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 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:46 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Y'know, I read this post again, laughed at the prize (yeah, a picture of Blue looking down at one pixel), then thought of what Blue actually drew, and what would most certainly set him apart from sooooo many other comments the likes of me hears allll the time.

"EeeeeehhhhHHHHHhhhhh! Slippers? BUT I DON'T WEAR SHOES!"

I'm just saying. Think about it.

:slipper: :slipper:

See? Made you think about it. Now, it doesn't have to be slippers. No, that would make me happy. But if I had a nickel for every time I tried to RP with someone and I heard the broken record, "Oh, I don't wear shoes," well...if you were a dinosaur that wore shoes, you certainly would stand out from 99.9% of all the other dinos of EVERY other species and from 99.9% of furrydom, too. It'd be you and Yoshi, d00d. That's it. And I think people can tell you're not Yoshi.

Oh, and here's the best bit. It's got the whole schadenfreude Raptorlandian angle, too...because I'd never see the inside of those shoes, no matter how much I begged. :)

Just saying.

:slipper: :slipper:

Think about it.

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:50 am 
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Movie Monster
Posts: 343
Species: Anthro Dragon
Location: Minnesota
Yakitate wrote:
Since we're going with the cold theme, I say a scarf.


You can be stylish and someone can have something to drag you along to bed with. It's like a more humane collar. ;)

I'll collar you.

January 4th, 2010 (Faibanx MUCK):
Blue says, "I dont complain."

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:03 am 
Site Admin
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Dinosorceror: *posts to your don't exist post*
Blue: *looks for insult and injury?*
Blue: *thinks about it*
Blue: OK, done.
Dinosorceror: Ah, well.
Dinosorceror: Wearing shoes really would set you apart from everyone else, and you know it.
Dinosorceror: In fact, I dare you to come up with something more universally hated in the fandom then a dinosaur wearing shoes.
Dinosorceror: Well, that's...actually a piece of adornment.
Blue: Wearing shoes is really beside the point.
Dinosorceror: It's not.
Blue: I don't mind wearing sexy black army leather boots even on Blue.
Dinosorceror: Then why not have that be it, dummy? Did you even hear what I said? :)
Blue: But, hello, what part of "A feature is uselss if noone sees it" did yoz not understand?
Blue: Not even YOU have your feet on your forum avatar.
Dinosorceror: Oh. Well, fuck, dude. :)
Dinosorceror: Now it's gotta be head visible?
Blue: Besides, my feet ARE already unique.
Dinosorceror: No they're not.
Blue: And noone, not even you, cares.
Dinosorceror: You may think you've defined them to be special somehow, but when people hear "raptor feet" they already have THEIR version in their head. You can't do a damned thing about that.
Dinosorceror: That's what I'm saying.
Blue: *quotes* -visible if only head, neck and maybe shoulders are shown
Blue: What good is a feature that noone sees=
Dinosorceror: I can think of plenty of forum icons that show off head and boots.
Dinosorceror: Oh, wait. Here's the flaw, though.
Dinosorceror: You don't care about feet.
Dinosorceror: You'd be shouting, 'Look at my booted feet!' but it's not something you care about.
Dinosorceror: You care about poo.
Dinosorceror: Like strapping a plunger on your back.
Blue: Forum avatars and normal badges are head and shouders 99% of the time.
Dinosorceror: Oh, I'd put your boot soles up to the screen with your head between them if you had boots.
Blue: So that people can recognize something.
Dinosorceror: But nevermind, I've already shot my idea down.
Dinosorceror: I guess you'll stay doomed forever, 'cause there's nothing that says, "I love to be lost in seas of megadino runoff" that can be epitomized by a necklace or earring, so...just give up already.
Blue: I shall reply to it though and appriceate your caring.
Dinosorceror: No, just post this chat log here. :)
Dinosorceror: Nevermind, I will. :)

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:59 pm 
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Posts: 156
Species: giant wolf
:lol: I loled.
Every foot is a potential weapon.

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:26 pm 
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Blubber Dragon
Posts: 552
Species: Blubber Dragon
Location: Canada
Well that was certainly worth a laugh, Dino. ^..^
Silence is Golden. Duct Tape is Silver.

