Firebreather:On the last day of the war between humans and Kaiju, a woman named Margaret Rosenblatt (voiced by Dana Delany) and a 120 ft dragon Kaiju named Belloc (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson) fall in love, and have a son named Duncan. Sixteen years later, Margaret and Duncan (voiced by Jesse Head) are moving into a new house as he gets ready for his first day at a new school. However, Duncan fears that his orange skin and appetite for coal will make others think of him as a freak and a prime target for bullies.
There's a lot of somewhat generic "fitting into high school" plotting going on here, but it has occasional flashes of neat things. I've also included a little 2D animation test, because this director specialized in it (he did a segment of The Animatrix) and I can't help but wish that they'd gone that direction instead, but for whatever reason, 3D it was. The animation is just a little stiff, and there were probably budget limitations. The story is also a little underdeveloped. I found the story of the mom more interesting than much of the high school drama. See what you think.
Movie LinksThe Full Movie (Download Me!)Short 2D Animation TestIf you can't play the file because you don't have the codec install this:
K-Lite Codec Packor get VLC Media Player, and it will play it:
VLC Media Player