the-nextlevel.com/hosted/neo ... it_001.png

-Beavers- Platform: Amiga CD32 only
Not because it's 'special' and I haven't played it but... well... the screenshots speak for themselves I hope. =P
It does motivate me to try it out at least once. X3
Screenshot 1 --> http://www.vgmuseum.com/end/ami32/a/beaver-1.png <--Big Kangaroo Bear!? Love!! =D
Screenshot 2 --> http://www.gameclassification.com/files ... eavers.png <--Simply adorable no? ^^
Screenshot 3 --> http://www.lemonamiga.com/games/boxes/f ... %29_02.jpg <--More screens.

These were some games at the top of my head... not really a lot of 'scaly' ones but erhm... merf, I'll leave it at that. =P
Could've mentioned Cool Croc Twins but... it's kinda a technically 'okay' puzzle game that seems to bore rather quickly.
And Psycho Fox (Sega Master System) wasn't mentioned because that's a port of a port + dolled-up installment so... no. XD
Maybe I'll come back here and post some other games once I can think of them (have to check my game's list again)
I'll probably throw in one or two Japanese ones while I'm at it. X3
For the rest, hope you enjoyed and that I 'hopefully' enlightened some of you of these games's existance. ;3
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 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:39 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Dammit, now I gotta fire up a bunch of old systems and emulators! THANKS!

...no really, thanks! :D

 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 2:36 pm 
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Magnificent Bastard
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Mhmm, they can't all be Crash Bandicoot or Ratchet or... Dust? Dust is considered mainstream now? Don't that beat all.

I'm familiar with a few animal-centric games, but those are just animals being animals. There's also a few JRPGs with a bunch of human (or Generic Fantasy Equivalent) protagonists plus one or two anthro characters, but that requires a considerable time investment.

The other day, I discovered a Japanese game (with mostly-complete English translation) called Elona. Billed as a rougelike or "rogue-lite" but feels more like an open-world sandbox adventure game with aspirations of being an MMORPG. I say 'adventure' because there's far more to character development than combat. The overall graphics quality is Sega Genesis-level, and the main plot is barebones - like Dwarf Fortress, you need to make your own fun. You could play as a snail, have a bear for a pet, and wander from town to town playing piano for money and free drinks. Elona is freeware, as well as its open-source, fanmade expansion, Elona+.

Or yanno, you could purchase and play Overgrowth. I've linked to it before.
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 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:56 am 
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Posts: 175
Species: A cat (obviously)
Location: The Netherlands (Nederland)
Dinosorceror wrote:
Dammit, now I gotta fire up a bunch of old systems and emulators! THANKS!

...no really, thanks! :D

Oh you're very welcome Dino, I was fiddling around with some games until I realised that other people might be interested in some of them.
Especially the ones they might've never heard of. I know I'm always positive when I find games I had no prior knowledge of. =3
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 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:07 am 
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Species: A cat (obviously)
Location: The Netherlands (Nederland)
Sprotchymon wrote:
Mhmm, they can't all be Crash Bandicoot or Ratchet or... Dust? Dust is considered mainstream now? Don't that beat all.

I'm familiar with a few animal-centric games, but those are just animals being animals. There's also a few JRPGs with a bunch of human (or Generic Fantasy Equivalent) protagonists plus one or two anthro characters, but that requires a considerable time investment.

The other day, I discovered a Japanese game (with mostly-complete English translation) called Elona. Billed as a rougelike or "rogue-lite" but feels more like an open-world sandbox adventure game with aspirations of being an MMORPG. I say 'adventure' because there's far more to character development than combat. The overall graphics quality is Sega Genesis-level, and the main plot is barebones - like Dwarf Fortress, you need to make your own fun. You could play as a snail, have a bear for a pet, and wander from town to town playing piano for money and free drinks. Elona is freeware, as well as its open-source, fanmade expansion, Elona+.

Or yanno, you could purchase and play Overgrowth. I've linked to it before.

Elona looks like a neat little game, might wanna try that out (especially since it's free. Lol =P)
Looking at the screenshots kinda makes me feel nostalgic, like being reminded of an era that has long since passed.
It always gives me a good feeling when people go back to an old formula and expand upon it thanks to the possibility of current-gen hard- and software. =3

I know about Overgrowth and I've been thinking of purchasing it actually, though the game has been in alpha-mode for so long it's almost funny.
Every single time they post a video on youtube it's always along the lines of: "This is alpha version 9000 and for this version we've added a bowel system, you might not notice it in-game, but the characters can now actually 'digest' their food when they eat it" Or something like that. Though that might sound a bit like nitpicking. =P
I do have to congratulate the creators for taking their time to make their game 'perfect' in their own eyes (which is always a good motivator when working on any game) and they've come pretty far judging from what I've seen, so I almost can't wait to see the 'final' release of their product. ^_^
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 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:00 pm 
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Movie Monster
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Species: Anthro Dragon
Location: Minnesota
Scaler is a game about a blue lizardything.

http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... 5_640w.jpg

I actually haven't played it yet, but I've got a copy. It seems like your standard platformer type game.