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:48 am 
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Magnificent Bastard
Posts: 544
Location: Wherever there be feetzorz
Wow, that is some champion and snarkin' and nit-pickin' right there. And hey! I have feet on my forum avatar! Enough for everybody, in fact!
“Frankly, I’ve never thought of folks like you in terms of your species. I see you as part of a larger community.
The community of things that go ‘SQEAK’ when I step on them.” –Bob the Dinosaur
“A Sprotchymon's musings always take a lot of processor power, but are just as always worth it.” -Blue

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:26 am 
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Self-made mule
Posts: 261
Species: hinny
Location: Speed City, IN
Blue wrote:
bonus points:
-not putting the character into a narrow timeline / universe
-Blue themed
-raptor/dinosaur themed

So. Ideas?

And no, just "A hat." will not do as an answer I'm afraid. ('sides, how would it hold on that head?)

It's about time you did some self-focused whining Blue. After all the (at times definitely effective, to your credit, as mine seems to get me nowhere) whining you've done on behalf of others and the Dome in general, it's well-deserved.

Too easy:

Change your eye-color. Maybe or maybe not heterochromatic. One yellow one red would suit you perfectly. Get some more interesting eyes for yourself. Since no one knows what raptor eyes were like really you're pretty free here to do something unique. Shop around. Maybe get some slotted goat-like eyes or something.
Or get more than two eyes. Odd numbers like 3 are good. You'll be the better and will be stompin' Ahastar before you know it.

Finally do like me and wear a bridle or halter. Or get some Xerxes-type jewelry.

tl;dr + bright ideas

Honestly I'm thinking burlap or staw-ish cloth or something. Darkish Earthy-colored something to complement your normal color. Natural fibers. Braided hemp, maybe. A shawl maybe.

Think partial-clothes to avoid being weighed down I guess while swimming etc. Anything that will stay on but not really be a garment you'll be forced to wear. Floating sleeves or armbands, neck-clothing, headbands, hoods (think Ocheeva from O:ES), shark-suits (a likable, pretty Michael Phelps?), long underwear, hoodies! You *never* see raptors wearing hoodies. These can also be tight-enough to not be obtrusive.

There are a million things you can do with a face. Look at your own (player) face or some face you'd wish to adapt to your own char, raptor or non. What's unique? What do you wish was different or more unique? Put in both/eitheror, and see end of bio-ey.


  • Makeup. You'll be sayin' "Y SO SRS" sooner than you know.
  • Soap on a rope. (Unique. Cool. Useful. Hints at hilarity and a contrast of neatness and, well, messyness. Very you.)
  • A rubber drain-stopper necklace. (Bathroom themed, but not overdone? Good convo-starter?)
  • A urinal-mint necklace. (PG-13, at least?)

more bio-ey:

Go sci-fi. Research how critters differ. Research how scales form and grow, how eyes work, parastalsis, etc. You'll swiftly come up with cool ways for your char to do bio-stuff in a different way, and consider how this would impact appearance in a subtle or striking way.
  • Get some unique nostrils. Again shop around and decide whether Blue is desert-fairing or needs some cool adaptation/evolution somehow.
  • Teeth. Get some or all non-raptor teeth and you'll be super in-the-clear. Like get a second row like a shark, or get sweet venom or vampire fangs. Also see easy.
  • Tongue. Tongue/internal tissue color (see easy) again. Get a unique tongue-color or proboscis. Or serrated grapefruit-spoon or forked tongue. Get a telescoping tongue, or something that you can use to tonguevore people.
  • Snout and face. Just get a few unique nose-crinkels like Lela Dax (Deep Space Nine), or do forehead crinkels like Audrid Dax.

Simple, unobtrusive, and potentially dinosaurian/explicable via natural variation without much suspension of disbelief is cake here.


Go sci-fi or research unconventional medical procedures and have Blue have one of those for whatever reason you decide.
  • A shunt. Maybe Blue has one of those brain-things that doesn't drain right so he's got a shunt that has a tube showing somewhere externally. That would be cool, but might push your timeperiod more towards modern or atleast steampunk.
  • Be a cyborg already.
  • finally LD5 + tailvore = <3.


