Dinosorceror wrote:
Don't let the crashes stop you, Woulfe, keep growing!
I sometimes push games as far as they can go to test the limits of what they can handle before they give in
Then I push even more next time, like I did on SL, I made myself as big as I could & just kept going long afterwards, keep breaking the height limits on there each new major update they do, if the mesh thing ever gets figured out, look out, I might just wind up "life sized" on SL, which if I had to guess would mean my paws would cover a single sim on SL
Granted SL might put a height limit on Meshes to avoid that from happening ( as someone will abuse it & spam a sim just 'cause )
So much for "your world, your imagination" more like "our world, our rules, no imagination allowed"
Anyway off to hack Black & White 2 some more this week
As for Black & White classic, yea, I know you can make yer critter carry rocks around, but that's TEDIOUS as all get out, and your villagers are all SAD, we need this and we need that and we need the other thing, pay attention to us and not your creature, hey what are you doing, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Black & White Woulfe : I do not know how to cast that spell yet
Black & White 2 Woulfe : I'm not big enough to do that yet
( want 'em to pick up really BIG rock, he won't even tho' he's like a mile large, game must think he's only 100ft or something )
Damn whiny villagers, I wanna play w/ the creature you bastards, shut up, go procreate on yer own dummies, are you that stupid you can't figure it out all by yer selves without a "Sex For Dummies" type guide book, I mean really, and as for buliding more homes, look I made folks to cut down trees, folks for gathering lumber, folks for building homes, folks to make blue-prints for the homes, yet you still need my help ?
( sends creature to sit on the villagers after getting very annoyed by their constant grumbling for one thing or another )
Your creature will be less nice now..... DANGNABBIT !