Jazz Jackrabbit
is probably more well-known, but has faded into the past, because nobody cares about old PC platformers.

http://screenshots.en.sftcdn.net/en/scr ... 95x535.jpg
January 4th, 2010 (Faibanx MUCK):
Blue says, "I dont complain."

 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:46 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
*peers* Looks a lot like Superfrog, that Amiga game which does have definite furry ties via Eric Schwartz. Schwarz?

 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:14 pm 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
Hey a few more ive had fun with that revolve around furrys

Jak and Daxter (ps2 converted to ps3 hd pawplay)
In the game the main charactors 'a ottsol or who is daxter refersto various situations involving paw rubbing and in jak 3 he has some funny scenes.

Ratchet and Clank (ps2-?)
Has tons of macro kid like vore great footshoot the animators put loads of effort in claws and paws

pikmin 1 and 2 possibly 3? (Gamecube and wii)
The entire game is about vore. The game features a 1to1/2 in humanoid who must fight off oversized creatures who usually eat stomp or crust the protagonist and his crew made up of pikmin small plant creatures. as a kid i found it fun to send the pikmin to their deaths in the maws of monsters.
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:22 am 
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Movie Monster
Posts: 343
Species: Anthro Dragon
Location: Minnesota
Dinosorceror wrote:
*peers* Looks a lot like Superfrog, that Amiga game which does have definite furry ties via Eric Schwartz. Schwarz?

It seems like they were both trying to ape Sonic the Hedgehog. Jazz was a DOS/Windows game, so I have more memories of it. Get out of here with your Meegas.
January 4th, 2010 (Faibanx MUCK):
Blue says, "I dont complain."

 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:47 pm 
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Species: A cat (obviously)
Location: The Netherlands (Nederland)
Selendro wrote:
Scaler is a game about a blue lizardything.

http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... 5_640w.jpg

I actually haven't played it yet, but I've got a copy. It seems like your standard platformer type game.

Jazz Jackrabbit
is probably more well-known, but has faded into the past, because nobody cares about old PC platformers.

http://screenshots.en.sftcdn.net/en/scr ... 95x535.jpg

Oooh Scaler! =D
Can't believe I forgot to mention that game, was a fun game but ended up being quite repetitive. X3

The screenshot is from Jazz Jackrabbit 2, both 1+2 are great games on which I have spend quite some time.
"The secret files" even added a new playable character Lori as well as a few new maps. ^_^
Fun fact: They're both in the public domain according to Abandonia. ;3
Jazz Jackrabbit --> http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/26648 ... +1995.html
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The secret files--> http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/26379 ... Files.html
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 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:37 pm 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
here are a few from uncharted golden abyss from a statue they put a lot of detail into them...

2013-10-26-140157.jpg [ 136.16 KiB | Viewed 12955 times ]
2013-10-26-140210.jpg [ 125.13 KiB | Viewed 12992 times ]
2013-10-26-140151.jpg [ 144.73 KiB | Viewed 12984 times ]
2013-10-26-140116.jpg [ 150.13 KiB | Viewed 12963 times ]
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!
 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:18 am 
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Posts: 175
Species: A cat (obviously)
Location: The Netherlands (Nederland)
blackredragoness wrote:
here are a few from uncharted golden abyss from a statue they put a lot of detail into them...

Oh yeah... I noticed those while playing the game, interesting title for the Ps Vita and I can't believe I forgot about them sexy statues! <3
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 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:33 pm 
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Posts: 73
Species: Celtic Dragon
Location: Faibanx
I remember playing Captain Claw.
It was kinda fun.

There's a bunch of console games that also have furs in them.
I can start listing the lesser known ones as soon as I dig into my collection to remember them. :)
EDIT: Found the disc for Captain Claw. Sadly it's a 16 bit game, so it won't work on my 64 bit win 8.1. It won't even consider the notion of playing it from disc, much less installing it.
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 Post subject: Re: Billy's Furry and Scaly Videogames list. =P
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:38 pm 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
A really sexy furry game is sly cooper the whole game is full of rather well really clever characters its for ps2 and now ps3... for ps3 it is 16gbs so it takes up space! Ill see if i can find some cool scenes but it ]s so much fun!
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

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