So... the easy things would be jewelry (80s?) like a necklace. To avoid being overly generic, do not assign it to have special powers or character-history signifigance as with most almost-always-worn necklaces. Just find something Blue likes and thinks complements his (amazing) raptorish physique. I'm thinking almost like a less-elaborate silvery Legolas' brooch. Just decorative, and cool.
  • Trinkets: If you have any jewelry or shit that you (the player) like to wear consider or even would like to wear adapting it or just using it for Blue the raptor. That's essentially what I've done for Patch with mane/bangs in eyes. This is easy and natural for an equine. Try to think of an analog for a raptor.
    Do a nosering. Small or one of those big ones like you'd expect Oda to have.
    Collars or chokers also count and can be made out of *not*-modern materials. Consider even one of those ammo-belts, (yours would be tighter-fitting) but it doesn't need bullets, it could have little cologne bottles, or even just be empty. It would be visible partly from neck-up.
    With neck stuff, maybe just consider a turtleneck (the kind that is just the neck, not a full sweater, although that would also be adorable) or a looser-fitting neckwarmer or something. Think like Raziel's from Soul Reaver only warm.
    Also there's headbands, bandanas (which could have their own unqiue patterns and be self-recognizable and by-themselves Trademark©).
  • Teeth: If you're allowed to smile in portraits you could do like a different tooth or teeth (say, a few made from blue porcelein/china), or you could have your regular teeth be offcolor somehow. Also since we don't know that historical raptors had a specific oral-tissue color (like the oft-assumed pink) you could go with a different color of gums/inner mouth/tongue for some contrast. Maybe a random wedding-band or The One Ring on a frontal incisor or something.
  • Tats: Tattoos may disagree with your body-image rules, but are a pretty common (and simple) solution amongst furries, and can be unobtrusive and look like whatever. I think a (flaming) heart-and-banner that reads 'mom' on your upper arm or chest would be precious. It could be smallish, or in German ('Mutti'). (Because of all of us, you seem likely to have actually been well-raised.)

Throwaway and probably ruled out:
  • A set of Groucho-Marks glasses (with nose and 'stache too, ofcourse) would be good.
  • Since you feel like people can make you look like anything, maybe a Mattel™ logo somewhere to place you in Mr. Potatohead's family. Maybe that trap-door in back that opens and has swappable features (like your angry eyes) and such.
  • I mentioned strappy-stuff, maybe consider Thai's goggles (okay, late 90s) for your forehead or to go around your neck.
  • An earhole-ring or stud somewhere (or 'industrial') somewhere would also work, but again I think you're against piercings etc.
  • If you want to be hXc, you could do a Guts (from Bezerk... again 80s) impression and have a mad-sweet scar somewheres. It doesn't have to disrupt your scales, you can have them grown-back-again with a different color or shade.
  • Offcolored scale-patterns (darker blue?) maybe just an interesting muzzle-blaze or what's called a 'star' on equimorphs and felines (either on your head or snout, or neck or chest).
  • A gimp-mask, like we saw Zed wear that once. You'd be more scary than a regular raptor. It would hide your indistinct features from the world, while making you distinct. You'd give XKCD *SUPER*-nightmares.
  • While we're being ashamed of ourselves, consider a paper-bag or one made of sackcloth to just wear over your head. You could also carry a chainsaw and do an RE5 impression.
  • On swimming -- get a crest like Dino so you can snorkel au naturale.

If all else fails:

Go to a character editor somewhere either in CoX or Soul Caliber or other.

Go through *all* the changes to face/costume/colors/patterns/decorations. What do you like? What do you hate that you can do the opposite of in a unique way?

Finally see CYD's "How to Be A Furry."
Write your next story in 2nd-person.

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:31 am 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
Ooh, this looks good. Now lemme see.
*talking with Patch on the MUCK, thus rushing this*

Change your eye-color. Maybe or maybe not heterochromatic. - Not visible in pencil, and most of all cheesy.
Get some more interesting eyes for yourself. - Possible. But I rather like my reppy rappy eyes...
Or get more than two eyes. Odd numbers like 3 are good. - Ew.

Finally do like me and wear a bridle or halter. - *neigh* Possible. Though I am not the kind of dom-me-like-a-farm-animal.
Or get some Xerxes-type jewelry. - Hm, that has some neat potential. Though he looks like he fell head-first into a treasure chest. (Which amusingly is pretty much what it also says on the raptorlandish site that had the first picture I clicked)

hoodies! You *never* see raptors wearing hoodies. These can also be tight-enough to not be obtrusive. - Except for all the fantasy medieval style ones. But hoodie is being pondered.

  • Makeup. You'll be sayin' "Y SO SRS" sooner than you know.
  • Soap on a rope. (Unique. Cool. Useful. Hints at hilarity and a contrast of neatness and, well, messyness. Very you.)
  • A rubber drain-stopper necklace. (Bathroom themed, but not overdone? Good convo-starter?)
  • A urinal-mint necklace. (PG-13, at least?)

- Good thinkings there. No cigar, but good thinkings.

more bio-ey:

Go sci-fi. Research how critters differ. Research how scales form and grow, how eyes work, parastalsis, etc. You'll swiftly come up with cool ways for your char to do bio-stuff in a different way, and consider how this would impact appearance in a subtle or striking way.
  • Get some unique nostrils. Again shop around and decide whether Blue is desert-fairing or needs some cool adaptation/evolution somehow.
  • Teeth. Get some or all non-raptor teeth and you'll be super in-the-clear. Like get a second row like a shark, or get sweet venom or vampire fangs. Also see easy.
  • Tongue. Tongue/internal tissue color (see easy) again. Get a unique tongue-color or proboscis. Or serrated grapefruit-spoon or forked tongue. Get a telescoping tongue, or something that you can use to tonguevore people.
  • Snout and face. Just get a few unique nose-crinkels like Lela Dax (Deep Space Nine), or do forehead crinkels like Audrid Dax.

- problem here is, color not being viable again, that I like how all that is now.


Go sci-fi or research unconventional medical procedures and have Blue have one of those for whatever reason you decide.
  • A shunt. Maybe Blue has one of those brain-things that doesn't drain right so he's got a shunt that has a tube showing somewhere externally. That would be cool, but might push your timeperiod more towards modern or atleast steampunk. - Ew.
  • Be a cyborg already. - Nah...


So... the easy things would be jewelry (80s?) like a necklace. - very valid and in the pondering.
[*]Trinkets: If you have any jewelry or shit that you (the player) like to wear consider or even would like to wear adapting it or just using it for Blue the raptor. That's essentially what I've done for Patch with mane/bangs in eyes. This is easy and natural for an equine. Try to think of an analog for a raptor.
Do a nosering. Small or one of those big ones like you'd expect Oda to have.
Collars or chokers also count and can be made out of *not*-modern materials. Consider even one of those ammo-belts, (yours would be tighter-fitting) but it doesn't need bullets, it could have little cologne bottles, or even just be empty. It would be visible partly from neck-up.
With neck stuff, maybe just consider a turtleneck (the kind that is just the neck, not a full sweater, although that would also be adorable) or a looser-fitting neckwarmer or something. Think like Raziel's from Soul Reaver only warm. - I like that and pondered something like that myself. It has good chances to make it, as a lot of Blue needs to fit into a medieval setting recently.

Also there's headbands, bandanas (which could have their own unqiue patterns and be self-recognizable and by-themselves Trademark©). - A bandana was one of my favourite ideas, but, alas, there is no way it will hold on that skull.

[*]Teeth: If you're allowed to smile in portraits you could do like a different tooth or teeth (say, a few made from blue porcelein/china), or you could have your regular teeth be offcolor somehow. Also since we don't know that historical raptors had a specific oral-tissue color (like the oft-assumed pink) you could go with a different color of gums/inner mouth/tongue for some contrast. Maybe a random wedding-band or The One Ring on a frontal incisor or something.

[*]I mentioned strappy-stuff, maybe consider Thai's goggles (okay, late 90s) for your forehead or to go around your neck. - sadly about as overdone now as Anubis was in furry some decade ago.

[*]An earhole-ring or stud somewhere (or 'industrial') somewhere would also work, but again I think you're against piercings etc. - *nods* unspoiled, perfection and that

[*]Offcolored scale-patterns (darker blue?) maybe just an interesting muzzle-blaze or what's called a 'star' on equimorphs and felines (either on your head or snout, or neck or chest). - Pondering.

[*]A gimp-mask, like we saw Zed wear that once. - Ew.

[*]While we're being ashamed of ourselves, consider a paper-bag or one made of sackcloth to just wear over your head. You could also carry a chainsaw and do an RE5 impression. - ...

[*]On swimming -- get a crest like Dino so you can snorkel au naturale.[/list] - bah. RAPTOR!!!

If all else fails:

Go to a character editor somewhere either in CoX or Soul Caliber or other. - Been there. Done that. But good thinking.
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Help! I don't exist!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:54 am 
Site Admin
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Oh, lemme tell you what Jenn, the queen of raptors said:

"Blue's looking to find something to stand out? He's a RAPTOR. He's supposed to be stealthy! Let 'em put crap on, he'll die first."


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